Chapter 1 (Part 2) - It's Just The Beginning.

This is in Zcen's POV
17:56 PM, Sunday 15th of March 2015

Recap of today... Uhh... Okay! So I went outside, and played, because I always do that! I love playing. Zrco is a really nice guy, and I like talking to him. Xav wasn't here today, he's off for a couple weeks, but that's okay, I have my sister and new friend Zrco! I'm at home now, I'm not allowed to play anymore today. There's, like, NOTHING to do at home! I want to play, but my sister, Yui, and my mother are arguing again. It's always like this, though. I guess I'm going to have to stay in my room and draw, like I usually do. I drew an object family, they never argued. I wish Yui and mam got along. The family I drew was a family of 3, just like my one. They are always soo happy. The little sister and the big brother sometimes argued, but it was always playfully. The little sister got along well with the father, and the little sister always stays by him. They are my characters, I made them up at school. Wait, I wonder if Zrco goes to school? He said doesn't have any family, so maybe he's homeschooled? Wait, no, how would that work? Do teachers come in his home? What. Anyway, I finished my drawing. I put it on my wall with a heart sticker, it's just above the dressup and toy box. Yui comes in our room, she's pretty upset, so I cheer her up! We played dressup, she let me use her favourite dress, I felt so bad, but it was so pretty, and kind of itchy, I needed to put something underneath, but I felt like a real princess! I wonder why dad never let me wear dresses. They are so so cool. Anyway, Yui wore her second favourite dress. We arranged the plushies, in rainbow order, and we dressed them up too! We made paper hats for them, and paper jewellry, it was like a big sleepover! After we were done playing, we cleaned up and Yui sat at the bottom of my bed.
Zc: "Why didn't you come out today? Last time was so fun, and that was sooo long ago!"
Yu: "I spilt cereal, mammy had a go at me. She always start on me for no reason! It's like you get special treatment, why is that?"
Zc: "I don't know what special treatment is."
Yu: "Like, you get treated differently! Mam never argues with you."
Zc: "She does sometimes. She calls me rude, I don't even know when I'm being rude!"
Yu: "Yeah, sometimes. She's always got something to say about the way I do things."
Zc: "I'm sorry."
Yu: "For what? Zcen, you didn't do anything?"
Zc: "Well, like, I don't know! I felt like apologising, but I've forgotten why! I think it's because you and mama are always arguing, and it always makes you sad."
Yu: "Oh... Zcen, don't feel sorry! We are going round aunties tomorrow, remember? So I won't have to argue with mammy!
Zc: "Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that!"
Yu: "We should probably get ready to sleep, so we don't have to wait ages to see aunty!"
Zc: "Okay!"

They waited until 21:00/9:00 PM to go to sleep. They just played more with their plushies until they got bored. I'm tired bye.

(zcens drawing, but i cant altar my artstyle) what the gyat





Pub: 31 May 2024 00:09 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 16:40 UTC
Views: 66