โ™ช Vyvian's identity collection โ™ช ๐Ÿ”ฎ(it/x/ey/(h)e/xe)๐Ÿ”ฎ

[ Directory ]

โ™ช Kin โ™ช

โ˜† aliens
โ˜† angels
โ˜† Arthur Dent (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
โ˜† Betelgeusians (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
โ˜† black holes
โ˜† Cenobites (Hellraiser)
โ˜† Disorder (Joy Division song)
โ˜† dogs
โ˜† Fenchurch (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
โ˜† Floyd "Pink" Pinkerton (Pink Floyd: The Wall; the depressed rock star character, not the dictator delusion)
โ˜† Ford Prefect (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
โ˜† ghosts
โ˜† goats
โ˜† hallucigenia
โ˜† The Hat Man
โ˜† Hooloovoos (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
โ˜† Incense for the Damned (Electric Wizard song)
โ˜† The Island of Living Puke (Zoogz Rift song)
โ˜† jellyfish
โ˜† Lifetime Achievement Award (Lemon Demon song/character)
โ˜† long term nuclear waste warnings
โ˜† manniquins
โ˜† Mettaton (Undertale)
โ˜† outer space
โ˜† She's Lost Control (Joy Division song)
โ˜† Still Ill (The Smiths song)
โ˜† thalassomedons
โ˜† Thomas Jerome Newton (The Man Who Fell to Earth)
โ˜† Time Lords (Doctor Who)
โ˜† void
โ˜† Vyvian Withnail (Withnail and I)
โ˜† weirdcore
โ˜† Ziggy Stardust (Bauhaus song)

โ™ช Names โ™ช

โ˜† Blixa
โ˜† Ian
โ˜† Pink
โ˜† Vyvian

โ™ช Queer โ™ช

[ Extended version here ]

โ˜† Agender: Genderless or lacking genderโ€ฆ.gender neutralโ€ฆidentifying more as a person than any gender at all.
โ˜† Aliengender: When one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign speciesโ€™ gender" sort of way.
โ˜† Aroace: a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec
โ˜† Auto-spec: people who elicit attraction from themselves, by themselves
โ˜† Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people. It is a NLN equivalent to lesbian and veldian
โ˜† Delphinian: an agender or genderless individual who is attracted to other agender or genderless individuals
โ˜† Demiboy: In which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s).
โ˜† Diamoric: attractions experienced by non-binary individuals that cannot be described as "same gender" or "other gender", "straight" or "gay".
โ˜† Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
โ˜† Epicene: A lack of gender distinctionโ€ฆthat which exhibits characteristics of both genders, yet is neither
โ˜† Gay: attraction to people of the same [or similar] gender.
โ˜† Genderfluid: A gender that varies, or changes over time.
โ˜† Gender neutral: A gender that is neutral [i.e. with regards to the gender binary]
โ˜† Genderqueer: A person whose gender identity cannot be categorized as solely male or female.
โ˜† Genderspace: An umbrella term for all genders influenced by, or related to, space/astronomy.
โ˜† Gendervoid: in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
โ˜† Gothgender: your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
โ˜† Kenochoric: An umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts.
โ˜† Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
โ˜† Lovegender: a xenogender relating to the idea of love, platonic and/or romantic relationships, crushes, and romantic/platonic feelings!! It can also be used as an aesthetigender relating to lovecore, cupidcore, or crushcore!!
โ˜† Man: a gender which is part of the Western gender binary. It is often associated with masculinity and a connection to boyhood or masculinity (as defined in one's society)
โ˜† Masculine: [traits associated with men/maleness]
โ˜† Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
โ˜† Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
โ˜† Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null. It may also be associated with genderlessness.
โ˜† Nonaesthetic: a form of attraction where one does not feel aesthetic attraction. One can still be romantically or sexually attracted to someone (or even both), but their attraction does not revolve around one's appearance.
โ˜† Objectum: the attraction to inanimate objects
โ™ช โ™ช โ™ช In a platonic relationship with the star Betelgeuse.
โ˜† Obscurian: An umbrella term for genders that are unable to be named, quantified, understood, explained, and/or determined. It may also be used as a gender on its own. It is not the same as questioning one's gender identity.
โ˜† Plurautonic: attraction that between members of the same system that feels auto-spec as a result of them sharing the same body.
โ˜† Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesnโ€™t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
โ˜† Pupgender: umbrella term for all dog-associated genders
โ˜† Rosenion: a non-xenic neogender gender similar to love , red / pink / violet , and amatopunk aesthetics . it may feel bright , comforting , caring , safe , warm , loving , lovestruck , obsessive , or soft , but it doesn't have to be . it can describe your gender feeling comforting and caring , being described by love and stereotypical romantic / sexual / platonic / etc gestures , relating to one's amatopunk identity , a combination of those things , or something different .
โ˜† Spiritine: a gender quality (like masculine, feminine, xenine, etc) that describes an identity directly connected to/representing oneโ€™s spirituality or religious beliefs. this could have a few different meanings, including not being able to separate oneโ€™s spiritual and queer identity, feeling that oneโ€™s queer identity is spiritual, or being xenine + identifying with spirituality-themed xenic identities such as religiogenders.
โ˜† Stellian: anyone who is mspec gay
โ˜† Synthroin: An umbrella for terms connected to the retrowave, synthwave, darksynth and similar genres of music. It is not a xenogender, but a different alignment in itself, though they may overlap or be combined.
โ˜† Torenromantic: the exclusive attraction to men and non-binary individuals
โ˜† Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
โ˜† Veldian: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
โ™ช โ™ช โ™ช Preferred due to being a single word that isn't a person's name.
โ˜† Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.
โ˜† Xyric: a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals.

โ™ช Roleic โ™ช

โ˜† Autismroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves autism in some way.
โ˜† Coiningroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves coining - e.g. of mogai or system terms - in some way.
โ˜† Disabilityroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves disability in some way.
โ˜† Fictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves fiction in some way.
โ˜† Gayroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gayness/being gay/gay identity in some way.
โ˜† Gothroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves goth in some way.
โ˜† Internetroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the internet in some way.
โ˜† Intrusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves intrusive thoughts in some way.
โ˜† Spiriroleic/religiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves spirituality in some way.
โ˜† Traumaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma in some way.
โ˜† Writingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves writing in some way.
โ˜† Voidroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the void in some way.

โ™ช System โ™ช

โ˜† Core
โ˜† Host
โ˜† Prophet/spiritual alter
โ˜† Pluriship: a type of relationship that only system members can feel toward each other. ... being in a system together causes the relationship impossible to replicate outside of the system.
โ™ช โ™ช โ™ช One with Venn and one with Norman.
โ˜† Trauma holder
โ˜† Visamor: [a headmate where] a protective figure of some sort watches over [them] in some way to keep them safe...a visamor involves a sense of intimacy that...may be romantic, sexual, sensual, queerplatonic, or any other type of closeness.
โ™ช โ™ช โ™ช Norman's visamor

โ™ช Vesility โ™ช

โ˜† Acevesi/vesiace: a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being asexual/ace.
โ˜† Arospecvesi: a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being aro-spec.
โ˜† Autivesil: a vesility in which being autistic affects most or all of one's identity!
โ˜† Comfcharavesi: a vesil identity where one's comfort character(s) affect/s many or all aspects of their identity, such as gender, orientation, etc!
โ˜† Dogvesi: A term under the vesility umbrella in which many or all parts of one's identity are affected by dogs, being a dog / dog-like, having a connection to dog, being pupgender (etc.)
โ˜† Genderqueervesi: a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by (being) genderqueer.
โ˜† Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.
โ˜† Kenovesi: a label under the vesility umbrella where many or all aspects of your identity are influenced by being kenochoric and/or kenochoric concepts such as liminal spaces, loneliness/emptiness, nostalgia, the uncanny, distortion, obscurity, disconnect, nonhumanity, and many other related concepts.
โ˜† Kinkvesil: when kink may influence all or many aspects of oneโ€™s identity, it may define oneโ€™s identity, it may be oneโ€™s entire identity itself, alongside many other things. it may be literal, metaphorical, etc.
โ˜† Musivesil: A vesil identity where music affects many or all aspects of someone's identity, such as gender, orientation, aldernicity, alterhumanity, etc.
โ˜† Spacevesi: describing when many or all of your identity is influenced or defined by space!
โ˜† Veldianvesi: a term under the vesil umbrella, in which many or all parts of ones identity are affected/defined by being veldian
โ˜† Voidvesi: A term under the vesility umbrella in which someoneโ€™s vesi identity is influenced by or is the void; also includes when there is a void where an identity should otherwise be.
โ˜† Vesiweirdcore: in which the weirdcore aesthetic affects or defines most or all aspects of one's identity.

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 17:06 UTC
Edit: 16 Dec 2024 01:13 UTC
Views: 427