no credit : hover over flag for names
rq forminsert tuttmblrtwtrq listlog
orientation ​ ⁺ ​ aspec ​ ₊ ​ controvrs ids ​ ⁺ ​ phys ids
gender ​ ₊ ​ xenogender ​ ⁺ ​ disorders ​ ₊ ​ disabilities
nationality flags ​ ₊ ​ queer misc ​ ⁺ ​ other misc

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 01.25.2025 ​ | ​ whoew! its been a bit! i deeply apologize for the lack of activity on here. i still see requests come in here & there but i just dont have the time </3 ... ill get to it eventually!! my workload has lessened just a tinesy, however, ive prioritized my personal relationships and schoolwork over this project. ill get to it again soon enough. :) i genuinely appreciate all the support ive receieved through this! as my motivation comes back ill try and update this little by little again <3

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 11.12.2024 ​ | ​ aauugghh hey yall again !! ive checked the form and i see i have ~90 requests yall have...ill get to that eventually!! i a very busy guy and school is GETTING me. ill return to this soon, purrhaps during my thanksgiving break if im not too busy with my personal life <3 fankss :3c love yall
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 09.07.2024 ​ | ​ hey yall!!! im SO sorry for abandoning this. i still check the form and i at least get flags down on lists, but ive become quickly busy with school and all. i hope to maybe return to this soon when im on vacation maybe? well see! ill eventually get back on it, give me time :) also, form has been updated on what i take. please read it!
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 06.26.2024 ​ | ​ added several urls, and have largely expanded the rentry! requests i accept now:
nation flags + ethnic flags [at .co/pixelbody], physical id flags (e.g. aldernic labels, nonhuman ids, a/b/o, etc) [at .co/pixelfur], disorder and disability flags [at .co/pixelneuro and .co/pixelpunk respectively], and have a seperate misc link for things like kink, and other vaguely queer-tied themes!!! [at .co/pixelgay]
im so excited to start managing this from now on! i hope to see tons of requests fly in, and i be able to add in flags when i can! i have tons of requests already to fulfill, so expect a large influx on pixels!
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 06.22.2024 ​ | ​ urls have been changed, and sections expanded!!!!
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 06.07.2024 ​ | ​ doing complete revamp! anticipate urls being tweaked to more queer focused. easier to find us!
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 01.09.2024 ​ | ​ following flags added:
quoifem (2), condigirl, beauboyvamp, beaugirlvamp, cemetarian, boyfreak, uncannygirl, eldritchlove, experithing, deadthing, netgender, netboy, netgirl, machinegender, robotgender / botgender, andriodgender / droidgender, cyborgender, roboticoric, starguardian, moonguardian, cybertransmasc, nebulatrans, starboy, moonboy
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 01.06.2024 ​ | ​ following flags added:
apagender, boygirlthing, boygirlthing (2), demiboygirl, demiboygirlfluid, gendersilen, gendersilkie, transandro, transandro (2), transandrofem, transandromasc
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 11.25.2023 ​ | ​ myrsexual moved from the 'aromantic' section to the 'asexual' section
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 08.29.2023 ​ | ​ following flags added:
angled aroace (2), aroaceflux lesbian, centrispec, ferusgender, enarose, fem4fem achillean, FTM4FTM, gai, strayt, genderless, GNC lesbian, desaturated pride flag, lovegender, masculinx, sisterboy, sys4sys (1 & 2), tomboy
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 04-05.08.2023 ​ | ​ log created, rentries organized and "prettied up", following flags added:
aboy (5), aceflux, acespec, acespike, agender, agirl (5), ambonec (4), androgyne, angelivamp (2), aplspike, aroace (5), aroacespike, arojump, arospike, arretaroace (2), arretaromantic (2), arretasexual (2), arsongender, asexual lesbian, astronomnique, azalian, biromantic, black stripe asexual, boygirl (2), bubblexenic, bubblyfizzcatic, bullgender, bytegender / byteic, caelgender (2), catsplodic, cenrell (4), coeoromantic, color-adjusted polyamorous, corpsegender, cowboygender (2), cowgender, crowthing, deathcute (5), delloromantic, dellorose / delloaroace, dellosexual, delphinian, demicassfem, demifem, demigendervoid, demimasc, dogboy (2), doggender (2), doggirl (2), egogender, erosentien (2), feasexual, female, femgender (4), floragender (2), gamerboyic / gamerboygender (2), gaygender, gendergamer, genderless, genderspirit, ghostgender, gilbert baker pride, girlboy, girlprince, gothic lesbian, greyromantic, greysexual, gynesexual (3), gynosexual, horizon aroace (2), humanish, idemromantic, idoldigital / idolvirtual, idolfem, inactsexual, interboy (3), intergirl, internetic, leather, lesbiromantic, lilacian, lithosexual, lizardgender (2), lovesexual, lunagirl (2), male, minromantic, mortugender, multisexual / mspec, neptunian, nice lesbian, nixic, nonbinary lesbian, notdeer, notgender, novigender, onlineboyic, (2), orcagender, paraboy, philly pride, pomoromantic (2), ponygender, pupgender, quoifem, quoigirl, sapphillean (4), saturarian, seasian lesbian, sortaboy, spooky lesbian, sundian transmasc, sungender, sun lesbian, systemfluid (3), t4tambiamorous (2), techgender, transfemmasc, transfemneu, transhet, transmasc (2), twink 4 twink, venusarian, verangender, vesitech (4), wolfalbumic, wolfgender (2), xenofluix (2), zombkitcoric

Pub: 22 Jun 2024 23:45 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2025 21:07 UTC
Views: 4971