★ you fit the basic dni criteria
★ -15 21+ (unless i follow first, current moots are ok)
★ you are a mspec lesbian/gay or you support them
★ you say slurs excessively, especially ones you cant reclaim. if you can reclaim them and you say them once or twice then im not gonna care, but if you say them a lot then please dont interact
★ you think that the r-slur is reclaimable/defend the r-slur
★ you have a slur in your @
★ you are anti self-diagnosis
★ you are a proship/comship/nsfw/gore/sh/ed account
★ you are an endogenic system or you support them
★ you are anti-xenogender
★ you are anti-neopronouns
★ you are in dsmptwt and any of its subtwts
★ you openly hate polysho
★ you openly hate any of my favs or interests. critique is okay, just not blatant hate
★ you ship either of the tenmas with toya
★ you ship ANY of the project sekai siblings with eachother
★ you ship airy x contestants (airy x any NON-hfjone character is okay ; ex. airy x expunged , airy x host circle)
★ you ship mic x knife
★ you ship steve cobs with any ii(i) character
★ you ship real people (even if theyre okay with it! go away!)