This url took more than 30 seconds, is fully decorated with genuine content and used by @Ovrpheus on retrospring/github, if u want to contact me, contact me on my retrospring.

art creds momoshouu, pls check out their beautiful jjk art!

annoyedㅤ&ㅤirritatedㅤ&ㅤuncomf easily
kys jokesㅤvery satire sometimesㅤomnivert
whisp to intㅤneeds patienceㅤi ♥ horrors sm
i 'copy' my friends energy when being hyper

locate me atㅤ:ㅤroad below spawnㅤgi area

easily overwhelmedㅤdistancing when unwell
i fixate onㅤjjkㅤ&ㅤtgcfㅤ&ㅤhorrorsㅤㅤ++
talkative in pvㅤwont interact firstㅤ♥ my bffs
mood swingsㅤan artistㅤc+h unls dni in name
might get real mean if mentally drained mb

++ on dnd statusiwc all times.
I am currently going through something


Pub: 01 Aug 2024 20:12 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2024 19:03 UTC
Views: 2327