mreOW "cheri, cheri lady, goin' through a motion! love is where you find it . . ." . Cherie / Lir / Source Names @ He/They <3 Tiger!! <3 | DID sys Host of the sys!! splitroject, my sources! BPD , ADHD ✦ 1 / ✦ 2 / ✦ 3

I might need tone tags sometimes. My behaviour might change a lot, too,
im sorry if i make you feel odd.
Please try to be patient with me! Feel free to tell me if anything bothers you about us.
DNI: - Basic Criteria - "Doubles DNI" ppl - IRL's who call fictives "doubles" - Endogenic systems/believers/supporters. - Mean ppl for no reason at all. - Problematic fandoms (DSMP etc.) - Mother Miranda Fictives / Irls, whatever.

Pub: 05 Sep 2023 02:11 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2023 07:39 UTC
Views: 192