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accurate tiktok video
Heaven or Shya.⠀FTM Cutie⠀⠀HeノHymn!Chinese
Bilingual,⠀ILMBFSM.⠀MascFem Terms.⠀ISTP-T⠀
Sapphillean⠀⠀Memory Issues & Ment. Unstable
hai ok to get myself started off , here are a few of my favorite flamingo vids ! this does NOT include albertsstuff btw , sorry.. all of these are from his fairly recent stuff, i've taken more of a liking to these than his older ones ! this rentry will also act like an update thingy ! i'll put any new videos flamingo uploads, including others like polarcub, laugh, jake, denis, sketch, etc !! i just wanna put this to really good use cause albert was one of my comfort youtubers when i was in a really dark time.. little me is cheering in the back guys
click the thumbnails to be redirected !
heres links to his friends ! (dani laugh jake denis sketch temprist kaden etc)
dani's youtube, sketch's youtube, denis (INACTIVE) laugh's youtube, alt (INACTIVE), temprist's youtube kaden's youtube
also, here's some other youtubers i really like !
dyso, bloom, divided, kubz scouts, coryxkenshin
bloom is ESPECIALLY underrated .. please support him + his other friends ! (divided & dyso)