<- the guy whi ruined my life
mikey lovemail by annoying mikey riako. main, #1 mikey lover extremely nonsharing other yumes and fans DNI i will be annoying and competitive not even on purpose Ok

oh my hodd,,,, guys i lvoe mikey so much. he's my #1 yumeship chat ship manjiciel today fir a better life. when i first saw him in the manga for thr first time i was like inlvoe?? as i got to imow him more i was even mire inlove, i relate to him too much irs insane me and kanto mikey can mellow in darkness togather even if he ends up killing me im runnign right towards him. i think about mikey every single day it literally distracts me from my schoolwork and taking care of myself its porblably unhealthy but i dont carr its not MY fault jes so amazing. i domt thkm anyone can understand how happy i am whenever i see comtent of jim hea so gorgeous i csnt help but get annoyed whenevr someone else loves him nobody loves him like i do. im not ooetic or anything im really ficking dumb and stupid and i dont kmow how to put words togethrr to make a beautiful quote on how mich i love him but i would litwrally let thr world explore tje universe die just to be in the tr verse and hold his hand every night i will literally murder a thousand men just to see him face to face i undergssn hwo it feels liek to push others away becoz you dont want them to suffer because if you. THATS WHY WE'RE PERFECT FOR EACHOTUER stupid ugly thing i hate him i hage him I LOVEHIM chat guys everyone yoy dont undrrtand uow mucb i <333 him hes so imporamt to me i love him i wanna kiss him i wanna be wit him i acnt pit it into words how much k lgoe
him you'd just have tk travel jnto ym midn and observe my thoughts about him. 85irs full of love and adoration i am his girlfeifn his wife his wverything. i DONT like interacting with otjer mikey fans sawry i dont even talk to tr fans in general lmg,, josnehes are full of sorrow i want to kiss all of his sadness aaway i lovey lovey him so much i literallt wrote about how much i love much j loved him onthe back of my classwork during health (the teacher saw it but we dont talk aboit that.) seriously im gona squish and bite his cheeks iwanna stab him i wanna kill him i eant him dead i wanr him yo suffer hes sk pretty i love him I HATW HIM imsnl sorry i love him sorry guys i'll add mirr to tis lagee will jever etol ebing updated ufh.uhfhfhf.7:$:$:z/ haii manjiro i LOvee youu so much. everytime i look @ u i quite literally get buttlerlfies looking at u grts me so giddy i literaly smile so wide and when i relax my muth my cheeks start hurting from how muchi was i was smiling omggg., i can make you better and i can make you worse i WANt to make you worse lets make each other worse im youre prince(cess) youur my knight youre the earth im the moon nobody luvs u liek i dooo youre AMAZing i wantto cut you up i wanna kiss u on the lips sooo bad. hai manjiro. i love every second i spend with you throught mu phone screen you take yp my thoughts everyday i cant stop thinking of you youre amazing i wish you were real nobodu could ever be you i miss you. i lvoe you.
that mizisua cure cover. thsts me & mikey. literally us. me and mikey are all alienstage ships (the main ones sorri) if i could draw i would draw us as that.. when hes known as the invincible mikey, when he’s a literal prodigy, when he was born on 8/20/1990 , when he’s one of the founding members of the tokyo manji gang, when hes the leader of the tokyo manji gang, when he’s the leader of the notorious gang organization bonten, when hes the leader of the kanto manji gang, when hes the deuteragonist of tokyo revengers, when hes the final antagonist of tokyo revengers, when hes the second youngest of the sano family (yes izana is apart if the sanos idgaf), when hes the strongest character in the series, when all of his bloodline got killed off and he had to watch it all happen, when he’s the black dragon’s 1st generation’s leader’s younger brother, when the black dragons gang was left behind for him to take over, when he and his newly formed gang fought with black dragon’s 9th generation for messing with his best friend and won, when he went by “mikey” to make his newly met sister with a foreign name feel less lonely, when he was one of the three deities, when he had to suffer and watch while he lost everything precious to him, WHEN HES MANJIRO SANO 😣😣😣
i love manjiro so much. my king my prince my knight my everything my god my universe my soulmate my best my only my one and only my beloved my world my treasure my baby my savior the ruler of my heart youre amaizjng i love everything you. my love for you breaks any bounds as it will forever keep extending forever and ever, i love you sosososo much it hurts i get migraines thinking about you youre a pesticide inside of my brain i wanna kill you and eat your remains. i love yoy do much wheneve i see something that remotely looks or reminds me of you i go “uhhh manjiro reference 😂” everytime i see a duo i find a way to insert ourselves in it NOBODY ever understands you like i do nobody loves you like i do. i love how selfless you are, i love how much you care for your friends and how far you would go for them, i love how you forgive others who do you wrong even if they hurt something you love, i love how even when you lost everything one by one you held a smile on your face for your friends and gang, i love how you’re always thinking about others before yourself, i love your childish attitude, i love your charisma, i love your name, i love your eyes i love yoir hair i love your face i love everything about you,,,,,,((((i seriously am attached to him so much i cant fucking fuctuon correctly when seeing another yume of him yoy wouldnt love him through every single one of his timelines i would though i love him more than anyone else inthrworld FUCK every other manjiro fan im the only one who exists noboyd else is a manjiro fan novody else even likes manjiro if you love manjiro im loving him more. in every universe in every timeline we’re together forever me and him i love him..!..;;;.(.(&@
do you guys get how mych i love him no tou dont nobody will ever love something like how i love him hes so ugly i hage him i adore him thags my baby my one and inly my number one i wanna hit him i hage him everyday i think aboit him and loom at picytures of him everyday i thimk about what we would do together if he were real i miss jim i miss my female boyfriend my butch girlfriend my he/him lesbian we are wlw faggit i hage him fuck my stupid baka manjiro life fun fact on our first date he fell asleep at the place we were eating at and i left him there and he called me asking why didnt i varry him like i could even carey myeelg
manjiro…my boyfriend’s life was filled with nothing but death and misery plus his dark impulses constantly eating him away his entire life he had pushed away all of his friends after toman’s disbandment and also if i can find the panel you can literally see his eyebags because emma literally died earlier that week oh my gif. literally his entire family died, first his dad who he barely remembered because he died when manjito was just three, his mother who he lovedsoo much died when he was in like elementary and then slowly his three siblings, first shin, then emma, and then izana 💔 and also his childhood best friend baji who was killed by another one of his bestfriend man yall really dont even understand how tragic this is im so happu he got his happy ending every single person who said takemitchy shouldve left mikey when mikey told him not to look for him domnt even understand takemitchy NOR his relationship with mikey like seriously get real if manjitro didnt have a happy ending i wouldve killed myself … or like jurt idk something woildve happened and jt woildnt be nice. ok one thing j realized i never talked about was his constant motivation to appear strong infront of others by not crying and always keeping a positive act even on the verge of tears, and when it actually comes strong he literally hides away somewhere so nobody would see the invincible mikey crying. even draken said “mikey has a lot of pressure on his back” something like that it was in draken’s flashback of toman before he died anyways. like seriously we dont talk about how much he carries on his back in silence while trying to help with everyone else’s problems. like it was rven shown after draken got stabbed and like after draken was annouced alive and everyone was crying and shit but mikey had to step away so he could cry in private becoz if anyone saw him crying he thought it would’ve made people think hes weak even though hes not literally hes si fucking strong emotionally even if he wasn’t really like even if he wasnt taking care of bis mental health properly he was still keeping up a front for his gang so they felt like no matter what would happen toman would always have someone to depend on and would always win because as long as mikey is there they could never loose. mikey is literally all they need!!! im so vrazy about him he sucks soonbad. literally i just
oksos forest… i love mikey so much. its so crazy extreme my love goes for him hes so adorable pretty gorgeous amazing charismatic talented beautiful. hes a prodigy in martial arts SINCE HE WAS A FUCMIGN CHILD.. I HATE HIM SOOOO MUCHHH. i love him, i hate how hes the fandoms favorite. i think he should only belong to me, nobody gets him like how i get him. nobody understands manjiro like how I understand manjiro. if manjiro along with his dark impulses were real, all those fake fans would be running away while i’m running right towards him. hes my everything, my one and only. me and him share so many special moments, i miss just seeing him in wakui’s artstyle. i love him from 2019 till when i die, and when i die i want all my future manjiro merch to be put inside of my grave so he can be with me even in the afterlife. i adore him with all my heart, i own majority of his rentry urls (i only need /manjiro and /mikey) i am his #1 and only fan. nobody else can compare with me when it comes to loving him, its always just been him and me forever! I LOVE HIM.so much. i am working towards collecting every single one of his characters in puzzreve,,, so i save up and spend money just to get them. jts always worth jt. whenever i see a motorcycle or just any type of sweet i’d buy mikey i always think of him, hes always on my mind i get headaches my head hurts jusy from thinking about him my heart beats for him he is my pulse i am his pulse when i die he will die and all of his “fans” will also die, i hate manjiro fans NOBODY loves him like i do all of his other fans can die a miserable death only i like mikey im the only manjiro lover in existence. i will even change my last name to sano to prove my love for him ♡

i feel like a lot of people dont get how mikey’s siblings deaths affect him so much one negative trait about mikey that basically matches up bar to bar with his positive traits is the fact that he doesnt have his own moral compass and is easily influenced and manipulable so when everyone that used to guide him to the right path dies he gets manipulated and used by people who want to use his strength and charisma for bad. so thats when takemitchy leaves in the manila timeline he just kills all his friends for no reason whatsoever because he doesn’t have anyone to keep him in check, so when no one is present to keep him in check his dark impulses get the best of him OR someone else corrupts him and uses him as a puppet to get the bigger stages ykwim well wasnt really for mo reason it was because everyone told mikey to leave takemitchy leave because he isnt fit for what toman was going to become and he got mad and killed everyone me think

ok loook even best pal sayinf manjiciel is real. said by the best and only megumi yume anad fan in exitsnece ok

ans also othwr me tione whwj

ok I stayed at home today ecen thou i was supposed to go back out because i have a fever and Im so sick.. However i gotten mire ill since those new peimcess cafe christmas chibis cane snd oh my god Shes so Cute I lovr my wife i love Nikey si mych.. Dont even get me started on knight manjiro im telling U i was walking around my house and i open the Pazuribe twt oage and I started jukping and i hit my head on the wall and almosr fell it hurt so bad ? werioisly i love her so much im so happy whenever j look at mikey she makes me so joyful im saving for her For the first anni coming to puzzerve :C Abyways i cant wait for next year cuz then guess what Hehe i get to snatch uo both 2nd anni mikey and knight mikey. its so amazing having mikey as my fav becayse im always gettkg fed in merch drops and in everything i love her its hurting me Help Help Help. Ok guys i have a confession i dod aelfship with mikey eice 2019 but idk the exact date so i just made one up ~Lalalalala I lovr my girlfriend

hello guys i heart my gf so much. mailiyah so anhane coded i love mikey so much hey. anywyas yap sesh i love mikey its anazing. she helped me in my lowest moments hes my 1 and only forever i love him like no other nobkdy loves mikey like i do. my stomaxh hurts so bad i hatw looking at trtt because jts just a bunvh of nut brains thinking with their dicks instead of aftually caring about mikey's cgaracter. you only know her family is dead go fick yourself "#1 and og manjiro smoocher" whoooare Uuuu. 😭😭😭😭 talking to people who like mikey is so annoyikg tk me its really hard not to make everything a competttion about how i love him more and its so hard to not rub it in anyone's face that im strictly his #1 fan everyone else no matter if they loved him more or not. i breatge mikey all day everyday i love mikey. if the devil cant reach you he sends you a fixation on a fictional blonde boy which affects you physically and mentally FUCKFUCKFUCKCUCK. im really fat and greedy if you wanr /mikey or /manjiro give up now i have shooters i will be getting those urls under every circumstance

mist mailiyah coded ships ever real ones know whose who 🩷🩷🩷🩷

Ahaha as always i got /mikey jm the best the best the one and only THE BEST MIKEY FAN EVER. a"Lsoo i got some new mikey jeychains and im alwo getting like 2 new nikey plusjies but after i move apartments cuz i dont trust aliexpress that they're ginna come before feb 20th. j love mikey soo much laplalaalallalala hes so mizi so an sooo sonic i love maiki my manjiro my wifeyyy.

manjiro is mine manjiro is my girlfriend i am her girlfriend we are a real couple we love each other yea doubles dint exist becayse thehe have a parasocial relationship with my girlfriendI love her so much. my Lala my shaylamy Honey comb fat poece of shit

all my mikey urls

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Pub: 24 Aug 2021 22:32 UTC
Edit: 29 Jan 2025 23:13 UTC
Views: 454