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the expiration network

future contestants

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" You want freedom, don't you? You want to escape? Well, your answer doesn't matter, not one bit! "

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be sure to watch your back, one second late could fade to black. 2. 3.

what is "the expiration network" ?

gay people kill each other because a tumblr sexyman asked them to for "funsies"

what do people have to say about it ?

" an intense game of clue i think. " -not a twink

" gay ass killing game where the skittles gang kill each other. " -artistic

" i'm looking forward to watching them all get driven to madness (if not already insane) " -zaza weed robot

" it's like a fucked up mr. beast video with a cool aesthetic. " -creator of bitcoin no last name

" thrilling but nerve racking. like a fun tv show except it isn't fun, isn't televised, and someone is out to kill you. " -scam don't trust anything (besides this review)

" ten is a terrific example of why danganronpa and all of the fans suck. " -naproxen fucker

" very cool and interesting idea for a roleplay, it takes the murderer mystery idea but makes it more interesting and leaves time for character development. " -std positive

" i want to have sex with the host please please please please now oh my god..oh yeah cool roleplay i guess." -desperate institutionalized bitch

Pub: 12 Feb 2023 04:27 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2023 22:05 UTC
Views: 237