

  • September 04, 2024: The site has returned to normal, but no explanation has been provided regarding the incident.
    • There have been some theories circulating in the community regarding TorrentGalaxy. Some users believe that the site simply experienced another downtime, while others think they might be trolling.
  • September 01, 2024: Displaying an image from the film Logan along with the message "TG Forever," TorrentGalaxy has once again puzzled users by replacing its usual index. The notice resembles one that appeared on the site a few months ago, after which it resumed normal operations. The ProxyGalaxy domain also showed an unexpected message when it typically displays this instead.
  • June 14, 2024: Unexpectedly going offline overnight, TorrentGalaxy has raised concerns among users who rely on the platform for new content.
    • The replacement message then changed to this to this, as their main domain shifted from a .to to a .mx domain, before eventually returning to the .to domain in working order. The reasons for the downtime and the domain changes remains a mystery.



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  • r/Piracy consistently strives to remain impartial and provide users with the best and safest sites. However, the situation can shift from safe to risky at any moment, so it's important to exercise caution at all times.
  • To assert that a site is unsafe, a user must provide relevant evidence, which may include screenshots, videos, virus reports, logs, or any other documentation that illustrates a connection to the site.



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Pub: 04 Sep 2024 13:43 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2024 09:24 UTC
Views: 1692