tw sh mention / idealization


if you wanna play i am more than happy to

frey/michael/embarrassment calling me ableist transphobic whatever the fuck, you didnt even let me speak before you told me to slit my wrists and told my girlfriend you hope she cuts deep for blocking you on instagram

1. - frey messaging my (eve) girlfriend (ash) after we peacefully removed him from instagram of all places

2. - frey leaving our discord gc after said removal from instagram

i am sorry you were so deeply hurt about me blocking you for being abusive and purposefully hurting your boyfriend

please hit me with screenshots before you call me transphobic ableist racist homophobic anything because i have spoken to you a total of like twice

tag my rentry next time unless thats too complicated for you xoxo eve


responding to this image from thing 1's dni:

frey's rentry:

in regards to me fakeclaiming you: not once did I ever say anything about your DID nor did I accuse you of faking?? the scs you sent are literally nothing and you're acting like they're crucial to the defamation of ponytown evelynn

as a singlet who is quite literally studying the brain and advocating for complex disorders like DID I promise you I know how to source information asking "did he tell you that" was to clarify if it was from you or whatever doctor you're seeing or your parents etc


secondly regarding transphobia/cisgender turning a blind eye to transphobia:

again, not once was I ever transphobic towards you and neither were any of my friends. my girlfriend is not cisgender and your pronouns page consists of several neopronouns which puts you under the umbrella term of "transgender" because you are actively deviating from your assigned gender/pronouns/binary

I have nothing against the use of neopronouns in fact I encourage it if it helps you feel comfortable but you were not assigned fox/fox's at birth as that is not a binary gender and even in the case of you being intersex you actively identify as male and use pronouns as a means of gender expression, case and point umbrella term transgender


second divider for transphobia because its confusing to look at im organizing this like a white girl freshman's notebook

for context, frey received a wordy discord msg after telling me to slit my wrists naturally i informed the people that knew him that he said things not only to me but my girlfriend because that's fucked up

i do in fact not care about you im just doing because its hilarious to me i did not call you the t slur and i trust that if any of my friends did send you that discord message, they can reclaim it

i did not send the message myself and therefore it is really not something to blame on me... because i did not say any slurs or insult you based on any gender expression or identity

honestly i have only one friend that's cisgender besides myself and they aren't involved here


lastly. the moment we've all been waiting for. am i ableist against npd people for not wanting to tolerate you telling my girlfriend to cut deep...

again, for context: frey and his partner both suffer from npd frey actively talks about his god complex and wants you to call him shit like Saint/Your Majesty/Lord/Angel

this suggests that having npd means you can tell people to kill themselves for blocking you on instagram. i don't think i have to say much more

god complex is not a slur, having a personality disorder is not an excuse you should actively be trying to be better than your disorder


more context for these next few scs:

this all started essentially because frey's partner made a pony that my girlfriend suggested it makes this led to frey purposefully telling his partner that everything they make is shit

frey later admitted that he said those things with the intention of hurting his partner

i unfortunately do not have screenshots of this disscussion but hopefully my continuous providing of evidence above is enough credit for me to lack here


now, these:

calling him abusive for reoccurring instances of this behavior towards his partner makes me ableist supposedly

do i win yet


for the sake of clarity, i'll recap exactly how the situation went down:

i was friends with frey's partner, as was my girlfriend and we were generally close enough to one another to share/comfort one another in distress

frey shows up, disappears shortly after, and his partner shows both myself and my girlfriend the beginning of what was apparently an hour long argument according to frey himself

my girlfriend and i decide that this is obviously shitty behavior and no way in hell do i want to condone this or be associated with it who speaks to their partner like that bro

innocently blocks on instagram

threats ensue, one targeted to both my girlfriend and i, then the instagram message sent to my girlfriend

my girlfriend and i decide to spread word, this was really ugly like be aware neither of us want it to go unseen by the people that know him

frey receives an unkind discord message and is baffled by the language as if he didn't become violent in dms seconds before

frey starts throwing allegations, pinning the message on my girlfriend and i + calling us every -phobic under the sun

and now we are here, after a few conversations and piled up evidence.


alright so apparently michelle obama here didn't get the joke even after i addressed him as embarrassment

i will not flash bang you with giant ass light mode rentry screenshots like someone else in the room...

frey's rentry:

it became my business the moment your partner came crying in my dms about how you broke up with them not once but twice, the first of which i took an hour of my time to comfort it out of a meltdown that you caused

to note, not once did i assume any of this stuff whether you actually broke up or not, i am simply reciting what i was told by his partner, which was that these two instances led to two break ups

and it certainly became everyone else's business the moment you came and lashed out at both myself and my girlfriend


pardon the poor cropping someone's rentry skills are not as refined as my own

frey's rentry:

this is certainly... a creative choice

i am in fact cisgender though, baby's first legitimate claim

regardless, this is basically going in circles around my 4th little divider here regarding michael afton claiming im transphobic surprise, the person who messaged you can reclaim the slurs they used

frey's rentry:

i don't care how you feel about me talking about the shit you did, i was in my right to do so it was warranted and i sure as hell was going to tell people that yes you called your partner shit and spouted graphic comments to my girlfriend and i i deserve to be able to tell people that you were shitty to me, ugly behavior = ugly consequence my guy

i cannot be blamed for a slur i didn't say or a claim i didn't make silly i'm not transphobic or ableist for someone else talking to you even if it was prompted by my sharing of how awful you were


just a little comment on this tidbit

frey's rentry:

i didn't really care (because i know you can reclaim it... shocker) but since you want to be picky, you directed the r slur at me twice and named your rentry the same thing

- link btw

also... nobody told you to slit i can guarantee kys and "die irl" might've been used but, whoever sent the message was not as graphic as you were

check yourself smile


another section of mister michael mouse's word vomit

so like are we... aware of the english language and how words work or you contradicted yourself here, maybe you need a proof reader ask your boyfriend

frey's rentry:

"you are utilizing it as a slur" "i never said eve called me a slur"

i did not call you a slur. i did not utilize anything as a slur. what do you mean directing a slur you can reclaim isn't reclaiming it

saying Lol doesn't make whatever you just spouted automatically correct but i mean it was an attempt


again, sarcasm & joke being misunderstood bbg

my rentry, screenshot from frey

frey's rentry:

i was suggesting that fox itself is not a binary gender, hence why fox/fox's are not binary pronouns i see how this was able to be twisted, though. my use of the word "assigned" was meant for comedic purpose

i touch more on intersex vs transgender below


intersex vs transgender

note how i choose my words very carefully because i am not an idiot

instagram dms, me speaking

intersex CAN be considered transgender because it deviates from the typical "binary" it is up to the person themselves. that is how gender expression works.

frey's rentry:

either way, bringing up transgenderism with you was pointless because as you've said you do not identify as transgender and that doesn't change the fact that someone who is trans used a trans slur on you

that is like saying you can't be called slurs if you don't fit the slur's "definition"

i am not claiming all intersex folks are transgender. i am saying they can be considered under the umbrella


idk what to label this bro

last i checked, your pronouns page stated you identified as male. it doesn't now... as if someone decided to tamper with it after i mentioned it...

if you are cisgender why are you so pressed about being "assumed" transgender are we dealing with some gender insecurity my guy

why did it bother you so badly to be called the t slur as a cisgender person

how is insisting you are trans (even though i did not) mean i am transphobic you cannot be transphobic to someone who is cisgender


frey's rentry:

you... you are a psych student a "med" major and psych minor


no pictures here :^)

considering you didn't reply to the fakeclaiming and npd ableism, i'm assuming you understand i was in the right thanks for the boost to my rightfully massive ego (not god complex level though...)


frey's rentry:



pointing out the contradictions in little suzie sheep's argument

(i don't think you're ableist i think you're just stupid) (will arguing in your logic make it make sense to you)

frey's rentry:

frey's rentry:

frey's rentry:

so... by your own logic you are actively being ableist to me? is that right

using the r slur "with the intention" of using it as a slur when I am not able to reclaim it myself does that sound about right

you got called the t slur by someone who can reclaim the t slur. not even by me

if the person who called you the t slur is transphobic for using the t slur as a slur... and a special someone here is using the r slur as a slur...



frey's rentry:

please point out what category i fit under if you have the balls to give me another reply we're like emailing at this point omg should we kiss

i did not use the slur. how many times do i have to say that. the person who used the slur can RECLAIM the slur

trans people can use trans slurs. the same way you used the r slur on me. because you can reclaim the use of it...

not that the trans slur even effects you because you are not trans


apologies for the blatant screenshot of the t slur i am only including it to show its origins

the person using the slur was reclaiming it sjuck-nuts

they believed you were transgender. they were transgender. their usage of it was a transgender person referring to another transgender person

mistaking a cis person as a transgender individual doesnt make anyone transphobic


frey's rentry:

again it... is my business because i comforted your boyfriend through it

unfortunately i do not have the screenshots to back up my claim here, but the reason I came to comfort phel was because he told my girlfriend that you broke up with him

he joined our party because i didnt want him to be uncomfortable venting in local chat i even was nice enough to explain to him that you'd come to your senses eventually

and you did say more than "i'm done with you" hence the reason this all started


frey's rentry:

how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man you got upset at him for not communicating FOR you

i don't have screenshots of this either because it was so old. but i know that you know what i know

i'm not calling you abusive for feeling things i'm calling you abusive for taking out your feelings on your boyfriend


frey's rentry:

i think if anyone read the entirety of the message you received they'd know just how ridiculous it is its purposefully ridiculous and over the top

the threesome on your grave still makes me laugh im not sorry

frey's rentry:

stop lying as if i knew this was said to you

"my little sister messaged them without my knowledge" so is she ableist transphobic intersexist for telling them things without your knowledge

also they obviously copied what you said to me to make fun of you


frey's rentry:

funny because i am actively spending time with my partner reading your bullshit sorry sus but i'll take this as a win

i hope phel learns and eventually leaves you maybe i'll still be around when it happens in the next month or so

Pub: 04 Jun 2023 19:35 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2023 03:35 UTC
Views: 1629