𝓗ow you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!

oliver | ainsel | nathaniel
16 — he / they — enfp 2w3
transmasc bi arospec
the moon


info stuff wooo

08.17. ⠀leo. ⠀filo.
EN&⠀very limited TAG
Ⅰ. please don't use any pronouns other than he/they on me,
regardless of who my pony is!
i'm critical of my interests. i don't mind if you
ask for my socials, but i will likely decline unless we're close. ASK
before giving my socials out to people (unless i'm already displaying them).
i love interacting, though i can be a bit reserved if we're not
already acquainted. i'm usually afk/off-tab; whisper if i'm unresponsive and
i'll try to get back to you in a timely manner, sorry if i still miss you! i tend to
go afk for very long periods of time, so i miss a lot of whispers regardless.
i also tend to abruptly go afk/off tab with no prior notice, sorry in advance!!

ⅠⅠ. i really like toilet humour. i respond to small talk and
most things with the same cycle of responses; this does
NOT mean i'm not listening, i just don't know what to say.
i like to hate on my favs as a joke. i like to go on tangents and listen to people do
the same. i don't have any heavy triggers and i'm fine with
talking about anything. i will communicate discomforts
accordingly, but keep in mind i tend to be nonconfrontational
if we aren't close. i dislike ithacest/ithanatha/helelnebu as a ship
and would rather not talk about it. if i'm overstepping any
boundaries or making you uncomfortable in any way,
please let me know and make it clear.


Pub: 03 Oct 2023 22:24 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2023 23:59 UTC
Views: 109