♪ Obelisk's extended identity collection ♪

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Full list of queer labels Obelisk identifies with.

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Agender: without gender
Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
Deadthing: A gender for when you’re dead, but living. A Thing walking among everyone else.
Demonhaunted: A gender that is related to demons & hauntings ( ie . a demon who haunts , a demon that is haunted , the demon of haunting or those who are haunted , etc )
Discomfic: a gender associated with, related to, or represented by discomfort. having this gender is not necessarily a negative experience, as it may relate to trying to become more comfortable with discomfort (since such is a part of life). it may also be related to things that others find discomforting but that the user relates to and/or enjoys.
Dreameldric: a soporine and kenic gender related to being an eldritch dream entity. "dream entity" could mean anything including an entity that: -is made of dreams -lives in a dream world -appears in dreams -consumes or affects dreams. it may feel vast, frightening, cosmic, or monstrous, as well as sleepy, dark, vivid, or surreal. it may also be connected to having non-human body parts (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.)
Dominagender: a gender related to being dominant, dominant things, and dominance-related roles (ex: master)
Egospiritine: a spiritine egogender related to the fact that one has a unique and deeply personal spiritual practice that one feels is an extension of oneself, and therefore a part of one’s identity/self manifesting as gender. “unique and deeply personal spiritual practice” could mean many different things, including: -a system of spiritual beliefs that one created for oneself -worshipping a pantheon/deity of one’s own creation and/or in a way completely different to how others worship them -practicing an established religion/spirituality but with enough additional personal spiritual beliefs that your way of practicing the religion looks very different than how most people practice it. it is important to the definition of this gender that, not only does it relate to having a unique set of spiritual beliefs, that set of spiritual beliefs feels like an extension of oneself, or is otherwise difficult/impossible to separate from one’s identity, therefore meaning that to say “my gender is my spiritual beliefs” is to say to some extent “my gender is me”.
Eldrichoric: A Kenochoric gender related to being an eldritch abomination.
Floastgender: A gender identity delineated by a profound feeling of detachment from the material plane / the physical world.
Gay: attraction to people of the same [or similar] gender.
Genderbodiless: a gender that relates to the fact that its user is bodiless, views themself as bodiless, and/or identifies with the concept of not having a body. this may be due to alterhumanity, systemhood, neurodivergence, or any reason. this gender may be agender-in-nature (where not having a body corresponds to not having a gender) but does not have to be.
Gendernull: The absence of gender…It is a term for those to give a “tangibility” to the intangible thing that is their gender.
Gendervoid: a gender identity in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
Ghostagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way ghosts do.
Ghostwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “ghost wizard”/“wizard ghost”! The connection to ghost wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being ghostkin while being someone who performs magic).
Goatwizardic: a xenogender related to goats, wizards, and goat wizards! it may feel loud, rebellious, magical, whimsical, or any words with which one may associate goats and wizards.
Gothgender: your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
Gothwizardic: a gender relating to goth, wizards, and the juxtaposition of the two (e.g. goth wizards, goth wizard aesthetics, etc.) the connection to goth can be through music, aesthetic, literature, architecture, fashion, or anything that is associated with the term “goth(ic)”, and what kind of goth it refers to is up to the user. the connection to wizards may be aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who practices magic and calls themself a wizard for it).
Hellgoatgender: A gender mainly connected with goats with an ominous or evil feeling.
Highliminalic: a gender that can best be described as liminal or in-between in the same way that being slightly high feels like being in-between sober and fully high. while this gender expresses itself in relation to drugs, the gender(s) or the experience thereof does not have to be connected to substances. due to its in-between nature, it can be considered demigender or ambiguine. depending on the user's association with liminality, it may be kenochoric.
Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
Horrorkinkic: A gender connected to the Horror Kink
Itboyfriendic: a gender that can adequately be described by the mixing of it/its pronouns with the term boyfriend, such as in the phrase "it’s my boyfriend".
Kenochoric: a gender identity that's centered around, among other things, the unknown, eerieness, the uncanny valley, obscurity, nostalgia, emptiness or vastness, liminal spaces, nonhumanity, and things that can evoke any or all of those things.
Kenoloveic: a kenic lovegender in which love and kenosity/kenochoric-ness are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love that one views as kenous -expressing traits associated with one’s kenic gender as part of expressing love -feeling like one experiences love in a kenous way -feeling like one experiences kenosity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this may also involve love that: -feels vast, deep, liminal, unknowable, etc. -is for, associated, or from entities associated with the eldritch, the void, outer space, etc.-is felt or juxtaposed with dark and ominous imagery/situations. this can refer to love of any kind.
Kenovoid: A kenochoric person with a gender that is absent, empty, or simply not there.
Kenoweirdcoric: a gender that is related to weirdcore but specifically in a kenous/kenochoric way. it may be liminal, frightening, nostalgic, eerie, empty, or any other kenochoric themes that apply to weirdcore.
Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink -feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink -feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits).
Kinklustgoric: a gender related to blood on one's body, lustfulness, dark kinks, and gore
Lostdreamic: an obscurian and soporine gender related to/represented by dreams that one has trouble remembering immediately upon waking up and only has more trouble remembering afterwards. it may feel hazy, distant, fragmented, abstract, unknown, or any words one may associate with this experience. its obscurian nature emphasizes the part of the experience that involves the inability to know what one dreamt.
Maniaorma: a system member who formed, in whole or in part, because of mania. this could include a headmate forming: -during a manic episode -as something the system was fixated on during a manic episode -to be a mania symptom holder -during a split that was sped up or brought on by mania
Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
Neagender: A gender that feels like the void, but has some form of gendered component(s) inherently tied into it. It is not usually aligned with any gender, instead being inherently mixed or vaguely connected, to where they cannot be separated.
Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
Nihilique: A gender related to, connected to or affected by non-existence. may be related to one’s own non-existence, or simply the concept of it.
Nullchoric: A combination of gendernull and kenochoric. A gender that is related to kenopsia and also undefinable/unable to be labeled as a certain gender, empty, or inexplicable.
Nyxloveic: a nyxivull (and kenic) lovegender - that is, a gender that has to do with love as well as emptiness/vastness/nothingness/other nyxivull themes. this may involve: -love for black holes, the void, and other nyxivull themes -love that feels empty, voidlike, or vast -love that feels unemotional -love that feels not like human love but rather love from a black hole, void entity, etc. -love that feels heavy and crushing like a black hole
Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
Queerplatonic: [a relationship that] may involve a greater degree of intimacy or commitment than a platonic friendship, but does not always include sexual or romantic elements
Sadokinkic: a kinkic gender related to sadism kink
Sepulchralgender: a gender defined by a connection to graves, graveyards, and the idea of being partially dead or dying. It may also be connected to the feeling of being one foot in the grave, whether that be physically or metaphorically.
Spaceagendervoid: an agender-in-nature spacegender in which genderlessness is experienced as a void, specifically the void of space. this could be considered a more specific form of gendervoid.
Spectregoatic: a xenogender gender related to/represented by ghosts, goats, and ghost goats. it may feel hazy, empty, haunted, rebellious, adventurous, loud, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or goats.
Unghoric: A gender and flag related to ghosts, the void, static and feeling like one doesn't belong anywhere/is adrift.
Voidchoric: A combination of gendervoid and kenochoric. A gender that is related to kenopsia and also feels empty, void-like, or like a dark abyss. It feels like there is a void where your kenochoric gender "should" be.
Voidghostic: a kenochoric gender relating to ghosts and the void. it may involve or be represented by emptiness, liminality, and simultaneous nothingness-and-everythingness. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts do not have a gender.
Voidthingvull: a nyxivull (and kenic) gender related to being a voidthing - a thing connected to or made of the void, having an affinity for the void while being a thing, feeling like a thing due to emptiness associated with the void, or any possible combination of these things. due to being nyxivull, it is accompanied by feelings of emptiness, nothingness, finality, and/or nonexistence.
Voidwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “void wizard”! The connection to void wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who incorporates the void into magic).
Wizardic: a gender related to wizards and/or wizard-related aesthetics
Writerkenic/writerkenochoric: a kenic writergender - that is, a kenic gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is kenic, it may involve, feel like, or relate to: -horror, especially cosmic horror -writing about space and the ocean -writing pieces with unsettling/uncanny/liminal atmospheres -surreal writing styles -the feeling of trying to write about something unknowable or indescribable
Writerkenolux(ine): a kenolux writergender - that is, a gender that both kenic and luxine and is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. the kenosity and luxinity of this gender may be separate, but if they are combined, they may include the following in this gender: -writing that can be described as vast (a kenic and luxine trait) -writing by someone who views kenochoric themes (e.g. emptiness, liminality, the void, etc.) as holy or divine due to their specific spiritual beliefs -writing about luxine emotions (e.g. awe, wonder, joy, etc.) evoked by kenochoric themes
Writerspir(itine): a spiritine writergender - that is, a spiritine gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is spiritine, it may involve, feel like, or relate to: -writing about spiritual or religious topics -religious texts -writing divine knowledge or revelations -channeling spiritual beings through writing -writing works that express your spiritual beliefs

Pub: 29 Feb 2024 13:39 UTC
Edit: 20 Jun 2024 15:20 UTC
Views: 71