boundaries  ✦  lovemail   ✦  interests

i literally dgaf about the dni anymore, sorry, i just block you when you piss me off :3

basic dni criteria ,⠀mocks/makes fun of autistic ppl ,⠀anti neorpns/xenogndrs ,⠀anti polyam ,⠀supports/likes lolicons ,⠀are or supports endo/non-traumagenic systems (neutrals also count) ,⠀wilbur fans/defender/supporters ,⠀if you use an abuser as your face-claim (even if it's your source lol.)

BEFORE YOU INTERACT i block freely ,⠀i change my name a lot ,⠀i'm an mixtroject with a lot of sources ,⠀i'm sensitive ,⠀semi-verbal IRL ,⠀i experience mood swings ,⠀i isolate myself sometimes ,⠀english isn't my first language ,⠀i tend to overshare a lot ,⠀i don't care about being cringe, i love being cringe

!! tell me clearly when you're uncomfortable w/ smt i have said or done, I struggle with social cues

i talk about nbc hannibal occassionally, the show does include graphic imagery
if youre uncomfortable, tell me early enough for me to not talk about it at all (i will ask before talking about it!)
I have aphantasia so I can't imagine
I'm autistic and am the host of a system, i have many more disorders. please be patient
I reclaim the f slur, please tell me if you are uncomfortable with the usage of slurs, so i don't say it around you!

Pub: 28 Jan 2024 16:11 UTC
Edit: 01 May 2024 19:21 UTC
Views: 266