Mal and Dawn grew up together in the same neighborhood, but didn't start talking until late Elementary School. Mal grew up in a poor household, and found comfort at Dawn's house, where he ended up spending most his time. After juvie, Dawn and Mal became distant because Mal wasn't fronting anymore. But after ROTI, Mal began fronting more frequently and the two are now very happy together.

Mal would send letters to Dawn while in juvie, but stopped once he went dormant leaving Dawn in the dark.

Dawn introduced Mal to Le Tigre, while Mal introduced Dawn to Fall Out Boy.

When Hatsune Miku first released, Mal found a way to pirate it, and would burn CD's and mail them to Dawn.

Let's grab some Greezy N' Cheezy after school, K?
Can't! I have to babysit my sister, sorry! :( JazMan can come too, I'll wait there while you pick her up, ok?
Sounds like a plan :)! See you then.

Can I come over? I'm doing my homework.
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee? Fine. Door's unlocked
Thank you! :)

Why don't I ever come to your house?
I think it's pretty obvious, Dawn. I think I should come over one day.
Not happening.

I miss you.
My house has been so empty without you, Mal.
I love you.

Do you know when he'll be back?
Lose my number. Sorry. If you would like to hang out with me, I'm open to it.
No thanks.

also i know my password

Pub: 05 Dec 2023 13:55 UTC
Edit: 31 Aug 2024 19:58 UTC
Views: 377