Chapter 1 (Part 1) - It's Just The Beginning.

This is in Zrco's POV
14:03 PM, Saturday 14th of March 2015

I wake up. I lay in my bed for a while. As I'm looking at the ceiling, I hear a knock. I wasn't expecting any packages or like, anything at all. I get up anyway, it could be important. I look out the window before opening the door, it could be a prank, but to my surprise I see a gem; very small and green, with half of its body missing. Next to him there was a small pink one, they looked oddly familiar but I couldn't remember where I saw them. Anyway, I open the door, "..Hey?" I say that SO quietly, you could probably barely hear it. "I DID NOT expect you to answer. AANNNNYYYWAYYY, me and my friend were wondering if you can, like, play because we are bored and we have no friends and we need some and like please please please!!!" That was a lot to take in, he said it so fast. I'm not really in the mood for playing, and I barely know this kid. Despite that, and the fact I've JUST woken up, I agree to play with them. It isn't like I have anything to do anyway. We head to the park just outside my house, we played some weird magic game. Halfway through the game I realised I have no idea what their names are, so I asked. The pink one is called Zcen, with a silent C, the green one was called Xav or something, he said his real name was Xavier but he doesn't remember how to spell it so he shortened it. They were really energetic, and acted pretty similar based on first impressions. Xav was confident, and if he had an opinion he'd state it. Zcen acted really strange towards me though, I have no idea why. They would act fine while we were playing; when Xav wasn't with us, they just stared at me. They looked really familiar to me, maybe they thought the same thing? Whatever it is, I need to know. I'll go back to the park tomorrow to ask what was up. Nevertheless, they seemed like fun gems. I hope I can be friends with atleast one of them, it's really lonely without {REDACTED}.

12:23 PM, Sunday 15th of March 2015

I woke up, I actually got ready and ate something before going out today. After I finished my cereal, I showered, and I put on a little accessory I found under my sink.

(very very quick mspaint drawing of zrco with the accessory on)

I walk out the bathroom and go outside, turns out Zcen was already walking to my house. They shout, "Hi!!" While they were walking up, I shut the door behind me as I float out. Me and Zcen walk to the park together, we talked about a bunch of random stuff, until they asked a weird question. Well, it wasn't that weird, but I found it pretty strange.
Zc: "WAAIT, I forgot to ask you something!"
Zr: "Oh? What's up,"
Zc: "Have we met before? You seem SOOOO uh.. Like, I feel like we've met before somewhere!!"
Zr: "I don't think so, but I was thinking the same thing."
Zc: "This is sooo weird. Have our parents met?"
Zr: "Zcen, I have no parents"
Zc: "What! I didn't think that was possible... To like, be born with no parents"
Zr: "Yeah, uh, same?"
Zc: "We are basically, like, best friends now, because we have probably met before. YAY!"
Zr: "Sure, if you want to put it that way. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, you kept staring at me yesterday. Why's that?"
Zc: "Because umm... I forgot, actually, probably nothing bad!"

I nod. We talk more about things, mostly Zcen's interests. They don't seem to stop talking, and it's nice because I prefer to stay silent. Xav wasn't with us today, Zcen said he had some family stuff to do, so they knocked for me instead. We didn't play anything today, we sat on the swings and talked instead. Zcen is really open with what happens at home, and the things they said made me feel really bad. They said they go outside everyday because 'bad stuff' happens at home, and that their dad left when them and their sister, Yui, were only young. Zcen also said that they usually eat round their friends house or their aunts, because their mother doesn't have any energy. It's upsetting how they had to go through all of that. However, they didn't really seem to be that... upset? They really quickly moved on from that conversation, and started talking about their interests. Again. They really seem to like this show, I forgot what it's called but theres a bunch of weird magic creatures. We stayed outside for a while, and when it got to roughly 4 o'clock, we left. I let Zcen stay in my house to eat, because I understand their struggles. They looked around my house and kept asking what the photos were of me and {REDACTED}. It was really awkward so I gave them their food to make them stop asking. After they finished and left, I couldn't stop thinking about {REDACTED}. I miss him so much, I never got to tell him how I felt, neither was I able to stop him from dying. He never wanted to listen, he never cared about living once he got ill. I miss you.





Pub: 11 May 2024 14:35 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 00:10 UTC
Views: 148