Mal and Mike originally hated each other, since Mike did infact ruin Mal's relationship with most his friends and family. Mal really did not like Mike one bit while Mike thought he could be better than this. With the work of communication and healing, the two have managed to get closer and eventually started dating.
Mal sometimes tricks Mike into giving him things he wants.
Mike has given up front to Mal after he proved he could be trusted with it.
Mal pulls pranks on the body before Mike fronts.
We need groceries. When do you plan to get them?
Soon. I've been busy.
You said that 3 days ago. Why don't I get them?
No, I can handle it. I don't need your help.
Asking for help isn't bad.
Say somebody... bought a really poofy dress with our grocery money. Would you be angry?
I feel you presence, answer me.
Maybe you hosting isn't the best idea.
How's fronting been? Need any help?
No. I don't need help, it's been fine.
We are all here to help you. You can... ask for help.
Well, I don't need your help, I'm fine on my own, thanks.
You need help, don't you.
No, but I'm tired. So why don't you front today.
Alright, let me know if you need anything
I don't!
I guess I should say thank you for yesterday.
It's no worries, we're all here to help you, Mal. Don't be afraid to ask us.