girl by naoko, looks better in lightmode

the letter whe me from a dream 。 。 。

dni, which means do not interact, character is from girl by naoko bow div homophobic (all kinds), terfs, transphobic, xenophobic,
colorist, racist, ableist, zionists, sexist
proshippers (all kinds), radqueers, romanticizes abuse, s/h, rape, kidnapping etc.
you say slurs you cannot reclaim, pro-endogenic systems
pedophiles, rapists, sexualizes minors, zoophiles, nazis
MAPs (minor attracted people), shotas, lolis

right in between heaven and earth, I'm there floating quietly

before you interact back irls fictional others external links

girl by naoko
ghost was here !

Pub: 30 Aug 2024 05:53 UTC
Edit: 05 Dec 2024 05:55 UTC
Views: 355