It started with carelessness (link)

In regards to wikis and reposting my terms:
this doesn't refer to hoarding, so you can "reupload" my terms to personal hoards.
ALWAYS ask before adding our terms to anything!

if i give you permission to add my terms to a wiki, do not redefine them.
do not add my terms to any fandom wiki
do not add my terms on any miraheze wiki unless you ask for permission
do not repost my terms on tumblr (rbing isn't reposting!)
you can post my sys terms on pluralpedia if you ask first, and show me the page when you are done.
do not repost my terms to any social media unless the social media is reddit or pinterest and you provide credit.

byi (link), request rules (link), wiki rules (link)

…that’s what you were created by. This is your dispatch point (link)

Pub: 23 Dec 2023 16:28 UTC
Edit: 02 Apr 2024 14:31 UTC
Views: 44