"I will deny my role as human,," lars kyrylo !! he◞ they tmasc + bisexual adhd & bpd

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byi: sometimes i can say mean things so if i hurt u with something then feel free to tell me, lot of time i wont reply to messages but its nothing personal, i just dont feel like talking but later on i will get back to you, in general im a friendly person and i love making friends so if you'd like to be friends then just talk to me especially if you like the same things as me, sometimes i can talk a lot so if that annoys you then let me know, i can be very judgemental and argumentative but i respect your opinion so i'd be glad if u also respect mine

anyone can int unless basic dni criteria stuff, just dont be weird

Pub: 31 Aug 2023 14:15 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2023 00:41 UTC
Views: 221