be my lucifer and i'll be your doll tonight. and i'm your faithful servant, you can do whatever you please - my lucifer by baby bugs

. . OR MYTHOS , MONA ?! they it luv
filo . . intersex aroaceflux polyam !! osdd1b bpd audhd + unlisted

. .

we love joking about our
trauma , uncomfy w/ sui, ed
? tell us not to make jokes
beforehand .

may come off as ' mean ' when
we don't know you . it takes
time for us to warm up ...

we often start drama and
shittalk people when we want
to . don't like it ? ignore us .

if you're associated with bri4n. ,
luzu , and gorehound , expect us
to treat you like shit . we hate
people who are associated with
them in any way .

may not respond to messages
since we're busy , we're at
school , or we're on ponytown

we're apathetic , we don't care
about what you feel . if you vent
to us we might respond dryly
or give shitty responses , might
laugh at it too .

if we're on dniuf and we don't
respond to you then we don't
see you as our friend or we
don't like you .

if we did something wrong , do
tell us , we don't realize if we did
something until someone tells
us . if we don't think it's a valid
reason why we should apologize
then we won't.

Pub: 09 Sep 2023 01:31 UTC
Edit: 12 Sep 2023 10:40 UTC
Views: 1199