⊱ wanna hear some
dinosaur facts? ⊰
⧉ galaxia
he it ⁺ ☆ istp ♡⁺
nbpd sys ⭔
✰〞 minor ⪦
⪧ bosnian ⪩⪨
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⏔⏔ friends!!! (ᴗ ᴗ ★
mikey ⯎ miles ⯎ aleks ⯎ tsuki ⯎ sharktha ⯎ owen ⯎ blue
⏔⏔ for mikey :3 (ᴗ ᴗ ★
literally the bestest bestfriend EVER!!! i lauvvv talking to u literally everyday and everynight (we r on that grind) and w/o u I DONT THINK ID BE GIGGLING THIS MUCH EVERYDAY... ⯎ if u didnt randomly come up to me that day WHO WLD I BE TALKING TO 24/7.. ur reallay funny but idk how ur misspells get THIS bad BCUZ WHAT IS LMFsohio ⯎ u r literally so cool and ur promotion to kitten #1 was for the BUTTER!! i cant name 1 time i havent giggled while talking to u UR LITEREALLY THE FUNNEST AND SILLIEST PERSON IVE MET tldr u are cool and awesome! dont let the ebay die.