number names

TW this will have talk of abuse, programming, and ramcoa. please read at your own risk and warning. if you are easily triggered or not, this can and still will be hard to read. do not read if you are triggered by any of these things. ramcoa is abuse.

for just ramcoa related resources, go here.

made by a ramcoa survivor and pw(c)did. the previous interiation of this information (.co/number-names) used an incorrect term, and linked an incorrect resource. (it now leads here! if you came from there, hi!:)) if you have any questions, concerns, or changes i should make in my wording, feel free to contact me at dropthemitts on discord.

DO NOT COPY THIS RESOURCE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. if you want to request changes, contact me using the platform above. do not claim you cannot contact me and change my wording. if you want to have a conversation about information included, contact me. do not copy my work on the claims of "fixing it". this is directed towards .co/ramcoanumbernames; do not follow the advice of trying to figure out your trauma without therapy; it can kill you. if you're going to "credit" me for "heavy inspo" (direct copying), at least get it right.

last updated 05/27/24

what is ramcoa?

ramcoa is an extreme type of abuse that stands for ritual abuse, mind control, and organized abuse, which comes in all different experiences based on the type of organization/group. you do not need to go through all three of these to be an ra survivor. examples of ramcoa can be a religious cult (any religion), a group of current military members training victims to be in the armed forces, sex trafficking rings, or the trobuled teen industry.

if you suspect you are a survivor, do not dig. wait until therapy. do not dig for information from your system if you suspect anything, as there can be severe and life-threatening consequences if you don't. additionally; do not ask survivors you know if they can help you. only you can know your trauma and experiences. being a survivor does not equal being google, and survivors (rightfully) will not share their trauma details with you.

i will not be explaining programming triggers. for what programming is, you can do your own research in a safe environment.. reading about tbmc / ramcoa / oae will make you feel ill, or may trigger a trauma response. this does not mean you are programmed. you are reading about deliberate abuse and torture of children. it will freak you out.

in the other rentry referenced above, they use the term "hc-did" to describe a system created intentionally through ramcoa (hc standing for highly ccomplex, relating to system structure and functions). that term should not be used. it was made by a racist conspiracy-theory spreading antisemite, and it implies that ra survivors have a higher level of dissacoation than non-survivors. that is not possible. you are just a system, who happens to be a ramcoa survivor. there is no need to use a non-medical term. here is a brief resource made on the usage of the term and the creator.

so what do number names have to do with this?

when someone is in their group, they may be treated as robots, animals, or anything subhuman. gods, angels, and other religious figures, as well. a type of organizational programming is number programming, in which survivors are given numbers as names instead of actual ones, for a variety of reasons, through abuse. these names are not chosen by the person, but given to them by their abuser(s). these numbers may have meanings specific to the group and the system in the survivor. some don't have meanings at all.

for example, a part with the name 074-1Q. the 074 stands for the survivor's number, the -1 stands for version 1, and the Q is the first name of a handler to designate who the part belongs to. it can also be dates, coordiantes, birthdays, or it can have no "obvious" meaning at all; bottom line, it is done purely for the purpose of dehumanization of the victim by the abuser(s). that is just one of many organizational systems the abusers can use - other examples are flowers, gems, a deck of cards, or military rankings. a system can have many different types of organizational systems along with numbers.

this should be common sense but, do not, for the love of everything, ask a survivor what their name means.

so why can't i (non-survivor) use number names?

number names are something that survivors do not chose to have, but given to them. these names are not something you should want to have, as they came to fruition through years of trauma and abuse. these names are not fun or quirky. "but it's my source!!" shut up. please. why is horrific abuse and trauma a costume for you? non-survivors choosing it as a cute little name are disgusting.

misc things to note

1) number names are not triggering. do not silence survivors for things they may not be able to control/help. survivor especially, you should know better.

2) "it puts a target on your back!!" go outside. touch grass. congrats on making survivors feel further silenced for things they cannot control in a "safe-space" for trauma survivors. oh wait, i forgot syscord only likes trauma that's not too bad and scary.

3) not all survivors are systems! keep that in mind.

4) many survivors are not allowed/choose not to change them due to a) their place in a healing journey, b) inner-system dynamics, or c) other reasons. (ie one survivor might not be allowed to due to system dynamics, yet another may be able to yet continues to use them as a way of reclamation.) we are not harming or triggering ourselves by having these names. do not tell any survivor they are.

5) do not ask about trauma when asking why they have that name, what it means, etc, ever.

6) survivors who do not have number programming are not allowed to use number names. you know better.

7) do not mock or purposfully mess up number names, especially longer and/or more complicated ones (instead of "7/29-1.P" you say "77/929P whatever") — say our names correctly, or don't say them at all.

8) i feel like i shouldn't have to say this, but i'm always suprised. do not, when faced with a long and/or complicated number name (ie 195-a8195-X.1239, 719qet8814), joke that it's a phone number, or say "is that my ip adress ?!!" you are not funny. you are just disrespecful.

frequently asked questions

"is if fine if i (non-survivor) use one that's spelled out? like zero instead of 0?" personally, no, as it's still a number. just one or two survivors being okay with it does not overrule the majority community opinion.

"does a longer number mean worse abuse?" no. oh my god, no. a part named 9103-PIC.118 has the same level of trauma as a part named 7. short number names (one digit) are still number names. length does not make them inherntly more complex and/or a higher level of abuse needed to get them. abuse is abuse, and trauma is trauma.

"but whaf if it's my souce name?" touch grass. please. stop appropriating horrific trauma and abuse. just as you can't use cultural names if you're not bodily that culture, you cannot use number names if you haven't bodily experienced that abuse.

"what if i'm uncomfortable calling someone a number?" cope. this isn't something we chose.

"can i use a number name if i'm not programmed? like if i was a victim of the troubled teen industry and a field guide/the adults only called me my file number for (x amount of time)? or in a psych wars?" personally, yes! the troubled teen industry and (some) psych wards are still under the ramcoa umbrella (organized abuse) and you have the right to reclaim it just as much as other survivors.

"what if i have multiple alters with the same name? can i number them (ie jack2, jack3, jack4) in pk? is that fine?" for organizational purposes within pk, yes! outside of that (display names, bios), no.

"am i allowed to suggest 'normal' names?" only if and when they ask. do not ask, unprompted, if you can call them spencer (real ones know).

"if i suspect i'm a survivor, can i use number names?" no. please please be certain you are a survivor. my wording isn't the best for this, but please be sure before you use a name rooted in dehumanization that you're not 100% sure you've experienced. ramcoa is not common. it's been happening for decades, and it still happening to this day, but not every system has been through ramcoa. do not assume you're a ramcoa survivor at your first sign of trauma.

"what if they have a number name and a 'normal' name? which one do i use more?" ask. go by the first one in the display name if applicable, or alternate.

"do sleep token members (II, III, IV) count as number names? do i need to change them?" in my opinion yes, as it's still a number, just in a different format/spelling.

"does a name like 5up (content creator) count as a number name? would i need to change it?" in my eyes, yes! it's the same as a part named J3, L-10, or P6, even if it's not meant in that way.

"if it's really long, am i allowed to shorten it?" unless you're told it's okay to by the person and/or the part individually, no.

"i was told the term ramcoa is from the roots of satanic panic and conspiracy theories and i should use oea instead, what do you think?" the “proper” term is oea, but ramcoa is mainly recognized and describes more specific abuse vs oea being a lot more generalized; though, don't harras or attack survivors who choose to use oea over ramcoa.

want to add an faq, have a problem with my wording, or anything else to say (ie a linked resource is broken)? contact dropthemitts on discord.

various resources

see here for this below list.

organized abuse

the survivors trust



persons agasint non-state torture

ritual abuse network (scotland)

ritual abuse articles

help for adult victims of child abuse

survivors of incest annonymous

canadian centre for victims of torture

human trafficking online library

international rehabilition for torture victims

coalition to abolish slavery and trafficking

centre for the study of violence and recolition

organized sexual abuse book

becoming yourself: overcoming mind control and ritual abuse by alison miller

end ritual abuse

academic paper PDF

your strength to heal

find a therapist near you through the ISSTD therapist directory.

Pub: 23 Jul 2023 03:32 UTC
Edit: 27 May 2024 22:58 UTC
Views: 11947