Coiling Appetence, Scour Devour ♂

The descendant of the prior Noble for Clan Morion, a Serperior, Scour Devour acts as a diplomat to improve the mixed reception Clan Morion receives. He credits his Noble successes to inherited traits from his Serperior father. His name and build can prove intimidating to some, if not for how much it is offset by his carefree, alluring demeanor. He claims his impressive size is due to plenty of nutritious food and a healthy amount of sleep. Though he attends frequently, he doesn’t participate as much as the other Nobles at the Summit. Perhaps this is due to his relatively small sphere of influence, as he solely represents Clan Morion and the nearby mountaintop spotter settlement, Weaville. Perhaps it’s his contentedness to snack on the sidelines while watching the others like it’s a spectator sport.

In spite of his build, he is a capable hunter-gatherer, as would be required of any representative of Clan Morion. He is still accompanied by his attendant Beat the Heat for protection, transport, and assistance with what his serpentine body is incapable of. He doesn’t regard himself as much of a fighter. A Grip Claw from Weaville is his trusty multi-purpose tool that extends and retracts from his rattle at the tip of his tail. It wouldn’t appear multi-purpose, however, as he is frequently seen using it solely as a fork and toothpick.

· ·
Origin: Native Guild Role/Occupation: Noble
Species: Ekans Affiliation: Clan Council
Level: 40 Experience to Next Level: 0/1000
Worn Item: Grip Claw Clothing: Gold Bands
Pokécoin: 0₽ Glorious Gold: 0 Bars
Pokémon's Ability Description
Shed Skin The User has a ⅓ chance of curing their Status Conditions each turn.

Rookie Rank 0/400 points to Normal Rank Rookie Rank

Stat Points: 10 (+1) Modifiers Combat Effect
Health Points 10 Level 40 (31HP) 51HP
Attack 1 Species Bonus; Level Damage Bonus II +3 Physical Damage
Special Attack 0 Level Damage Bonus II +2 Special Damage
Defense 0 Level Damage Reduction II +2 Physical Mitigation
Special Defense 0 Level Damage Reduction II +2 Special Mitigation
Speed 0 ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs 4AP

MOVES (4 slots + Basic Attack)

Name Base Power Action Points Accuracy Type Property Description
Wrap 1BP 6AP ≥3 Normal Physical The Opponent is afflicted with Wrapped.
Belch 10BP 8AP ≥3 Poison Special If the User has eaten a Berry, the Move can be used.
Rest -BP 4AP - Psychic Status The User is unable to act for 2 rounds. The User heals to Max HP.
Glare -BP 4AP ≥2 Normal Status The Opponent is afflicted with Paralysis. Affects Ghost-Types.
Basic Attack 4BP 4AP ≥2 Typeless Default Property determined by the User's highest Offensive Stat. Changes Type according to the use of a Type Gem. The simplest Move a Pokémon can use.

RP MOVES (2 slots)
Moves that cannot be used in battle, but during RP segments. You may have two of them at a time.

Name of Move Description
Swallow The User is healed for 4 HP for every round Stockpile was used, up to 12 HP. Removes all Stat increases from Stockpile. Fails if Stockpile hasn't been used.
Seed Bomb No secondary effect.


You have a base of 10 IP and each Skill costs a certain amount of it to equip.

You have 0 points to spend.
10/10 IP | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

IQ Skills Active/Inactive Description of Skill IP Cost
1. Strong Grasp The User's Constricting moves deal +2 damage. Try and break free from their grasp. You can't! 3 IP
2. Natural Rivalry If the User's Pokémon species is involved with stated Predator/Prey relationships or has a Natural Rival, attacking that Pokémon will count as Super-Effective. However, that Pokémon will also have Super-Effective against the user. 2 IP
3. Skywords The User has a natural skill at navigating with the help of stars. Warp Seeds are more likely to be useful. 1 IP
4. Acute Sniffer The User may roll in battle (>11 chance) to afflict a Ghost-Type with Exposed, but Spores and Powders never miss them. 4 IP
Gourmand Prepared and Cooked Foods the User has made heal +2 HP regardless of their effect. 3 IP

You have skills that can be Trained and applied to situations where they make sense.

These may help you in segments where combat is unnecessary or just to simply show your prowess.

Attributes/Training Next Tier Bonus Progress (Numerical) Progress Bar
Attribute: EXAMPLE Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/3 ▮▯▯
Attribute: EXAMPLE ᴍᴀx (+3) 3/3 ▮▮▮
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE ᴍᴀx (+3) 6/6 ▮▮▮▮▮▮
Training for Attribute: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/3 ▮▯▯
Training for Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Training for Move: EXAMPLE ᴛʀᴀɪɴᴇᴅ 1/5 ▮▯▯▯▯
Currently Training for Stat: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪ (+1 STAT) 1/9 ▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
Stat: EXAMPLE ɪɪɪ ᴍᴀx (+3 STAT) 9/9 ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

INVENTORY (4 slots)

Items your character is carrying with them.

Moves or Items can steal from this inventory. Your Worn/Held Item has its own dedicated slots.

Item Name Description
Worn/Held Item: Grip Claw Makes binding moves last for 5 turns.
Equipped Item: N/A Vacant hand slot.
1. Enigma Berry Incoming Super-Effective damage is decreased by -15. Must be consumed before taking damage or Held at time of attack.
2. Tame Berry A savory berry with a juicy, tender flavor. Said to be just like meat. (1 Dry, 1 Sweet)
3. Warp Seed Causes random teleportation. Perhaps the chaos can be harnessed...
4. Pink Gummi Gives +10 IQ points to Poison-Types. Gives +5 to other types. Tastes like sweet vinegar.

STORAGE (2 slots)

Extra slots separate from your normal inventory.

Items in here cannot be stolen or lost during an adventure. They are kept protected in the base. However, they cannot be drawn from as they are in storage. Inventory should be updated outside an active adventure.

Item Name Description
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.


Inventory dedicated to extra stuff.

Things that are important or required for future quests to function. RP items are all the extra things that do not have any function in combat or other bonus granting ability. Normal items can be moved into RP storage, but they cannot be returned to being a normal item.

Type Item Name Description
Key Item Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
RP Item Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.

OLD MOVES (∞ slots)
These are moves that your character learned already, but elected to replace. Re-learning them is cheaper.

Name of Move Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description

Ignore the pen, please.

Beat the Heat ♂

Beat the Heat serves as the attendant to Scour Devour during the course of Nobles’ Summit activities. His duties to Scour Devour include bodyguard duty and helping his Ekans charge overcome the limits of his serpentine body. Beat the Heat also carries Scour Devour for transport to Nobles’ Summit meetings, helping traverse the various locales along the way. He struggles a little to traverse colder temperatures, though.

When the Noble’s Summit isn’t a factor, Beat the Heat works as a high ranking firefighter for his clan. He uses his thermal vision to keep a sharp lookout for ignition and he packs a variety of tools to combat spreading flames. His laser noise siren he makes to alert others on the way to a fire has a love it or hate it reception from the locals. He also indulges in Mud Sport in his free time to satisfy his competitive tendencies, even though he can’t wear his favorite eyewear while playing without it getting stained.

· ·
Origin: Native Guild Role/Occupation: Attendant/Firefighter
Species: Krookodile Affiliation: Clan Council
Level: 60 Experience to Next Level: 0/900
Worn Item: Black Specs Clothing: N/A
Pokécoin: 0₽ Glorious Gold: 0 Bars
Pokémon's Ability Description
Intimidate When the User enters a battle, the Opponent has their Attack decreased by 1. +2 to Intimidation rolls.

Rookie Rank 0/400 points to Normal Rank Rookie Rank

Stat Points: 15 (+1) Modifiers Combat Effect
Health Points 0 Level 60 (38HP) 38HP
Attack 9 Species Bonus; Level Damage Bonus III +12 Physical Damage
Special Attack 0 Level Damage Bonus III +3 Special Damage
Defense 1 Level Damage Reduction III +4 Physical Mitigation
Special Defense 1 Level Damage Reduction III +4 Special Mitigation
Speed 5 ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs 7AP

MOVES (4 slots + Basic Attack)

Name Base Power Action Points Accuracy Type Property Description
Dig 8BP 6AP ≥2 Ground Physical Most Moves miss the User on round 1. Hits 1 round after using the Move.
Rock Slide 7BP 7AP ≥11 Rock Physical 14-20; The Opponent Flinches. Spread.
Aqua Tail 9BP 7AP ≥3 Water Physical No secondary effect.
Darkest Lariat 8BP 6AP ≥2 Dark Physical Ignores Defense and Evasion increases and decreases.
Vacuum-Cut - 8AP ≥2 Typeless Special Deals 4 true damage to the Opponent. Not affected by Stat increases or decreases.

RP MOVES (2 slots)
Moves that cannot be used in battle, but during RP segments. You may have two of them at a time.

Name of Move Description
Roar The User roars in an intimidating manner.
Sand Attack The Opponent's Accuracy is decreased by 1.


You have a base of 10 IP and each Skill costs a certain amount of it to equip.

You have 0 points to spend.
10/10 IP | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

IQ Skills Active/Inactive Description of Skill IP Cost
1. Natural Rivalry If the User's Pokémon species is involved with stated Predator/Prey relationships or has a Natural Rival, attacking that Pokémon will count as Super-Effective. However, that Pokémon will also have Super-Effective against the user. 2 IP
2. Mental Fortress The User is immune to having their mind read. Privacy guaranteed. 3 IP
3. Cold-Blooded The User is immune to Burn, but the range in which they are afflicted with Freeze is increased by 2. While paired with Hot-Headed, the User gains Extremophile for 0 IP. 3 IP
4. Nontraitor While Confused, the User cannot attack an Ally. 2 IP
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description. N/A

You have skills that can be Trained and applied to situations where they make sense.

These may help you in segments where combat is unnecessary or just to simply show your prowess.

Attributes/Training Next Tier Bonus Progress (Numerical) Progress Bar
Attribute: EXAMPLE Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/3 ▮▯▯
Attribute: EXAMPLE ᴍᴀx (+3) 3/3 ▮▮▮
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE ᴍᴀx (+3) 6/6 ▮▮▮▮▮▮
Training for Attribute: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/3 ▮▯▯
Training for Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Training for Move: EXAMPLE ᴛʀᴀɪɴᴇᴅ 1/5 ▮▯▯▯▯
Currently Training for Stat: EXAMPLE ɪ Tier ɪ (+1 STAT) 1/9 ▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
Stat: EXAMPLE ɪɪɪ ᴍᴀx (+3 STAT) 9/9 ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

INVENTORY (4 slots)

Items your character is carrying with them.

Moves or Items can steal from this inventory. Your Worn/Held Item has its own dedicated slots.

Item Name Description
Worn/Held Item: Black Specs Increases BP for Dark-Type moves by 2.
Equipped Item: N/A Vacant hand slot.
1. Escape Orb Allows the team and allies to escape and return to a safe location.
2. Magma Macaroni It's not actually made of magma, but it sure can feel like it! Increases Attack by 2 stages.
3. Enchanting Wand (Surf) The User can surf over certain distances. Room-Hitter.
4. Reviver Seed Revives fainted Pokémon to full HP. Becomes a Plain Seed upon consumption.

STORAGE (2 slots)

Extra slots separate from your normal inventory.

Items in here cannot be stolen or lost during an adventure. They are kept protected in the base. However, they cannot be drawn from as they are in storage. Inventory should be updated outside an active adventure.

Item Name Description
1. Kenchic Berry A fainter, savory flavor of berry, with sinewy fibers. Darkens with time. Said to be just like meat. (1 Dry, 1 Sweet)
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.


Inventory dedicated to extra stuff.

Things that are important or required for future quests to function. RP items are all the extra things that do not have any function in combat or other bonus granting ability. Normal items can be moved into RP storage, but they cannot be returned to being a normal item.

Type Item Name Description
Key Item Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
RP Item Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.

OLD MOVES (∞ slots)
These are moves that your character learned already, but elected to replace. Re-learning them is cheaper.

Name of Move Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Pub: 14 Sep 2023 22:13 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2023 05:09 UTC
Views: 169