August 14th, 2024.

what is wrong, test subject #001? do our interactions not provide you with enough enrichment?
dearest test subject? are you alright? have you been left in your enclosure alone for too long? does your species need frequent social interactions in order to remain responsive?

… not frequent, per-say. but it'd be nice if i was visited more? don't you think it's discouraging having you as my only visitor?
… no offence of course.

hm.. i see. i'll see what i can do for you, #001. i can't promise i can bring you any new visitors, but i can try to stop by more, will that work? i want you to be as comfortable as possible while you're in my care.

i… suppose that'll suffice—though i cannot vouch for how long. and, for the record—it's less so comfort related so much as it is vital to... ? uh, as you might say, … "my species".

i'll keep that in mind, i'll try to find some people to bring here for you. is there anything else that i should know? are there any changes to your enclosure i need to make arrangements for? it's not too hot or cold, is it? is it missing anything important or is there anything you'd personally like added?

huh? don't you have a personal file for me, or.. something..? am i gonna get smited for asking that? … but.. uh. no. it's fine for now.

he pulled his chair out from his desk and sat down, facing #001's enclosure. i do have a file for you, but as you're my first subject, ah... i'm not really that familiar with what your species usually needs. i don't know if you know this, but your species is actually quite elusive when they choose to be. of course, i don't support forcefully ripping beings away from their homes, so i told my team to not be too persistent unless a subject seemed to be on board with the idea of leaving. i'd like to remind you, if you ever wish to return home, whether it be permanently or just a visit, you're welcome to tell me and i will take you home as soon as possible. i do not wish to keep you here against your will. he spun around to his desk and picked up his clipboard. right! i have some questions to ask you. they're fairly simple, just some basic questions to ensure you're doing well and whatnot.

oh… right. and what exactly does "doing well" mean to you? are you acting as a therapist for my mental health? or are you ensuring i'm just surviving and work well enough for… whatever it is exactly i signed up for? ah. i suppose that doesn't matter does it? theres a tensive kind of pause; an indication of consideration happening during it. just… for fun—if your kind like to have that he leans forward, somehow still looking remotely detached from the scenario. may i ask, how you feel i'm doing??

he looked to the side and ran his hand through his hair, clearing his throat. ah, i just.. wish to make sure you're okay. i don't wish you any harm, #001. i want you to feel okay here with me, so.. he set his clipboard down in his lap and looked at his subject. anyway! to answer your question, from a purely scientific view, you're doing quite well. you haven't tried to kill me, you aren't harming yourself in an attempt to escape.. you've actually adjusted remarkably well.

…and is that how you view us? my species? does your paperwork say we're likely to self harm? to… try to kill our caretakers?

it's just.. something my mentor warned me of. she's a very cautious woman, that's all. i don't view you as some sort of beast, if that's what you're wondering. i have no reason to.

well you say that, but surely you can see how i'm a bit skeptical— he shoots a look to the edges of the plexiglass-look-alike dividing the two. that those are your… instinctive feelings, yeah? … but sure. i'm glad you're not threatened by me. a hint of sarcasm & exaggeration follows the remark, yet thankfully don't loom in the air.

he frowned. what, would me stepping inside your enclosure take care of any apprehensions you have?

without noticing it, the subject makes some sort weakness visible, a small pang of surprise making it through his mental barrier before he could stop it. oh... you know what? i think, actually, it... may. care to test your luck? the Subject leans back, pressing his palms to the oddly-room-temperature floor, in an attempt to aid himself while standing up. Notably, for the first time since the Scientist entered the room. He looks awkward for a moment. oh, here… just in case you do have any worries. the Subject takes a few steps back, letting his calves hit the structure behind him, putting a decent amount of space between them, now. he makes a vague gesture towards the newly empty space within the enclosure.

he stood up and stepped inside the enclosure, awkwardly shifting on his feet. see? i told you, you don't scare me. he looked down at his clipboard before looking back at the subject. okay, um.. first question, what emotion have you felt the most while being here?

it's hard to describe. amusement, maybe? some anticipation for what's to come out of this… whole thing. a small pause; not awkward, but expecting. but.. just to be clear. not just the results of.. whatever. it's interesting being here itself. waiting. talking to.. you. if that answers your question.

he frowned, furrowing his brows at his subjects words. you.. look forward to speaking to me? ah.. alright then. well, i'm glad you seem to be experiencing positive emotions, at the very least. um, have the meals been to your liking? is there anything you'd like changed or added to them?

a sort of light-hearted confusion shows on the Subject's face. if.. 'positive' is what you got from that, i won't.. object. uuh.. the food. right, yeah, i was wanting to.. mention that to someone. but you work—the intentions here seem somewhat genuine, somehow— who makes it. or prepares it—or comes up with the ideas—or whatever. who's job is that? do you know? he finishes, with an awaiting look.

he nodded. yes, i do know. is there something wrong? is the food not to your liking? do you have any food allergies i was unaware of? do your kind.. even have allergies? hm.. that was a huge oversight on my part, and if that's the case, i apologize, though i should hope not. you've been here for a while, i'd hate to know you've been going hungry because of a mistake i made.

he responds too quickly. ah, no—no. no. uhh.. thats a lot. hold on. … . no, i don't have allergies. but if i did that would be my fault—what kind of dunce doesn't mention that to their literal caretakers? so… don't worry. about it being to my 'liking'—he almost looks pained. it was actually... really good? i've just never had that sort of thing before. i… used to enjoy cooking—albeit, not much—but, still— never had anythin' like it. uuh.. if you wanna...? 'give my compliments to the chef'? haha…

he hummed and some of the tension seemed to leave his body. i'm glad you've been enjoying your meals, 001. perhaps i could see about getting permission to take you to the kitchen so you could do some cooking.. if you'd like to, of course. i assume you'd at least like a change of scenery from here, no?

really? you can do that? i didn't get the impression you had that sort of authority. not to comment on your.. what kind of, uh.. i.. yeah that would be nice. i'd love to see what stuff you guys have. would you be able to join me? or i guess, would you need to join me? 'keep me from hurting those around me!!' or something?

i will have to accompany you, yes, but that also means you get an extra set of hands to help you in the kitchen. ah, only if you request for my assistance, of course. i'll let you know what my boss says when i come see you tomorrow. he looked down at his clipboard and hummed. right, i suppose.. that's everything i was wondering, really. you don't have any check ups or anything scheduled for this week, i just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay and all of your needs were met. do you have any questions for me, 001? he adjusted his glasses and looked back to his subject.

Pub: 09 Jul 2024 07:54 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2024 17:16 UTC
Views: 643