What Was Meant To Be The Prologue

This is in Zrco's POV
9:28 AM, Friday 13th of March 2015

BUZZ BUZZ.... BUZZZZZZZZ!! My phone's alarm is going off, I could've sworn I disabled that alarm last night. No matter how tired I might be, I wake up. Another day of doing nothing, weekdays are starting to blend in with weekends. I get out of bed, and I decide to leave to see my friend. However, as soon as I get to the door, my phone is buzzing again. This time it wasn't an alarm, it was a call by my friend's sister... How odd, Tryxie never calls me, she doesn't really like calling people... I answer it anyway, she immediately hangs up. I'm assuming it was just to get my attention, so I check my text messages.

Tryxie - (the text messages)

T: Hi Zrco, we really need to talk. It's about {REDACTED}...

Z: Oh.. What's happened? Is he okay?

T: No, and he hasn't been for a while now, we are so sorry for keeping this a secret for so long, but he has passed. We didn't know how to tell you, as we knew it was affecting you enough that he was sick, {REDACTED} is in a better place now. I'm sorry for your loss, he appreciated you loads, and enjoyed every last moment you had with him. You are such a kind soul for caring so much for my little brother.

Z: ...No, you're kidding. You kept it a secret for that long? You didn't even bother to tell me? If you cared that much surely you would've told me? I don't know what to think, and I don't know what to feel either. I'm so upset, dissapointed, yet I'm so fucking PISSED that YOU and YOUR family kept it a secret that the youngest DIED, who just so happened to only have one close friend, being ME. Your parents are just as useless, they didnt even bother to help their son. I'm sorry, Tryx, as much as I like you and consider you a friend, I can't do this. He meant everything to me, and YOU knew that. YOU knew that without him I wouldn't be able to live normally. You could've told me. Even if your mother told you not to.

You blocked this contact.

There goes my plans for today. Why did I say that? I didn't even give her a chance to reply. Whatever, she'd probably just apologise, as if she actually cares. If she does care, then kill me for thinking otherwise, because I already feel horrible. I wish I wasn't like this, I'm only 12. I shouldn't be having to deal with this. I don't have anyone else to rely on, do I just end it all here? I have no family in my country, they're all so far, they left me so young. If I don't have anyone, how can I even be considered a person? Suddenly, I start sobbing my eyes out. I fall to the floor, and I stare at my hands. They're shaking... A lot. I get myself up, I decide to just go back to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.



Pub: 05 May 2024 16:27 UTC
Edit: 18 May 2024 12:16 UTC
Views: 231