β™ͺ Obelisk's identity collection β™ͺ πŸ‘οΈ(it/dead/x/void/he)πŸ‘οΈ

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β™ͺ Kin β™ͺ

β˜† Bitte Schlag Mich (Ost+Front song)
β˜† borzois
β˜† corpses (formerly kin)
β˜† eldritch (formerly kin)
β˜† demons
β˜† incubi
β˜† Mein Teil (Rammstein song)
β˜† Nameless Ghouls (Ghost)
β˜† Obelisk/Beyond The Gates of Xouztoth (Give My Remains to Broadway song/EP, not kin)
β˜† rats
β˜† vampires
β˜† void (formerly kin)
β˜† Vyvian Withnail (Withnail and I)

β™ͺ Names β™ͺ β˜† Meredith
β˜† Meri
β˜† Obelisk
β˜† Victor

β™ͺ Queer β™ͺ

Extended version here.

β˜† Agender: without gender
β˜† Aromantic: a romantic orientation defined by a lack of romantic attraction
β˜† Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
β˜† Deadthing: A gender for when you’re dead, but living. A Thing walking among everyone else.
β˜† Gay: attraction to people of the same [or similar] gender.
β˜† Genderbodiless: a gender that relates to the fact that its user is bodiless, views themself as bodiless, and/or identifies with the concept of not having a body. this may be due to alterhumanity, systemhood, neurodivergence, or any reason. this gender may be agender-in-nature (where not having a body corresponds to not having a gender) but does not have to be.
β˜† Gendervoid: a gender identity in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
β˜† Gothgender: your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
β˜† Greysexual: an asexual identity characterized as being "in between" asexual and allosexual
β˜† Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
β˜† Itboyfriendic: a gender that can adequately be described by the mixing of it/its pronouns with the term boyfriend, such as in the phrase "it’s my boyfriend".
β˜† Kenochoric: a gender identity that's centered around, among other things, the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things.
β˜† Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink -feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink -feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits).
β˜† Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
β˜† Neagender: A gender that feels like the void, but has some form of gendered component(s) inherently tied into it. It is not usually aligned with any gender, instead being inherently mixed or vaguely connected, to where they cannot be separated.
β˜† Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
β˜† Writerspir(itine): a spiritine writergender - that is, a spiritine gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is spiritine, it may involve, feel like, or relate to: -writing about spiritual or religious topics -religious texts -writing divine knowledge or revelations -channeling spiritual beings through writing -writing works that express your spiritual beliefs

β™ͺ Roleics β™ͺ

β˜† Addictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction in some way.
β˜† Addikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction and kink in some way.
β˜† Agenderroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being agender in some way.
β˜† Alcoholroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves alcohol in some way.
β˜† Anxietyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves anxiety in some way.
β˜† Deathroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves death in some way.
β˜† Delphinianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being delphinian (agender-loving-agender) in some way.
β˜† Diffamiliroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves difficult feelings about or situations with the system's family in some way.
β˜† Dirtroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves dirt in some way.
β˜† Disabilityroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves disability in some way.
β˜† Eldritchroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers the eldritch to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
β˜† Freakroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a freak in some way.
β˜† Gothroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves goth in some way.
β˜† Grossroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves grossness or being gross in some way.
β˜† Horrorroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the horror genre in some way.
β˜† Kenoroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kenosity or kenochoric themes - e.g. vastness, the unknown, liminality, etc. - in some way.
β˜† Kinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink in some way.
β˜† Maniaroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers mania to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
β˜† Sexroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves sex in some way.
β˜† Spiriroleic/religiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves spirituality in some way.
β˜† Symptokinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and being a symptom holder in some way.
β˜† Timeroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves time in some way.
β˜† Writingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves writing in some way.
β˜† Voidikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and the void in some way.
β˜† Voidroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the void in some way.

β™ͺ System β™ͺ

β˜† Brainsourced: A brainsourced system member is a system member who feels that they are simultaneously sourced and brainmade (i.e. not an introject). This could be due to: -being an introject but being so source-divergent that you identify with being brainmade -being an extranth of a fictional species -having a timeline and memories associated with a fictional universe without being a specific character depicted in that media -being sourced from something that doesn’t have a personality per se (e.g. a song or an aesthetic) and thus the personality of the introject is unsourced
β˜† Cotard's holder
β˜† Gothorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by goth - music, aesthetics, culture, etc. this could involve a system member who originated through: -listening to goth music (potentially being a musicative) -participating in goth culture, possibly with a persona that became a headmate -trauma or stress that the system used goth to cope with
β˜† Maniaorma: a system member who formed, in whole or in part, because of mania. this could include a headmate forming: -during a manic episode -as something the system was fixated on during a manic episode -to be a mania symptom holder -during a split that was sped up or brought on by mania
β˜† Musiorma: a term for a sysmate who originated from listening to songs, albums, bands, and music in general. They do not necessarily need to be, or identify as, an introject of/from any music media.
β˜† Prophet alter
β˜† Symptom enjoyer
β˜† Void alter
β˜† Voidorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by the void. β€œvoid”, for the purposes of this term, can encompass anything that the system associates with that phrase and the way in which it is meant may be metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, gendered, related to non-humanity, or anything else. this also includes the void as it is depicted in specific fictional media. depending on how the system relates to or views the concept of void, this could relate to spirituality and/or be a spiritual origin, but it doesn’t have to be. for example, it can include headmates who originated through the natural process of splitting but who view that split to have been orchestrated by the void.

β™ͺ Vesility β™ͺ

β˜† Deadvesil: A term under the vesility umbrella in which many or all parts of one's identity are affected by the dead, being dead, or becoming dead. The individual may also have Cotards but it is not a requirement.
β˜† Filthvesil: A vesility term for when the concept of filth affects many or all aspects of one's identity. This can include the Filth/the Corruption from The Magnus Archives, but doesn't have to.
β˜† Freakvesil: A vesility term for when being a freak affects many or all aspects of one's identity. The word "freak" is being used in a reclaimed way, does not have to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to, and is inclusive of anything that the user sees as part of being a freak.
β˜† Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 15:04 UTC
Edit: 01 Oct 2024 21:31 UTC
Views: 206