girl by naoko, looks better in lightmode

the letter where is your love? 。 。 。

text says byi, which means before you interact. the character is girl by daoko bow div I have a typing quirk (4 = for, 2 = to)
I have (selfdx) anger issues
I'm like really mean (affectionately)
I curse like a sailor
I get vv nsfw real quick
I have a strong habit of leaving people on read
I sometimes dislike having conversations
I use tonetags, and sometimes cannot understand tone

Are you pointing to this world? The reflection is unnatural. the character is girl by daoko

back do not interact irls fictional others external links

girl by naoko
ghost was here!

Pub: 30 Aug 2024 05:54 UTC
Edit: 05 Dec 2024 05:54 UTC
Views: 424