pronoun page template

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if you add english pronouns, consider linking guides with pronoun island--it's a great resource to learn new sets


♡ favorite | ☆ good | ◇ ok/meh | ∅ ask first/friends only | ⊗ no/never

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♡ favorite name
☆ good name
◇ ok name
∅ mehhh
⊗ [deadname(s)] or names you hate


english/ingles spanish/español* (<---)
pronouns: pronombres: sufijos:
♡ he/him ♡ el ♡ -o
♡ she/her ♡ ella ☆ -a
they/them ☆ elle ◇ [sin sufijo]
one/ones ∅ lo ☆ -e
zie/hir ∅ l@ ⊗ -@
⊗ it/its ◇ le ⊗ -x

*feel free to change spanish to another language or simply remove it! for context: ella and -a are "she" and feminine, el and -o are "he" and masculine, "lo" is masculine "it", ell@/l@ and -@ is a cross of ella/ello/el and primarily used over text, elle and -e are neutral and the most popular third gender suffix, and -x is a well known but unpopular unisex suffix. "sin sufijo" means no gender suffix.


honorifics gender/type relation terms misc terms
♡ mr. ("mister") ∅ masculine (boy, handsome) ♡ joyfriend ♡ enby, queer, person
☆ ms. ("miss") ∅ feminine (girl, pretty) ☆ partner ☆ gay, bi, lesbian
⊗ mrs. ("missus') ☆ epicine/neutral (person, gorgeous) ∅ boyfriend ◇ dude, bro, guy
♡ mx. ("mix") ◇ nonbinary/neutral (enby, gorgeous) ⊗ girlfriend ♡ handsome, pretty, cool, gorgeous
⊗ msr. ("misser") ⊗ androgynous/mixed (person, handsome girl, pretty boy) ♡ kid/child ◇ cute, hot, sexy
◇ m. ("mih" or "mot") ⊗ gendered/queer (queen, sis, boy, butch) ♡ sibling ♡ honda civic
∅ m-. ("mih") ∅ inhuman/nonhuman (creature, thing) ⊗ brother/sister ☆ car
∅ cmr. ("comrade") ◇ neutral masculine (guy, dude) ♡ kid/child

flags / stamps

a stamp of the original gilbert baker pride flag

template from!
please leave the credit--you don't have to, but it makes it easier for others to find this :)

Pub: 25 Jun 2022 21:56 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2022 06:18 UTC
Views: 525