I walk along the city streets, always something there to remind me

STILES﹒FALAN he ∬ gravez 𓂃 𓂃 5teen tkn onetwo


﹐More then a year you've stuck with us, through thick and thin, through all of this drama, through all of these problems, and ghosting phases, and communication problems, you've stuck by our side for all of it. We love those long calls where we only talk for an hour or two then one of us falls asleep, we love learning about your new friends and what happened with who, we love hearing about your day and everything. You were the first to know about a lot of things and you helped us learn a lot more things about ourself, you helped us understand things, you've helped us find a strong meaning behind 3 little words we have a hard time saying to other people. But those words just come naturally when we talk to you. You're always the highlight of our day, we love talking to you, you always explain yourself instead of a "I was busy" even if it was small, you still explained why, you told us about your new intrests and so many things. We know you love butterflies, resse's, duster, bracelets, certain textures, slipknot, the perks of being a wallflower, the goldflinch, IT, but you hate moving, lotion, busses, needles, and certain textures, you hate your voice but I love it, it always grounds us, it's the most beautiful sound i've ever heard in my life, it sounds like heaven when you laugh, and I always get nervous during calls because I never know what to expect from you, even if you always say hi a thousand times before I say anything, it makes my day. You're handsome, calming, charming, extraordinary, adventurous, brave, and are just the most perfect boy in my eyes. I remember the day we met, I was on spring break and had just talked in a server and you responded, and I was like "wow, I want him to be my boyfriend" and after a toxic friendgroup, and you sticking by my side and defending me the entire time, we finally got together. I'm not a fan of sappy shit but, it feels like something clicked when we met, like I was meant to meet you. We've been head over heels for you since forever, you've listened to our rants and the new friends we've made, you don't mind it when we spam you and we don't mind that it takes a while for you to respond becuase I know you're mine and I couldn't be happier. You made me who I am today, you've supported me and given me space when we needed it. We're in a much better mind set becuase of you. We've had a ton of ups and downs but you've stayed with us and you're so patient it actually hurts. I'm so glad we met you and decided to write that little user or else we wouldn't have been a thing. I love you so fucking much it's actually insane, and I can't wait to spend more time with you <3

Pub: 13 May 2023 21:20 UTC
Edit: 14 Jul 2023 18:57 UTC
Views: 118