abandoned marticles

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aqui nessa página ficam os textos que eu comecei a escrever, mas que eu decidi abandonar porque não tava mais com vontade de terminar eles. eles provavelmente vão ficar aqui sem terminar pra sempre, mas se gente o suficiente pedir, eu talvez acabe terminando ou refazendo um deles. eu deixei a lista aqui pra quem quiser dar uma olhada nos meus trabalhos inacabados!

here in this page are those texts that i started writing, but that i decided to abandon because i didn't feel like finishing them anymore. they'll probably stay here unfinished forever, but if enough people ask, i might end up finishing or redoing one of them. i left the list here for anyone who wants to take a look at my unfinished work!


nh é uma vogal — coisinhas sobre como sons nasais funcionam em português

oito, nove, dez, eleven, twelve — alguns idiomas têm dois sets de números


please stop "spa cing pin yin like this" — a rant about how people often space romanized mandarin incorrectly

mandarin journal — documenting my progress learning mandarin — this series was abandoned because i never actually started learning mandarin seriously™, and it only has one entry...

Pub: 10 Feb 2024 01:11 UTC
Edit: 10 Sep 2024 08:25 UTC
Views: 267