I am not the government, I am not the fucked up men
I am not a part of anything that is hateful
me /srs! :3 cr: tamasamaa_ !! REN  ‿ ‿   DAHLIA batvamp ETC 5teen iNTROj IDS

mee :3


anyone with whombat or headmates had issues with,
please avoid interacting again, and the same goes with exes. /nm

proshippers , pedos , racists , homophobes , ableists , transphobes , anti-neos , anti-xenos , endogenics , whitewashers , fetishizers , people using slurs they cant claim , israel defenders , blackwashing believers , armand x marius , dsmp fans , 20+ or -10 , ppl who believe in OSDDID recovery , lolicons , shotacons , adult pt players , people who complain about ships being toxic (not proship)


dahlia does not harass anyone who is a proshipper, its a way of coping and bat totally understands that,
however bat's not fine with interacting with you guys !

dahlia does not want rareship haters to interact ! you guys are stupid , please let people have fun

dahlia has a really hard time reading fonts , extreme typing quirks (ex "h3!!0 , br34d) etc. if u use those bat will prob try to not int with u much (╥_╥)

go back

Pub: 02 Jun 2023 18:07 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2024 11:17 UTC
Views: 2834