♪ Vyvian's extended identity collection ♪
Full list of queer labels Vyvian identifies with.
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☆ Abrogender: a gender that changes so fast that it can not be pinned down and/or having so many tiny aspects to one's gender that the individual feels they are continuously discovering it.
☆ Acangellar: being agender in the way dogs, angels, and stars lack gender
☆ Achilleangender: an orientationgender in which one's achillean identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences their gender. One may feel that their attraction to men has an impact on their gender that can only be explained by them.
☆ Aetherine: a non-xenine umbrella term that encompasses all things related to the otherworldly/ethereal. It is usually centered around the idea of otherworldly ideas/concepts/things and/or connection to concepts/ideas/things from other planets, whether fictional or real, but not always.
☆ Agender: Genderless or lacking gender….gender neutral…identifying more as a person than any gender at all.
☆ Agenderfluix: Where the person feels predominantly agender…[but] they go fluidly between other genders which fluctuate (partly or completely).
☆ Aliengender: When one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. One may or may not adopt a gender or attempt to fit into a gender but it feels like it's in an "alien trying out foreign species’ gender" sort of way.
☆ Alienghostgender: Gender which feels connected to ghosts and aliens/space and/or the sensation of feeling like an outcast and invisible to other beings!
☆ Alienplushic: a gender related to (cute) alien plushies
☆ Alienstar: a gender under the genderstar system in which ones gender is related to aliens and stars, being an alien and a star, an alien decorated in stars, etc.
☆ Alienstoneric: This gender is when you relate to aliens or is obsessed with aliens but also relate to being a stoner
☆ Alieveldic: a neutral-in-nature gender that is connected to/represented by aliens, gender non-conformity, and being a gay man, like an alien navigating human gender on Earth and translating their identity into Earth terms as “GNC veldian”.
☆ Alloaceconnec: an identity in which one feels connected with the alloace/alloromantic asexual label, but does not identify as such
☆ Amomortic: a xenogender relating to/represented by love and being (un)dead. it may feel like being (un)dead and feeling love for someone else, or it may feel like your love itself is undead in some way. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that corpses lack a gender. it may feel warm, safe, comforting, cold, rotting, final, and/or any adjectives with which one would associate love and/or (un)death. the love in question may be of any variety.
☆ Amoreblessix: A gender or identity connected to love and blessings. This can be related to feeling love is a blessing, being blessed with love, or feeling full of love and a blessing at the same time.
☆ Amosoporidreamic: a soporine lovegender related to having pleasant dreams about someone one loves. it may feel warm, safe, comforting, dark, deep, or any words one may associate with these things. the love involved with this gender may be of any kind.
☆ Anemoiran: A kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for a time you’ve never lived in. For some, it can feel wistful or strange, as though you’re walking through a dream, and may have a deep sense of longing.
☆ Angelhigh: a gender under the GenderHigh system related to angels and being high, being an angel that's high, an angel that's high, or whatever you think fits best !
☆ Angelicenelic: a gender relating to being an angel and a cenelian. it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be neutral, androgynous, or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Angelicomfic: a gender related to angels and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in angels, but also themes of angels involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) depending on one’s associations with angels, it may be luxine and/or spiritine.
☆ Angelidogspectric: a luxine xenogender gender related to or represented by angels, dogs, ghosts, or any combinations thereof (e.g. an angelic ghostly dog). this gender may feel blessed, light, golden, loyal, comforting, protective, empty, haunted, transparent, and/or any adjectives with which one would associate angels, dogs, or ghosts. depending on one's associations with ghosts, this gender may be kenic as well as luxine.
☆ Angelimelanyx: a nyxivull (and kenic) gender that relates to, is that of, or is represented by angels, black holes, and especially the concept of black holes as angels. it may feel heavy, dark, holy, vast, empty, destructive, ethereal, or any other words one would associate with angels and black holes. depending on one's associations with angels, this gender may be luxine and/or spiritine.
☆ Angeliveldic: a gender relating to being an angel and a veldian. it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as angelic concepts of gender that don’t relate to earthly genders.
☆ Angelweirdic: a xenogender associated with weird things/weirdcore, angels/angelcore, or being a weird(core) angel! this gender may feel strange, heavenly, unsettling, light, or any adjectives one would associate with weirdness/weirdcore or angels. depending on one's associations with weirdness/weirdcore and/or angels, this gender may feel kenous or luxine/spiritine.
☆ Angenital: in which one desires to be without genitals, or does not have genitals
☆ Angliastralic: A gender related to being an Angel that is heavily connected to outer space and it’s aesthetics OR a gender that is related to being an Angel that is in outer space. It also can be seen as the combination of any angel related genders and any space related gender.
☆ Angled Aroace: a individual that is both ace-spec and aro-spec (though not necessarily strictly aromantic and asexual) who experiences some form of attraction that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aro-spec and ace-spec identities.
☆ AnimalCannibalsongic: songic xenogender about “Animal Cannibal” from Possibly In Michigan
☆ Anlomeltic: A gender under angelgender and lovegender, relating to feeling like your heart’s melting, feeling soft, being in love (platonic or romantic), innocence and angelic themes.
☆ Annulian: a non-binary gender alignment from the galactian system. It is xenine-aligned (xenic/spacialian), neutral-aligned (stellarian), and masculine-/male-aligned (solarian)
☆ Anxighostic: A xenogender where one either feels like an anxious ghost , or feels like a ghost due to anxiety.
☆ Aporagender: A nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling
☆ Aroace: a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec
☆ Aroacegender: a gender that is connected to or is heavily influenced by one being aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec
☆ Astrocomfic: a gender related to outer space and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in outer space, but also themes of outer space involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Astrojellitrum: an agender- and neutral-in-nature xenogender connected to outer space and jellyfish. it may feel empty, aimless, voidy, floaty, and/or transparent. depending on what associations the user has with space and/or the ocean, it may also be kenic.
☆ Astrumgender: a xenogender that is connected to stars and/or constellations. An astrumgender individual may feel like their gender is like lights in a void, or that a light is bursting from within them.
☆ Auto-spec: people who elicit attraction from themselves, by themselves
☆ Axvir: a gender that is a combination of agender and proxvir. These two parts can exist in any proportion. The amounts of each gender can fluctuate, but it doesn’t have to.
☆ Baph: A xenogender/nonbinary experience based in occult and magickal feelings where one feels like a balance of self-defined polar ‘energies,’ such as masculine/feminine (not male/female), spirit/material, sky/land/sea, light/darkness, etc. Similar to androgyne, but off the binary and related to other polar concepts and forces instead of the binary genders.
☆ BDSMangel: A gender connected to BDSM and angels, an angel associated with BDSM, an angel into BDSM, or an angel of BDSM.
☆ Benadrylhatmanic: a gender related to the benadryl hat man
☆ Benzowarmic: a gender related to the warm feeling one gets when high on benzodiazepines. this gender may feel comforting, soft, golden, cozy, or anything someone would associate with this feeling.
☆ Biblicalangelic: A xenogender related to angelcore, biblical angels, divinity, white voids, and overwhelming divine power. It feels powerful and ethereal, like shifting, lucid folds of reality.
☆ Bimbodollic: a hyperfeminine gender related to/represented by being a bimbo doll, but not necessarily being a woman
☆ Bimboscene: a term for when your gender is partially or fully influenced by both the bimbo & scene cultures , whether fluctiating or simultaneously.
☆ Biolumistarric: [a gender relating to bioluminescence and stars]
☆ Boötiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and astraean - i.e. both agender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned.
☆ Boötihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and helian - i.e. both agender-aligned and man-aligned.
☆ Borzoigender: A xenogender which helps the user express their gender through the borzoi breed
☆ Boywreck: when you’re a boy and you’re a wreck. this may be construed as the opposite and masculine version of the term “girlboss”.
☆ Brainfogtix: A neurogender for autistics or people with PTSD/psychosis/disassociation who feel disconnected from their body & have frequent brainfog or psychosis, to the point it has become part of their gender!
☆ Bxyfriend: when you’re (an) agender (boy) and you’re a boyfriend!
☆ Cadalgender: a gender connected to or related to deep sleep, galaxy aesthetics, and soft blankets.
☆ Candyheartic: a gender related to heart-shaped candies! these can be candies of any kind, and while this gender is likely to be lovecoric and/or a lovegender, it doesn't have to be.
☆ Canicenelic: a gender related to dogs and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Canicomfic: a gender related to dogs and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in dogs, but also themes of dogs involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Caniveldic: a gender related to dogs and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may feel independent, strong, protective, or any other adjectives that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Cannabgender: A gender related to the feeling of being high, the scent of weed, and feeling blissful. Has an aura of being relaxed and nice vibes.
☆ Casomnic: A gender relating to lavender, feeling sleepy and comfortable, and the colour purple.
☆ Catpupbondic: gender for those who identify as catgender and love the bond they create with pupgenders or vice versa
☆ Celestiangelic: a xenogender related to being a celestial/alien/space being, and an angel!
☆ Celewizardic: a gender related to being a wizard who specializes in celestial magic.
☆ Cenelian: a term for people experiencing gay attraction to nonbinary people. It is a NLN equivalent to lesbian and veldian
☆ Cenelicomfic: a gender related to being a cenelian and comfort.
☆ Ceneliloveic: a gender related to love and being a cenelian.
☆ Cenevelidic: Experiencing your attraction to men in a cenelian way. Being veldian under a cenelian lens. You’re cenelian for men. A cenelian mlm, a cenelian veldian.
☆ Cenetoric: Experiencing your toric attraction in a cenelian way. Being toric under a cenelian lens. You're cenelian for men. A cenelian nblm, a cenelian toric.
☆ Cenrell: a gender identity that is on the neutral spectrum, but still has a strong connection to masculinity.
☆ Chaosstar: a gender system in which one's gender is connected to stars and chaos, stars decorated with chaos, being a star and chaos, etc.
☆ Cheetdogfriendic: a gender related to or represented by the bond between dogs and cheetahs in captivity.
☆ Chalondian: xenine, masculine, and neutral aligned, but it is not male aligned.
☆ Churchauntic: a gender that relates to, feels like, or is best represented by a ghost haunting a church. it may feel empty, hollow, and floaty, as well as reverent, joyful, and virtuous, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or churches. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts are genderless. depending on one's connection with ghosts and/or churches, this gender may be kenic and/or spiritine. the connection to churches can be aesthetic, religious, or metaphorical (e.g. related to a feeling of community). this gender may be affected by one's experiences with religion, negative or otherwise.
☆ Collargender: [a gender relating to collars]
☆ Comfevoidic: A xenogender related to space, stars, and the void. It feels like being enveloped in infinite, inky blackness while at the same time being illuminated by stars; like a cloak of cosmic void.
☆ Consciloveic: a gender related to/represented by love and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states are due to substance use, it may be a druggender. if they are caused by dissociation, it may be a neurogender.
☆ Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
☆ Corpsegender: A xenogender/kingender relating to one’s undeath. One’s gender perception is altered by the fact that they are undead, their gender might be muddled or weak but not necessarily. Some examples of “undead” can be zombies, vampires, ghosts
☆ Cosmicenelic: a gender related to outer space and being a cenelian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Cosmigothlavenic: an agender-in-nature xenogender connected to/represented by outer space and feeling like one comes from space, altered states of consciousness, goth music and aesthetics, smoke, the color purple, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). the GNC aspect of this gender may heavily relate to the goth aspect, as gender non-conformity is common in goth fashion. if the altered states of consciousness (and smoke) come from substances, it may be a druggender. if the altered state comes from dissociation, it may be a neurogender. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Cosmilavenic: a gender related to outer space and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cosmiveldic: a gender related to outer space and being a veldian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cygnian: mspec cenelian
☆ Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
☆ Deadthing: A gender for when you’re dead, but living. A Thing walking among everyone else.
☆ Delphinian: an agender or genderless individual who is attracted to other agender or genderless individuals
☆ Delphiniangender: an orientationgender where one’s delphinian identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences one’s gender. delphinian is defined as gay/same-gender agender attraction, or agender-loving-agender.
☆ Depechic: a gender related to/represented by the colors black and blue, leather, roses, nighttime, and synthesizers. it may feel dark, rhythmic, musical, strong, cold, beautiful, or any other adjectives with which one may associate these things. because this gender is inspired by the band Depeche Mode, it may be considered a musicgender.
☆ Demiboy: In which one's gender is partially male, and partially another gender(s).
☆ Demiboyflux: A gender that changes on different levels of demiboy Example: going from a demiboy to paraboy to magiboy to nanoboy to libraboy to agender
☆ Diamoric: attractions experienced by non-binary individuals that cannot be described as "same gender" or "other gender", "straight" or "gay".
☆ Dreamancient: a gender in the genderancient system that is related to dreams and a long forgotten era. interpretations could include feeling as if your gender is like a dream that someone may have had long ago, feeling as if your gender is a dream of a long forgotten era, or feeling as if your gender embodies a dream of a world that feels ancient compared to this one.
☆ Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
☆ Dogbraindark: a gender related to/described by dogs and being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may also feel soft, cute, protective, or any other adjectives with which one would describe dogs. it can be both represented by seeing a dog outside at night as well as BEING a dog who is outside at night. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. (note that, even if this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving actual drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
☆ Dogbrainlight: a gender related to/described by dogs and being out during a sunny day in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may be associated with loyalty, protectiveness, cuteness, softness, friendliness, or any other traits associated with dogs. it can be both represented by seeing a dog outside during the day as well as BEING a dog who is outside during the day. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. (note that, even when this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
☆ Dogfriendnestic: a xenogender related to/represented by dogs, friendship, and nesting. it may be represented by a dog making a nest with a friend. it may feel soft, loyal, cute, protective, safe, friendly, comfy, cozy, and/or any adjectives one might associate with those things. it may have sleepy qualities to it (especially if nesting is done before bedtime) and therefore be soporine. if the feelings towards one's friends includes love, it may also be a lovegender.
☆ Doglovinic: A gender related to showing your love in a dog-like way
☆ Dogmasc(uline)/pupmasc(uline): a masculine pupgender, or masculinity expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with independence, strength, protectiveness, or any other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs
☆ Dogsomnigothidrox: a droxinine-in-nature soporine xenogender relating to/represented by dogs, candles, and gothic aesthetics. this may include the following: -masculinity/neutrality felt by way of sleep and/or dogs/candles/goth -sleeping dogs -a gender that feels warm and bright like a candle -dreams about dogs, candles, and gothic themes -bedding with the aesthetics to which this gender is related
☆ Dominagender: a gender related to being dominant, dominant things, and dominance-related roles (ex: master)
☆ Dompresentic: A gender that presents itself in a dom(inant) way/as a dom(inant), specifically in a sexual sense. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
☆ Dorlunaesic: A gender related to sleepy aesthetics, dreams, clouds, desaturated pastels, comfort, lullabies, moons and stars, safety and being tired.
☆ Dreameldric: a soporine and kenic gender related to being an eldritch dream entity.
☆ Drogegender: An umbrella term for genders related to drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.
☆ Droxaceveldic: a droxinine gender related to being an asexual veldian, where the neutral component is informed by asexuality and the masculine part is informed by being a veldian.
☆ Droxikenoconsciec: a droxinine kenic gender relating to ghosts, the void, writing, and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states of consciousness are due to substance use, it may a druggender, and if they are due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender, but it does not have to be either.
☆ Droxinine: a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral, but is its own thing, similar to how androgynous is a combination of masculine and feminine, but still distinct
☆ Droxiveldic: a gender related to being a droxinine veldian - that is, a gay man with a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral.
☆ Dxgbxy: a gender related to being a dog(boy) and a bxy/agender boy/man at the same time. The relationship between the dog part of oneself, the male part of oneself, and the agender part of oneself can be anything. This can also be considered a form of pupgender.
☆ Dxmgender: an agender-in-nature gender related to being a Dom in kink. This gender can be felt during kink activities and/or as a result of/with regards to a role one takes in kink. The gender experienced during one's role in kink does not have to be agender. For example, one could typically feel agender but feel neutrality while Domming and could therefore call themselves Dxmgender, or Dxmneu(tral).
☆ Dxmmasculine: an agender-in-nature gender related to being a Dom in kink. This gender can be felt during kink activities and/or as a result of/with regards to a role one takes in kink. The gender experienced during one's role in kink does not have to be agender. For example, one could typically feel agender but feel neutrality while Domming and could therefore call themselves Dxmgender, or Dxmneu(tral).
☆ Dymalic: A gender and umbrella term related to fog, mist, or haze. It may feel lost, hard to make out, eerie, or hollow.
☆ Egogender: A gender which is so personal to someone that they can only describe it as "me"-gender
☆ Egospiritine: a spiritine egogender related to the fact that one has a unique and deeply personal spiritual practice that one feels is an extension of oneself, and therefore a part of one’s identity/self manifesting as gender.
☆ Eldricomfic: a gender related to the eldritch and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in the eldritch, but also themes of the eldritch involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Eldriveldic: a gender related to being an eldritch being and a veldian. it may feel unknowable, frightening, cosmic, or any other words one may associate with eldritch beings. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. it may also be connected to body parts that eldritch creatures have that humans do not (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.) depending on one’s association with the eldritch, it may be kenic.
☆ Enbian: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals attracted to non-binary individuals.
☆ Epicene: A lack of gender distinction…that which exhibits characteristics of both genders, yet is neither
☆ Fidgetcubic: a gender related to fidget cubes
☆ Filmgender: A gender identity oriented around and related to the making of films, and the interest in both filmmaking and movies in general.
☆ Floastgender: A gender identity delineated by a profound feeling of detachment from the material plane / the physical world.
☆ Floric: an orientation characterized by being a non-woman attracted to or desiring/having relationships with other non-women.
☆ Fluidflux: Hav[ing] different identities at different times (or multiple at the same time, in some cases) and, additionally, the intensity of their identity changes over time
☆ Foggender: A xenogender that feels foggy, unknown, confused, and mysterious.
☆ Formaregec: A Neutral gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formaregec is a Neutral gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
☆ Galactiblastic: a gender that is neon, alien, and feels like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. it tastes like mint and olive, and it feels intense, burning, bitter and salty. it is a strange cacophony that messes with one’s brain.
☆ Gay: attraction to people of the same [or similar] gender.
☆ Genderfluid: A gender that varies, or changes over time.
☆ Galasterios: a gender related to 〜 coziness ,, stars && space .. examples of this could be a gender which feels cozy && reminiscent of the stars && space .. a gender which is tied to space && the stars being cozy to someone ,, or being something that brings comfort to them.
☆ Galaxionic: a gender connected to or relating to deep space, neutron stars and black holes.
☆ Galaxygender: a xenogender/neurogender where some feels connected to stars, planets, moons, black holes, milky ways and anything that is part of a galaxy. .
☆ Galaxyjellylumic: a gender corolated to jellyfish and galaxy aesthetics, specifically bioluminescent jellyfish floating through the galaxy. Ways to describe this gender can be luminescent, squishy, tranquil, pretty and floaty.
☆ Gayplatonighostic: a xenogender related to/represented by ghosts and gay platonic love! it may feel empty, floaty, transparent, warm, safe, comforting, and/or any other words with which one would associate ghosts and love. "gay platonic love" may be defined any way the user wishes, but some possible definitions are platonic same-gender love that leads to a relationship that may be given an orientation label (such as a queerplatonic relationship), platonic love between people who are gay, or platonic love that is expressed in a way that others would construe as seeming gay. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts are genderless. due to its relationship to love and being gay, it may also be considered a lovegender and/or an orientationgender.
☆ Gender neutral: A gender that is neutral [i.e. with regards to the gender binary]
☆ Genderbodiless: a gender that relates to the fact that its user is bodiless, views themself as bodiless, and/or identifies with the concept of not having a body. this may be due to alterhumanity, systemhood, neurodivergence, or any reason. this gender may be agender-in-nature (where not having a body corresponds to not having a gender) but does not have to be.
☆ Genderflux: A gender identity that varies in intensity in time.
☆ Gendergrave: a gender for people who relate to/are undead. this gender relates to the dead rising, zombies, and cemetaries.
☆ Genderhamster: a multigender experience in which one collects/hoards genders, then after a while drops those labels and starts their gender hoard over from scratch. they may or may not use different types of genders or labels at the start of such a cycle, but either way it’s a cycle of collection and then starting over. inspired by how hamsters stuff food in their cheek pouches (“hoarding” it) and then empty their cheeks so they can later put more food in.
☆ GenderJoynt: A subset of Weedgender related to or influenced by the euphoria, relief, and overall good vibes that can come from using weed or other THC products
☆ Gendernull: The absence of gender…It is a term for those to give a “tangibility” to the intangible thing that is their gender.
☆ Genderqueer: A person whose gender identity cannot be categorized as solely male or female.
☆ Genderspace: An umbrella term for all genders influenced by, or related to, space/astronomy.
☆ Gendervir: a gender identity and an umbrella term for all male-adjacent, male-aligned, and male-identified genders. Gendervir is not synonymous with masculine gender or masculine-aligned identities, it is only for genders that related to manhood or boyhood.
☆ Gendervoid: in which one feels nothing where a gender should be.
☆ Ghostagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way ghosts do.
☆ Ghostfriend(ic): a word similar to boyfriend or girlfriend, for those whose genders involve ghosts in some way! this may include anyone who feels that their gender is connected to or represented by ghosts. this can be used as a term for a partner as well as a gender. as a gender, it may be connected to love, ghosts, and the feelings and behaviors associated with being in a relationship. "ghostfriend" can be a term for a partner as well as the name of the associated gender, but the word "ghostfriendic" can be used to denote the gender specifically. while this word is modeled after a term for a romantic partner, anyone can use this word for their relationship/gender if that is how they choose to label it.
☆ Ghosthearted: Being/feeling like a ghost at heart, themes of love, comfort, ghostliness, pretty things and just whatever you want it to be about
☆ Ghostiloveic: a xenogender lovegender relating to/represented by a ghost who loves another ghost. this love can be of any kind. it may feel transparent, undead, haunted, warm, soft, safe, glowy, familiar, understanding, and any other adjectives with which one would associate with ghosts and love, or a ghost loving another ghost. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts don't have a gender. it may therefore be a form of delphiniangender (an agender-loving-agender orientationgender) but it does not have to be.
☆ Ghostweirdo: a gender in the genderweirdo system related to ghosts, or being a ghost, & being a weirdo, a ghost weirdo
☆ Ghostwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “ghost wizard”/“wizard ghost”! The connection to ghost wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being ghostkin while being someone who performs magic).
☆ Glitterheartgender: a xenogender relating to/represented by glitter and heart shapes! it may feel sparkly, shiny, decorative, happy, warm, loving, or any adjectives with which one would associate glitter or hearts.
☆ Glitterrainbowic: [a gender related to glittery rainbows]
☆ Glodarkgender: A xenogender related to things that glow in the dark, especially cheap glow in the dark stars or toys. This gender may feel slightly different during day and night, absorbing light in the day and emitting it at nighttime.
☆ Glowstarrian: a xenogender in which one’s gender is represented by glow in the dark stars.
☆ Goatangel: A gender relating to being a goat and an angel, otherwise known as a goangel! this gender may feel angelic, whimsical, strong, and free!
☆ Goatgender: A faunagender related to goats
☆ Goatwizardic: a xenogender related to goats, wizards, and goat wizards! it may feel loud, rebellious, magical, whimsical, or any words with which one may associate goats and wizards.
☆ Gothgender: your identity as a goth is strongly tied to your gender identity
☆ Gothigh: a gender under the GenderHigh system related to goth-ness and being high, being goth and high, goth beings being high, or whatever you think fits best
☆ Gothleatherkinkic: a xenogender related to kink, leather, and goth music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. having a kink for the other aspects of the gender, or leather as emblematic of both kink and goth), or they can be more separate.
☆ Gothwizardic: a gender relating to goth, wizards, and the juxtaposition of the two (e.g. goth wizards, goth wizard aesthetics, etc.) the connection to goth can be through music, aesthetic, literature, architecture, fashion, or anything that is associated with the term “goth(ic)”, and what kind of goth it refers to is up to the user. the connection to wizards may be aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who practices magic and calls themself a wizard for it).
☆ Grayromantic: Experiencing romantic attraction infrequently
☆ Guyslut: A gender related to being a boy/guy/man and a slut
☆ Heartmusilavenic: a xenogender relating to/represented by music, performance, a pink/white/silver/black color scheme, heart shapes, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may feel powerful, excited, bright, flamboyant, or any other adjectives one would associate with those things. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Hellgoatgender: A gender mainly connected with goats with an ominous or evil feeling.
☆ Hesperiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and boötian - i.e. neutral-aligned and agender-aligned.
☆ Hesperihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and helian - i.e. neutral-aligned and man-aligned.
☆ Highic: a gender that feels like it’s literally high af: this could be because of many reasons (ex.: you can only describe your gender as “high” because it’s all over the place ….)
☆ Highliminalic: a gender that can best be described as liminal or in-between in the same way that being slightly high feels like being in-between sober and fully high. while this gender expresses itself in relation to drugs, the gender(s) or the experience thereof does not have to be connected to substances. due to its in-between nature, it can be considered demigender or ambiguine. depending on the user's association with liminality, it may be kenochoric.
☆ Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
☆ Horrorloveic: A gender related to love and the horror genre!
☆ Howlitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for xenogender people who are attracted to agender people. That is, xenogender-loving-agender.
☆ Humangender: A gender connected to being human in some way.
☆ Humanidoxic: A gender related to feeling paradoxically both human and non-human at the same time.
☆ Humanish: a term for when you feel somewhat human but not quite. or for when your slight "un-humaness" can affect your gender. made with alterhuman folks and those who disconnect from their human selves in mind but anyone can use.
☆ Inbissiec: an umbrella term centered on the idea of being bizarre. It is an umbrella term circling all labels that center around being odd.
☆ Industretakenic: a kenochoric and gendervoid gender related to or represented by industrial metal. it may feel powerful, forceful, energized, angry, aggressive, as well as empty, vast, eerie, offputting, strange, or hollow.
☆ Industretallic: a gender related to or best represented by industrial metal. it may feel powerful, forceful, energized, harsh, musical, angry, aggressive, or anything else with which one would associate industrial metal.
☆ Infinitycubic: a gender related to the fidget tool/toy called the "infinity cube", it can also be related to fidgeting
☆ Intrumantic: For any Arospecs that feel confused/conflicted about romantic attraction because they struggle with romantic intrusive thoughts
☆ Intrusic: a gender related to intrusive thoughts.
☆ Intrusicmasc(uline): a masculine gender related to intrusive thoughts.
☆ Itboyfriendic: a gender that can adequately be described by the mixing of it/its pronouns with the term boyfriend, such as in the phrase "it’s my boyfriend".
☆ Kenobiolumitentacleic: a kenic xenogender connected to/represented by bioluminescence and tentacles! this may involve a connection to bioluminescent creatures with tentacles. due to the kenic nature of this gender, the tentacles may be related to eldritch, frightening, or liminal beings/creatures.
☆ Kenocenelic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a cenelian. it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Kenochoric: An umbrella term centered around liminality, loneliness, nostalgia, distortion, darkness, nonhumanity, fogginess, disconnect, and similar/related concepts.
☆ Kenocorpsivoid: an agender/gendervoid-in-nature kenochoric gender related to corpses and to the void, specifically in the way that both of those things might be associated with nothingness.
☆ Kenodogboy/kenodogmasc: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dog(boy), or having a masculine doglike gender. it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, or any other combinations of dogs with kenopsia/kenochoric themes.
☆ Kenodxgbxy: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dxgbxy (or an agender dogboy). it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, traits that one associates with both dogs and masculinity, or being genderless in the way that a dog does not have human gender.
☆ Kenofluid: When one is kenochoric in some kind of fluid way, and/or when one is fluid between kenochoric genders or alignments.
☆ Kenokinkic: a kenic gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include:, feeling a kenic gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more kenous/kenochoric while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as kenous and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels kenochoric while also having a connection to kink
☆ Kenoloveic: a kenic lovegender in which love and kenosity/kenochoric-ness are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love that one views as kenous -expressing traits associated with one’s kenic gender as part of expressing love -feeling like one experiences love in a kenous way -feeling like one experiences kenosity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this may also involve love that: -feels vast, deep, liminal, unknowable, etc. -is for, associated, or from entities associated with the eldritch, the void, outer space, etc. -is felt or juxtaposed with dark and ominous imagery/situations. this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Kenoluxikinkic: a kenoluxine/luxichoric gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
ways this can manifest include: feeling a kenolux gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more kenolux while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as kenolux and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels kenolux while also having a connection to kink
☆ Kenoluxiprophetic: a kenoluxine/luxichoric gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the kenochoric and luxine themes in this gender could be the same - e.g. vastness, otherworldliness, fear, etc. - or they could be from either gender modality and combined with each other. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be spiritine.
☆ Kenomasculine: When one is kenochoric in a masculine way of any kind, and/or vice versa. Masc-aligned is not synonymous with man-aligned!
☆ Kenoprophetic: a kenochoric gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the kenochoric and prophetic themes could be intertwined with each other - e.g. related to prophets or prophecy that are eerie, liminal, obscure, or other kenochoric themes. it could also relate to prophecy given by vast or unknowable entities. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be luxine/kenolux and/or spiritine.
☆ Kenoveldic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a veldian. it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Kenovoid: A kenochoric person with a gender that is absent, empty, or simply not there.
☆ Kenoweirdcoric: a gender that is related to weirdcore but specifically in a kenous/kenochoric way. it may be liminal, frightening, nostalgic, eerie, empty, or any other kenochoric themes that apply to weirdcore.
☆ Kincest: A term for when you are a character through kinning, but you also ship yourself with them.
☆ Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
☆ Kinkloveic: a kinkgender related to love! those two themes don’t have to be combined with each other to be part of this gender (i.e. they can stand alone), but if they are, it could involve -doing kink with someone whom one loves -kinks that involve love in some way -kink as an expression of love -love for kink itself.
☆ Kittenplayic: a kinkic gender related to/experienced during kittenplay! If one experiences a specific gender in relation to kittenplay, one can describe oneself as kittenplayicfem, kittenplayicmasc, kittenplayicandrogynous, etc. using whatever word describes one’s gender.
☆ Lavendercosmic: A gender related to the colour lavender and space, stars, space dust, galaxies, planets and the cosmos
☆ Lavenian: a turian (gay man or non-binary person) who is gender non-confoming
☆ Lavrosmokic: a gender related to/represented by lavender, rose, mint, and smoke. it may be fragrant, thick, smokey, refreshing, calming, floral, or any other adjectives one may associate with those things. if the smoke is coming from the consumption of a psychoactive substance, this may be a druggender.
☆ Lazulic: a xenic individual who is exclusively attracted to men and non-binary individuals
☆ Leatherkinkic: a xenogender related to leather and kink. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. leather kink, items made of leather being used in kink), or they can be more separate.
☆ Libramasculine: A gender identity where a person experiences little attachment to being masculine/male, but mostly agender.
☆ Liminalcoric: A coric gender related to liminal spaces, or liminalcore.
☆ Liminalicenelic: a gender relating to liminality and being a cenelian. it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Liminalicomfic: a gender related to liminality/liminal spaces and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in liminality, but also themes of liminality involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.), or comforting imagery seen in liminal spaces.depending on one’s associations with liminality, it may be kenic (due to the theme of liminal spaces) or ambiguine (due to the connection to in-between-ness).
☆ Liminaliveldic: a gender relating to liminality and being a veldian. it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Libramasculine: A gender identity where a person experiences little attachment to being masculine/male, but mostly agender.
☆ Lostdreamic: an obscurian and soporine gender related to/represented by dreams that one has trouble remembering immediately upon waking up and only has more trouble remembering afterwards. it may feel hazy, distant, fragmented, abstract, unknown, or any words one may associate with this experience. its obscurian nature emphasizes the part of the experience that involves the inability to know what one dreamt.
☆ Loveagender: an agender-in-nature lovegender in which love and genderlessness are linked.
☆ Lovedoggetor: a masculine- and agender-in-nature gender related to dogs and love. it may feel loyal, strong, safe, comforting, or any word with which one would associate dogs and love!
☆ Lovegender: a xenogender relating to the idea of love, platonic and/or romantic relationships, crushes, and romantic/platonic feelings!! It can also be used as an aesthetigender relating to lovecore, cupidcore, or crushcore!!
☆ Lovemasculine: a masculine lovegender in which love and masculinity are linked.
☆ Loveneutral: a neutral lovegender in which love and gender neutrality are linked.
☆ Loviokenolux: a kenoluxine gender related to an awe-inspiring and fear-inducing capacity and intense desire to protect loved ones to the point of committing acts of violence to whatever scale deemed necessary, and the enjoyment of carrying out those acts.
☆ Luminium: A xenogender for those who feel disconnected from binary manhood, but possess an essence of masculinity in a celestial, ethereal, or otherworldly way, regardless of assigned gender.
☆ Lumipuppic: A xenogender, faunagender and subset of pupgender for those who have a deep connection to stars, cloudy night skies, space, celestial bodies, puppies, galaxies, and the universe as a whole. For when you feel a connection to outer space and puppies, or your gender can be described as a celestial puppy. This gender is specifically not related to aliens.
☆ Luxikinkic: a luxine gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: feeling a luxine gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more luxine while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as luxine and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels luxine while also having a connection to kink
☆ Luxiprophetic: a luxine gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the themes of prophecy could be viewed as inherently luxine, or they could be accompanied by other luxine themes, such as prophecy that is awe-inspiring, joyful, hard to put into words, etc. the prophecy could also be given by divine/holy beings, or beings of light. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be spiritine.
☆ Magicenelic: a gender related to magic and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Magilavenic: a gender related to magic and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Magiscic: a gender related to magic systems wherein science is viewed as a form of magic! this could be related to alchemy or any other magic as science magic system specifically but it doesn't have to be!
☆ Magiveldic: a gender related to magic and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Man: a gender which is part of the Western gender binary. It is often associated with masculinity and a connection to boyhood or masculinity (as defined in one's society)
☆ Manprox: a term for anyone who experiences a connection to boyhood or manhood, regardless of their actual gender
☆ Marijuanliminalnightspace: A gender related to smoking weed/marijuana in nighttime liminal spaces.
☆ Mascstoneric: A masculine/MIN gender related to smoking weed, getting high, being high, smoke, brownies, edibles, any dusty and/or greyed out shades of blue, green, and purple, and shades of light gray
☆ Masculine: [traits associated with men/maleness]
☆ Masokinkic: a kinkic gender related to masochism kink.
☆ Melanospectrinyx: a nyxivull (and by extension kenic) gender relating to black holes and ghosts. it may feel empty, haunted, astronomical, heavy, or any adjectives with which one would associate those things. ways this may manifest include the following: -black holes as the ghosts of stars -feeling like a ghost that haunts a black hole -feeling emptiness in ways reminiscent of both ghosts and black holes. it may be agender-in-nature either in the same way that ghosts are genderless and/or in a way associated with emptiness.
☆ Mettagothcharic: a charic gender related to goth mettaton from undertale.
☆ Miningender: a gender that is neutral and masculine in nature.
☆ Mnemonilossic: an obscurian gender related to/represented by lost memories. this may feel empty, confusing, absent, hazy, frightening, or any words one may associate with those things. if the memories are lost due to a psychological condition, it may be a neurogender, but it can relate to memories lost for any reason.
☆ Multigender: Having multiple gender identities, either at the same time or moving between different gender identities at different times
☆ Musicagender: An audiogender that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or even song
☆ Musikinkic: a xenogender related to kink and music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. involving music in kink, songs about kink), or they can be more separate.
☆ Musileatherkinkic: a xenogender related to kink, leather, and alternative music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. having a kink for the other aspects of the gender, or leather as emblematic of both kink and alternative music), or they can be more separate. the description of "alternative music" is inclusive of a wide variety of genres.
☆ Mxn: A gender that is both male and agender.
☆ Mysfleshpitian: A gender related to the ‘Mystery Flesh Pit National Park.’
☆ Neagender: A gender that feels like the void, but has some form of gendered component(s) inherently tied into it. It is not usually aligned with any gender, instead being inherently mixed or vaguely connected, to where they cannot be separated.
☆ Neptunian: gender that is linked to the void and fluctuates with softer celestial masculine energy
☆ Neonstargender: this gender feels pastel and glowey!
☆ Nerdgender: A gender related, connected to, or affected by, the nerd stereotype. Whether this specifically be nerd aesthetics, stereotypical attire, personality traits, interests, etc. or being a nerd.
☆ Netxenic: a xenic gender that is expressed more frequently online than in real life
☆ Neutraporine: in which one feels that they are partially aporagender while being aligned with a neutral or genderless gender as well.
☆ Neutric: an neutrois individual who is attracted to other neutrois individuals.
☆ Neutrois: In which one's gender is neutral or null. It may also be associated with genderlessness.
☆ Nihilique: A gender related to, connected to or affected by non-existence. may be related to one’s own non-existence, or simply the concept of it.
☆ Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
☆ Nonaesthetic: a form of attraction where one does not feel aesthetic attraction. One can still be romantically or sexually attracted to someone (or even both), but their attraction does not revolve around one's appearance.
☆ Nullchoric: A combination of gendernull and kenochoric. A gender that is related to kenopsia and also undefinable/unable to be labeled as a certain gender, empty, or inexplicable.
☆ Nyxivull: a non-xenic term umbrella connected to nothingness, void, emptiness, black holes, and never-ending vastness. this term may feel empty, null, nonexistent, or emotionless.
☆ Nyxloveic: a nyxivull (and kenic) lovegender - that is, a gender that has to do with love as well as emptiness/vastness/nothingness/other nyxivull themes.
☆ Objectum: the attraction to inanimate objects
♪ ♪ ♪ In a platonic relationship with the star Betelgeuse.
☆ Objectumgender: A gender related to being objectum!
☆ Obscurian: An umbrella term for genders that are unable to be named, quantified, understood, explained, and/or determined. It may also be used as a gender on its own. It is not the same as questioning one's gender identity.
☆ Obsidic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for kenochoric people who are attracted to agender people. That is, kenochoric-loving-agender.
☆ Oldianoic: A xenogender that feels lost or old, but also connected to media in some way.
☆ Opalian: someone who is mlm, mlnb, nblm, and nblnb
☆ Osnamedic: A KEIN (kenochoric-in-nature) gender related to old, haunted TVs and radios. it brings to mind glitched screens, both visual and audio static, paranormal activity, and a feeling of profound liminality yet a strange amount of comfort. this gender may feel possessed, mysterious, interfered with, or intercepted by unknown forces
☆ Othellic: An umbrella term for [genders] that flip by the situation, loop for eternity, feel like two sides of the same coin, compete with or contradict each other, and various other experiences. In broader terms, it can include things related to inversion, reflection, impossible concepts, infinity, contradiction within itself, and/or many others.
☆ Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.
☆ Ownerdynamen: A dynamen gender related to the Owner dynamic role.
☆ Ownerkinkic: gender related to the ownership kink
☆ Perstolgiakenic: a kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for time periods and/or places that one has actually lived in. this feeling is similar in some ways to nostalgia for things one did not personally experience (such as nostalgia for decades during which one did not live, or evoked by pictures that do not resemble places one has ever actually gone to). however, there are feelings evoked by nostalgia for an era in which one has lived and the types of locations one actually visited in one's past that are not evoked by "nostalgic imagery" unrelated to one's actual past, or by the concept of nostalgia in general. this gender concerns kenochoric themes of nostalgia specifically through this lens. this gender may feel personal, distant, bittersweet, melancholy, happy, innocent, longing, or any other words one may associate with nostalgia.
☆ Petplayic: A gender related to the petplay kink in some way
☆ Plurautonic: attraction that between members of the same system that feels auto-spec as a result of them sharing the same body.
☆ Plurillean: a member of a system who is attracted to other members of their own system. This doesn’t have to be exclusive, and they can love both system members, and non-system members.
☆ Phanteasmic: A gender related to tea, ghosts, souls, haunting, longing, a feeling of being lost and a feelling of kenopsia.
☆ Phoebiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and astraean - i.e. masculine-aligned and neutrois-aligned.
☆ Phoebiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and boötian - i.e. masculine-aligned and agender-aligned.
☆ Pinkshadowic: a gender related to/represented by hot pink, spiders, blurry feelings, and shadows. it may feel delirious, frightening, crawling, bright, hazy, empty, or disconnected. given that this gender is inspired by the appearance and effects of diphenhydramine, it may be considered a druggender.
☆ Platonighostisleepic: an agender-in-nature gender connected to/represented by sleep, ghosts, and platonic love. it may feel deep, haunted, safe, warm, dark, friendly, or any other adjectives with which one would associate those things. it may be kenic depending on one's association with sleep and/or ghosts.
☆ Platonimortus: an amourtus gender related to passionate platonic love, being undead, and death imagery (e.g. cemeteries, coffins, etc.) it may feel exciting, devoted, friendly, cold, morbid, silent, or any words one may associate with these things.
☆ Plushloveic: a xenogender related to love and plushes. this can involve: -love for one's plushes -plushes given to someone one loves -plushes as a symbol/representation of love -plushes with lovecore aesthetics
☆ Positiongender: One's gender is nonexistent but present at the same time, like the Schrödinger's Cat experiment where the cat was dead and alive at the same time. The present allogender can be any gender, static or fluid. The nonexistent part is agender or null. One experiences both genders at the same time, not fluid or halfway between them.
☆ Possiblyinmichical: A gender related to the short film, ‘Possibly in Michigan’ and its music
☆ Prehigender: any gender related to prehistoric times (times before 10,000 BC) … It is a gender that can feel massive and old, like it’s lived a long, long time.
☆ Prennian: A term for gay agender people, like how lesbian is a term for gay women.
☆ Prettycorpse: a gender that's under the gendercorpse system that means being a corpse & pretty/being a corpse that is pretty
☆ Proxvir: A gender that is strongly connected to masculinity, but in a different way to how men are connected to masculinity.
☆ Pupgender: umbrella term for all dog-associated genders
☆ Puphigh: a gender under the GenderHigh system related to puppies and being high, being a puppy that's high, a puppy that's high, or whatever you think fits best !
☆ Pupmasc: a pupgender connected to (being a) puppy and being masculine
☆ Pupnightic: A xenogender and subset of pupgender related to dogs, the night, stars, and constellations. It is a neutral in nature (NIN) gender.
☆ Puppypet: a gender under the genderpet system in which one has qualities of both being a puppy and a pet, or a pet that has puppy-like qualities ; a puppypet
☆ Pupplayic: a gender related to the pupplay kink in some way.
☆ Purplegreenwhitetrum: a neutral-in-nature colorgender represented by purple, green, and white color schemes
☆ Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.
☆ Queerplatonisubstic: a xenogender related to queerplatonic feelings and substances (namely anything that would be considered "drugs"). the themes could be combined (e.g. taking substances with a queerplatonic partner) but do not have to be.
☆ Quoiroloveic: a lovegender related to being quoiromantic and the way one experiences love as a result of being quoiromantic.
☆ Quoiromantic: not being able to distinguish romantic from platonic attraction
☆ Rainbholic: a gender that's related a blackhole surrounded by a ring of colour
☆ Rainbowcollaric: A gender related to rainbow collars with spikes, scenecore fashion and goth fashion
☆ Rainbowgender: a colorgender identity in which one's gender is related and correlated to the rainbow and/or the colors of the rainbow.
☆ Rainbowhigh: related to rainbows and being high, being a rainbow and high, rainbows being high, or whatever you think fits best !
☆ Rainbowstar: where ones gender is related to rainbows and stars , rainbows with stars on them , being a star of rainbows , etc . . .
☆ Rainbowstoneric: This gender is when you relate to rainbows or being obsessed with rainbows but also relate to being a stoner
☆ Ratticomfic: a gender related to rats and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rats, but also themes of rats involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Rockstarsmoketure: A gender related to pictures of rockstars smoking
☆ Rodentghost: a gender in the genderghost system related to being a rodent and a ghost, a rodent with ghost-like qualities, and/or a ghost with rodent-like qualities.
☆ Rodicomfic: a gender related to rodents and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rodents, but also themes of rodents involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Rosenion: a non-xenic neogender gender similar to love , red / pink / violet , and amatopunk aesthetics . it may feel bright , comforting , caring , safe , warm , loving , lovestruck , obsessive , or soft , but it doesn't have to be . it can describe your gender feeling comforting and caring , being described by love and stereotypical romantic / sexual / platonic / etc gestures , relating to one's amatopunk identity , a combination of those things , or something different .
☆ Scaceic: a gender related to space in a horrific way and liminality. It feels terrified and is speckled with stars
☆ Scalecosmic: an umbrella term that describes gender(s) that can be described by space, space objects, or particles that don't exist on Earth, but indeed are somewhere in space (antimatter, for example).
☆ Scribblespectric: This is a gender connected to scribbly, humanoid figures. This can lead to a feeling of uneasiness, because while the figure is a humanoid, its almost not human. This identity is eerie + dark. One might not be able to fully understand it.
☆ Seclusmokinaic: A gender related to smoking joints in secluded places, eg. alleyways
☆ Selenitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for neutrois/gender neutral people who are attracted to agender people. That is, neutral-loving-agender.
☆ Sleepyhigh: A gender under the Genderhigh system related to sleepiness and being high, being a sleepy being that's high, a sleepy being who's high
☆ Smokcontentic: a gender related to/represented by smoke, contentment, vanilla, spice, and lavender. it may feel hazy, calm, fragrant, or heavy. if the smoke comes from a psychoactive substance, it may be a druggender, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Smokejointic: A gender related to joints and smoking them
☆ Softangepuppic: A xenogender defined by feeling like a very fluffy angelic puppy, connected to rainbows, colorfulness, soft ribbons, fluffy cake, and bright stars
☆ Solian: someone who is mspec veldian
☆ Somniloveic: a soporine lovegender related to sleep and dreams. it may be related to or represented by dreams about love, falling asleep next to someone you love, the feeling of knowing you’re safe sleeping in the presence of someone you love. it may feel deep, dark, comforting, warm, or any adjectives with which one would associate sleep and/or love.
☆ Somnospectric: a soporine gender relating to/represented by ghosts. it may specifically feel like a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming ghost, dreams about ghosts, being asleep when a ghost is present, the ghost of a dream, or any ways in which ghosts and sleep/dreams are similar.
☆ Soporicenelic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a cenelian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Soporidogboy/soporidogmasc(uline): a masculine soporine gender related to being both soporine and a dog(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming dog, dreams about dogs, a dream in which one is a dog, or the feeling of sleeping next to a dog. it may be associated with independence, strength, protectiveness, or any other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs.
☆ Soporidreamless: a soporine gender relating to/represented by dreamless sleep. it may feel lost, dark, heavy, empty, or any adjectives one may associate with these things. depending on the way one views one’s gender in relation to dreamless sleep, it may be agender-in-nature.
☆ Soporitweenic: a soporine gender that feels like it is halfway between wakefulness and sleep. it may be ambiguine and/or a demigender.
☆ Soporiveldic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a veldian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Spaceagendervoid: an agender-in-nature spacegender in which genderlessness is experienced as a void, specifically the void of space. this could be considered a more specific form of gendervoid.
☆ Spacedream: a dream gender where your gender is connected to space and dreams. can be related to dreams of stars, planets, galaxies, black holes and any other things that are/could be in space.
☆ Spacefearic: A gender related to loving space, but being scared of it at the same time.
☆ Spaceguardianangelic: Xenogender related to a guardian angel of space, the stars, ect.
☆ Spaceman: when the word “spaceman” also describes your gender. being a spaceman could involve feelings of being a man from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a man made of space matter, a man associated with or defined by space, etc.
☆ Spacentity: a gender connected to both space and being an entity. this gender feels beyond human comprehension , simplist way to describe it is as an " entity " just floating through space aimlessly and only comforted by the darkness surrounding it .
☆ Spaceperson: a gender-neutral equivalent of “spaceman”. being a spaceperson could involve feelings of being a person from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a person made of space matter, a person associated with or defined by space, etc.
☆ Spacewavebastardic: an agender-in-nature xenogender related to outer space, bastardcore, and new wave. it may feel cold, starry, chaotic, offputting, musical, or anything else related to these things.
☆ Spectregoatic: a xenogender gender related to/represented by ghosts, goats, and ghost goats. it may feel hazy, empty, haunted, rebellious, adventurous, loud, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or goats.
☆ Spectreloveic: a gender related to love and ghosts. it may feel floaty, haunted, and dark while also being warm, loved/loving, and bright. it does not have an alignment but could be considered agender in the same way that ghosts are genderless. the feelings of love associated with it can be of any variety. depending on one's association with ghosts, this gender could also be kenochoric due to its connection to them.
☆ Spaciahelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and helian - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and man-aligned.
☆ Spacialastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and astraean - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned.
☆ Spectricandloveic: a xenogender related to ghosts, candles, warmth, darkness, and love. it may feel empty, haunted, safe, nocturnal, bright, or any adjectives with which one may associate these things.
☆ Spectricenelic: a gender related to ghosts and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts.
☆ Spectriveldic: a gender related to ghosts and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Spiritine: a gender quality (like masculine, feminine, xenine, etc) that describes an identity directly connected to/representing one’s spirituality or religious beliefs. this could have a few different meanings, including not being able to separate one’s spiritual and queer identity, feeling that one’s queer identity is spiritual, or being xenine + identifying with spirituality-themed xenic identities such as religiogenders.
☆ Spiritnightic: a masculine- and neutral-in-nature gender that feels theatrical, strong, overwhelming, dark, nocturnal, and musical. it may be expressed through gothic aesthetics and feel like a performance. it is inspired by the song "Spirit" by Bauhaus, so it may be considered a musicgender.
☆ Squidelic: A gender related to being Eldritch and Squid, or creatures relating to these descriptors. May accompany the visage of tentacles or tendrils, eldritch horror, incomprehensible monstrosities, the uncanny, and the distinctly nonhuman and never-human.
☆ Starcollaric: A gender related to a collar, choker, etc, decorated with stars.
☆ Starcollector: when somebody collects genders related to stars and other space related things.
☆ Stardustian: a gender that feels as if it is made of stardust and in turn, makes you yourself feel as if you are made of stardust.
☆ Starfusic: a spacegender related to/represented by the nuclear fusion that happens inside of stars. it feels as though it is burning itself up and/or turning into something else and may someday explode brilliantly.
☆ Starfuzzblanketic: a gender related to fuzzy blankets with star patterns on them.
☆ Stargender: an other-worldly, non-human gender which is beyond comprehension in earthly terms, as if it originated from beyond the Earth. According to the coiner of the term it was similar to aliagender, and is related to it, however stargender specifically related to outer space and/or other worldliness.
☆ Starrynightian: a gender relating to ( bright ) starry nights
☆ Starspillnessic: a gender connected to being sick and coughing up stars, in a sense that stars are spilling from your lips
☆ Starvir: a gender that's part male, part celestial gender
☆ Staticgender: Best described by TV static; fuzzy and incomprehensible. It may feel complicated or confusing. It may also feel fluid or ever-changing.
☆ Stellian: anyone who is mspec gay
☆ Stonerpentragramic: this gender is when you relate to being a stoner but also relate to the pentagram
☆ Stonerpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a stoner way/as a stoner.
☆ Subpresentic: A gender that presents itself in a sub(missive) way/as a sub(missive) specifically in a sexual sense. Can be used as a descriptor for other terms.
☆ Subspaceic: A gender that feels like subspace.
☆ Substakinkic: a xenogender related to kink and substances. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. intox kink), or they can be more separate.
☆ Surrealhumoric: a xenogender related to surreal humor. this can be humor delivered in any form - comedy media, memes, jokes, etc. and the gender may feel strange, silly, confusing, uncanny, or any other qualities of surreal humor. what qualifies something as either surreal or humorous is up to the person using this term
☆ Synthroin: An umbrella for terms connected to the retrowave, synthwave, darksynth and similar genres of music. It is not a xenogender, but a different alignment in itself, though they may overlap or be combined.
☆ Tangletoyic: a gender related to/represented by tangle toys. it may feel like it has the same shape as a tangle toy, that it moves in a way that feels like playing with one, or that it has the same texture as one. this gender does not have to be a neurogender, but it can be.
☆ Tayvirine: A xenogender related to pastel pink/purple clouds and pastel aesthetics, but can also include plushies, glitter, stars, and nighttime. It feels gentle and sleepy.
☆ Teacomfic: A gender that relates to the comforting feeling one may get from a warm cup of tea. This may relate to a specific comfy experience with tea or can just relate to comfort from tea itself
☆ Teagender: A gender that relates to tea in any form. It can be the milky kind pictured in the flag or it can be another kind of tea, like green tea. It could also be multiple kinds of tea.
☆ Tealoveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by tea!
☆ Thistlian: someone who is agender or genderless with a general attraction to men
☆ Thoclaesic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for men who are attracted to agender people. That is, man-loving-agender.
☆ Timelordic: A gender related to, represented by, or associated with the Time Lords from Doctor Who.
☆ Torenromantic: the exclusive attraction to men and non-binary individuals
☆ Toric: a diamoric orientation that refers to non-binary individuals who are attracted to men
☆ Translucentechic: a gender connected to translucent/transparent technology, like plastic see-through controllers, consoles, etc.
☆ Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
☆ Twialienic: xenogender that feels like looking up as you’re beamed into a UFO, or a xenogender connected to twinkling lights, space, UFOs, alien abductions and starlight.
☆ Unghoric: A gender and flag related to ghosts, the void, static and feeling like one doesn't belong anywhere/is adrift.
☆ Vaporliminalic: a kenochoric gender best represented by the eerie, liminal feeling present in vaporwave music. it may feel nostalgic but uncanny. it may be a musicgender and/or an aesthetigender too.
☆ Vaporwavic: A wavic xenogender that is related to vaporwave.
☆ Veldian: men with an enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to other men
♪ ♪ ♪ Preferred due to being a single word that isn't a person's name.
☆ Veldianvirtual: a gender under Gendervirtual / Genderdigital that is related to virtual / digital themes & being veldian. it could be related to being a virtual / digital veldian. a veldian who loves virtual / digital themes, & many more !
☆ Veldicomfic: a gender related to being a veldian and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in being a veldian/veldian culture/etc., but also themes of veldian culture/history/imagery/etc. involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Veldiloveic: a gender related to love and being a veldian. it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as concepts of (queer) masculinity performed in relationships, or (queer) masculine expressions of love. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of veldian attraction.
☆ Venelian: Being both veldian/turian and cenelian, either at the same time or being fluid between the two
☆ Venturic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for non-binary/genderqueer people who are attracted to agender people. That is, nonbinary-loving-agender.
☆ Vhsveldistatic: A gender relating to VHS tapes, being a Veldian/Turian and static.
☆ Virtguardine: A gender that feels like and/or is related to being a protective guardian of the weak. It may feel soft; kind; shining bright; tame; virtuous; caring; safe; innocent; calm; like a shepherd protecting their flock. This gender is LUMIN (Lumenoir-in-nature).
☆ Voidfriend(ic): a word similar to boyfriend or girlfriend, for those whose genders involve the void in some way!
☆ Voidghostic: a kenochoric gender relating to ghosts and the void. it may involve or be represented by emptiness, liminality, and simultaneous nothingness-and-everythingness. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts do not have a gender.
☆ Voidmascflick: a gender that flickers between voidgender and faintly masculine
☆ Voidpupkenic: a kenic xenogender gender related to/best described by the void, dogs, and/or void dogs. it may feel vast, dark, protective, loyal, and/or any other words one would use for the void and dogs. due to the fact that the void is connected to emptiness, it may be agender-in-nature.
☆ Voidriastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and astraean - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned.
☆ Voidrihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and helian - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and man-aligned.
☆ Voidtentaclic: a gender related to the void and tentacles. it may feel vast, eldritch, empty, non-human, and anything else one would associate with these things. depending on one's association with the void, it may be kenochoric and/or agender/gendervoid, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Voidthingvull: a nyxivull (and kenic) gender related to being a voidthing - a thing connected to or made of the void, having an affinity for the void while being a thing, feeling like a thing due to emptiness associated with the void, or any possible combination of these things. due to being nyxivull, it is accompanied by feelings of emptiness, nothingness, finality, and/or nonexistence.
☆ Voidwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “void wizard”! The connection to void wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who incorporates the void into magic).
☆ Voidwritdeathic: a kenochoric and gendervoid gender related to writing, death and being undead, the void and entities that come from it, and goth and industrial music. this gender may feel empty, eerie, strange, final, eldritch, dark, musical, or anything else one may associate with these things
☆ Wastewarnic: a gender related to and/or represented by proposed long-term nuclear waste disposal warning architecture. this gender may feel hostile, jagged, sharp, ominous, dark, and/or radioactive.
☆ Waterglassgender: [a gender relating to waterglasses, i.e. liquid timers]
☆ WeedSmokingBoyfriendish: A gender that is, itself, a weed smoking boyfriend
☆ Weirdbeing: when your gender is best described as “a weird being” - i.e. a being who is weird, inhabits a weird world, represents or is made of weirdness, etc. it may feel strange, unsettling, bizarre, inhuman, mysterious, or any adjectives one would associate with a weird being. this gender may be viewed as part of the genderabeing system.
☆ Weirdcoric: A -coric gender related to weirdcore.
☆ Wizardic: a gender related to wizards and/or wizard-related aesthetics
☆ Wizorbic: a gender related to/represented by a wizard orb. it may feel magical, spherical, ponderous, or any words one may associate with a wizard orb.
☆ Wollsic: A term for gothgender individuals who love other gothgender individuals, exclusively or not.
☆ Workingpupgender: A gender connected to working dogs. (fire dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs, hunting dogs, service dogs, ect.) May or may not be a kingender!
☆ Writergender: a gender that is experienced through or because of writing.
☆ Xenoeyxis: a xenogender related to eyes. It could be cartoony eyes, the aesthetic of eyes, drawing eyes on the walls, or literally anything related to them.
☆ Xenogender: A gender that isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender.
☆ Xenomale: For those that are man/man-aligned and also identify with xenogender(s)
☆ Xeminian: xenoboys (xenic men or man-aligned individuals) who are attracted to xenoboys (exclusively or not).
☆ Xyric: a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals.