art credits !!! pankiepoo on tumblr and twitter



★ i retweet heavily

★ i make die kys kms jokes to close friends only, let me know if you are uncomfortable with these kinds of jokes

★ i usually dont tag what i retweet, mainly because i forget to tag a lot of the time. if you need something tagged, feel free to dm me

★ i block very freely and i will not hesitate to block you if i feel the need to

★ im not in any subtwt nor do i want to be in one, i mainly post about object shows but i will post about anything i want

★ i headcanon all of my favs as trans lesbians + a multitude of other things and use she/her on a lot of them, namely bryce and tsukasa

★ i forget to use tone tags sometimes, please remind me to use them if you need them

★ i may need tone tags sometimes

★ if i have done something wrong, please dm me about it

★ i use periods and exclamation marks excessively, i refer to random things (not actual people) with she/her pronouns like a country guy talking about his truck, and i capitalize random words in sentences; all for no reason

★ im constantly adding and changing things in my rentry (mostly adding)

★ my favs for bfb change a lot so my favs that ive listed may not be entirely accurate

★ self-diagnosed autism and adhd

★ please don't use my real name in conversation, especially if you don't know me. please use 'ralli'.

abt ⋆ byf ⋆ dniint

Pub: 22 Apr 2023 19:34 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2024 01:59 UTC
Views: 329