. . . i'm very good at forgiveness! it's one of my favorite things!  𓂃 ♯ neroazira  6teen  intp-t he . she + 𓂃 Ⅰ.  Ⅱ.  Ⅲ.

basic dni
proshipers/anything of the sort
if you're actively lying about your age
endogenic systems
dream stans/fans
southpark fans
dc joker kins or fictkins
pro isreal
-14 or 19+


byi i have add and autism, please be paitent with me i say slurs i can reclaim i firmly stand by my belifs you wont change my mind i'm critical of my intrests

Pub: 15 Nov 2023 03:02 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2023 01:16 UTC
Views: 272