be my lucifer and i'll be your doll tonight. and i'm your faithful servant, you can do whatever you please - my lucifer by baby bugs

. . OR MYTHOS , MONA ?! they it luv
filo . . intersex aroaceflux polyam !! osdd1b bpd audhd + unlisted

. .

cancelled council .
love of our lives , we love you and cherish
you all . thank you so much for staying with
us even if we're such a mess , thank you for
standing up for us when we couldn't .

edaters .
fucking asswhats , crackheads . we don't
know what we'd do if we never met ,
we've felt genuinely loved and wanted
by everyone in this group chat . we love
you .

wanderlush .
thank you for being our friend and for like what ..
three years now ? thank you so much for
being there when we needed someone ,
thank you for being such an amazing
partner system (/p) . we may not talk
everyday but we still love you and adore
you very very much .

the plane sys.
kill yourselves , stupid fucks . in all serious-
ness though , thank you for everything .
you're all genuinely funny and helped
us for some reason ?? you always
message us the weirdest shit when
we're having an episode .

lost home sys.
dunno where we'd be if lucine didn't
tell us to talk with y'all . you guys make
us feel ,., loved and appreciated ? we
don't know what we really feel , just
good things . please take our
emotionless , he won't shut up about
a bitch who never fronts . thanks ,
love you xx .

unnamed sys.
we hate you /aff . we'd be stuck in
an endless spiral if we never talked ,
and the fact that we felt comfortable
with you in less than an hour or so
is fuckin' crazy . get some help with
your silly .. chaotic shit going on in
the headspace , love you .

< angel , vani , dove ( the two doves we kno ,
doverity and dove . yeah . ) , fresh ,
lunar , ac sys , michael , uzi , pilot ,
mori , katana , zyn , mina , zomb 3

Pub: 09 Sep 2023 01:31 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 19:17 UTC
Views: 755