our inspos ! 01. . 02. . 03.

MUE ! made by rot ) mue , dont use thx

KEY'S  : bolded : Favorite / default
Italics : Only to be used if close orr if yu are given permission by xe
🪓 && Crossed Out : used ONLY by xe's FP's .. ¹ ²
&& Crossed Out : only used by xe
🏩 : gifted to xe
🪽 : wishes for husband to use on us only

RotLucianVincentDollvin✚Ghost✚.Zom.Fang.Pup.Corpsez.Vroomy.Viktor / Victor.Xen.AliceEllis ( Pronounced the same as Alice )MichaelAxeJuanito🏩.Joker.NemesisNeijun/Nei–joung🏩.Bunvee. Paw.Echo.Gutz.Loveline.lacey.Sunday🪽.Dove🪽.Moe.Iktómi🏩.Jorōgumo🏩.Ruru

made by mue, dont use

Rottie / Rotsie.Lucis / Luci / Lu / L.Vince / Vinny / Vin / Vi / Vivi🪓.Dollv✚.Gho.Corp.Vik / Vic.Ali / Al.Eli / El.AxNei-Nei🏩 .LALALOOPSIE LUCY WUCY ! ! only shiro can use this on us ! ! ( for funnzies )

made by mue, dont use He ( him / his )Xe ( xem / xeir )Cure ( Cures / Cureself ).Vamp ( Vamps / vampself ).Doll ( dolls / dollself )It / Its✚.They / Them( THE ONLY BEINGS WHO CAN USE THOSE ON VINNY ARE RON, GHOST, DEATHE, SHIRO, SIF, ! )bwru ( brwuise / brwuises )bun / bunniesad ( admire / admires )Beloved / beloveds🪓.Drama / Dramas.Save / Saves.Load / Loads

made by rot DNU plz Rott ( rotten / rottself )mu ( mutt / mutts / mutthing )mew ( mews / mewself / mewthing )knvfe ( knvfes / knvfeself / 🔪 / 🔪's )Gut / Gutz.paw / paws .swe / sweetie.dot/dots.cher ( cherish / cherishes ).whisker / whiskers.cuddle ( cuddles / cuddleself ).Ble / Bleed.Ado / Adore.gloom / glooms.lu / lust

made by rot DNU plz darl ( darling / darlings / darlingself / darlingthings ) .Batz ( batzself / 🦇 / 🦇 's )Vi ( Ver / Vim )Lost / Lostselfclu / clumsykill / kills.nom / nomies.sof ( soft/softs/softself ).gloom ( gloomy / gloomies ).cry ( cries / cryself ).grrr / grrrself🏩 .Ob / Obsess.Di / Divine.Mel ( Melan / Melancholy ).Do / Dove.desire / desires.card / cards

made by rot DNU plz bite / bites.di ( die / dead )Fang ( fangs / fangthing )love ( lovething / lovethrist )🪓.Ax ( Axe / Axething )sta / stalkerxi / xissyr / syringeneed / neediecanni / cannibalpati / patientfa / fawn.Zzz / zzzs.Lamb ( lambs / lambself ).ca ( care / cares / careself ).bandaid / bandaids.clinic ( clinics / clinicself ).Dev / Devote.razor / razors

made by mue, dont use ( Prn ) The Absences Of A CureThe , UnDead( A / The ) Frighten && Fragile Dollcyracked Porcelain Dollv.The Cannibalistic Vampire.Your Sinful SaviorThe Lying God.The One Who Dies an Equal Death.The Hospital's Local Sweetheart( prn ) adorned in lace and frills.They Who's Life is Love.The lost and disoriented.The Cyutes Chainsaw Idol.Forgotten idol Of Death.

made by rot DNU plz Purrsonal DollThe Quiet One (s).( The , Prn , A ) Clowning Vampire 🎭. The Broken && Used Puppet ( teer ) .(The / Prn) Haunting Of The Slasherneedy patientThey Who Crave Affection.( Prn ) with 50 years of dating experience (in otome games).The 3rd BoyfiNeedy Boyfi

made by rot DNU plz The Huanting Of A Lovedthrist Corpsez. Speaking Of An Dead Corpsez. The Awaiting Loserboy. The Boyf Awaits. Smoking Foolboyf.( Prn ) , The Losing Of An ( Corpsez ) BoyBride.The Laughing Corpse Of An Clown.( Prn ) Insane Clown Who Works For The Dark CarnivalThe Corpse Loving HatcherManThe Devoted One.All That Was Once Holy.( Prn ) who follows death.the angel tangled in cables.The God Who GivesThe Lovesick One


ghost was here too >:3o

Pub: 08 Dec 2023 17:25 UTC
Edit: 17 Jun 2024 20:05 UTC
Views: 1759