"So carry me from these walls .. brother of mine
Show me the world outside "

---- ---- ---- ---- KAE Emi . . . PC2mirror / prns ⸝⸝˚₊・Asian ..Hmong nb omni lithro poly intlovemail

ookay lets get started,,

BYI - im a really upbeat person but theres only so much i can do before becoming extremely drained and ending up in shutdowns where i can get aggresive, nonverbal or even just leaving. this doesnt happen too often mainly when im overwelmed with multiple things all at once. majority of the time my opinion will always be neutral mainly because i actually dont care and whatever happens isnt my problem.. i can be jokingly aggressive from time to time but thats a rare occasion. oh yea btw i go by both kae and emily so if you see people calling me two different things dwabtit. I also make KYS/KMS jokes and say slurs I CAN RECLAIM. but i dont do these often unless were close close

NOTE!!! - irl i am a pretty extroverted person so im normally really busy, some days are worse than others but im in sports, clubs and i have a lot of friendgroups. so i wont ALWAYS have the time to get on and talk to people because im either out doing something or just relaxing.

DNI - basic dni criteria // more indepth page

Pub: 14 Oct 2023 01:49 UTC
Edit: 25 Mar 2024 18:03 UTC
Views: 385