abt me.
ajax full typology. minor, probable bpd and adhd. my favorite color is
and i love horror. i don't gatekeep a ton, but the few i do are very very important to me. my victims of gatekeeping are norton campbell
freddie dredd (specifically his older soundcloud shit.) nbc hannibal and kubz scouts
. im so so so sorry for gatekeeping but theyre like key aspects of my character development my bad. (HELPLMFOAOAOAO) IM REALLY NOT THAT ILL OR EVIL im super silly and i lvoe to joke around. dont take a ton of what i say seriously. i use tone indicators sometimes if you need them let me know. if i upset u let me know and im understanding if its reasonable if ur being annoying im jsut gonna clown on u my bad. i love true crime and psychology and anatomy and oh my fucking gof FINE ARTS. i am psycho over baroque and renaissance art. some games i play are p5r & idv (hyperfix) ow2 and MIMIC ON ROBLOX.
i am literally on mimic every fucking day. i dont play hsr anymore but i still really love it had to delete for storage. i do not play genshin anymore. used to be one of the genshin obsessors but its over pretty pls do not bring it up it makes me upset lmfao i relaly realllllyyyy love nbc hannibal im crazy abt it. ok im crazy about a lot of things but my main crazies are norton campbell, nbc hannibal, p5r, and jax ok thats all for now if u want more info hmu on @takutoez on discord and @takutoe_ on insta.