⊱ wanna hear some dinosaur facts? ⊰ shelly gfx by ME!   galaxia   he she⁺ ☆istp ♡⁺ nbpd systrans bisexual ✰〞 minor bosnian ⪩⪨ ︿ home likes friends 🜲

⏔⏔byf (ᴗ ᴗ ★ english isnt my first language except me to not be very grammarful sometimes im not ok w flirting at all heh my memory is RLLY RLLY bad.. i can be mean and blunt sometimes i prefer being alone cuz im awkward around strangers but idm being approached :3 i make kys/kms jokes occasionally i say slurs i can reclaim i dont need or use tonetags so dont use them when talking to me Tyyyy ⏔⏔dni (ᴗ ᴗ ★ i dont rlly have a dni but if i think ur a LOOOOSER ill prolly just not int with u liek... ever dni if ur always dry tho

Pub: 24 Oct 2021 22:14 UTC
Edit: 24 Aug 2024 21:12 UTC
Views: 410