best in darkmode noodle . . . . any / prns old man brained lesbian seventeen ! black + mexican int byf ext

im critical of my interests. im insane and delusional (yumejin) about mayoi i do a bit of shitposting :3c nd i go by ray to but shhhh. also im embarisangly socially akaward and i rt guro/gorey stuff sometimes, im a fat sweaty balding ojisan in my head

dni i have a wife and kids i could care less just dont be an odd individual + do not involve me in no anti/proship discourse i just block most people if im not comfortable w/ what they post cuz idagf it not that deep look 🚗🦆 the duck bigger than the car none of this ilinet stuff real 🙅

Pub: 23 Jan 2023 01:01 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2024 13:35 UTC
Views: 2310