TMD 2 - Character Sheets

Everything here is what you'll need to find other sheets about characters and what you need to know to make your own! Please ask to have your character sheet added to the list. If anything looks familiar, I promise I didn't copy any homework. Maybe.

Do you remember anything, human? BACK TO RULESET

Table of contents below:

Character Sheet Links: tmd2character_(insertname)

Please keep to the format for ease of navigation. Post this in the url section when making a new rentry page. You don't actually have to, but it is encouraged.
Example: tmd2character_sparks

You can find an explanation on Origins here.

Player Character List

All Characters that have been rolled go here.

You can choose between these Origins: Ex-Human (Amnesia/Fragmented/Anamnesis), Native, Outworlder (Voyager/Wanderer)
An example has been provided below to follow.

Name Origin Pokémon Guild Role Team/Affiliation
Bomb ??? Baltoy Bomb! Team Ruckus
Brook Ex-Human (Amnesia) Zorua (Unovan) N/A Team Clover Force
Cress Ex-Human (Anamnesis) Cinderace Navigator Team Stylish
Cubone ??? Cubone Butler Marrow Tribe
Darius Ex-Human (Amnesia) Larvitar N/A Team Ruckus
Dustin Ex-Human (Anamnesis) Bagon N/A Team Ruckus
Espurr ??? Espurr N/A Team Stardust
Evan Greene Ex-Human (Anamnesis) Snivy N/A Team Clover Force
Ishmael Ex-Human (Fragmented) Scorbunny N/A Team Clover Force
Jen-Marie Ex-Human (Fragmented) Spritzee Unlicensed Doctor Team Stylish
Katherine Ex-Human (Fragmented) Bounsweet Architect/Engineer Team Stylish
Kaz Ex-Human (Fragmented) Kubfu Speedster Team Ruckus
Matchia Ex-Human (Fragmented) Mienfoo N/A Team Stardust
Mohka Ex-Human (Fragmented) Kommo-o N/A Team Gildscales
Orner Native Seviper N/A Team Gildscales
Sail Native Goomy Astronomer Team Gildscales
Sagira Ex-Human (Fragmented) Fennekin Warlock Team Stardust
Skitty Ex-Human (Fragmented) Skitty N/A Team Stardust
Spike Ex-Human (Anamnesis) Zorua (Hisuian) Clairvoyant Team Stylish
Wallis Ex-Human (Amnesia) Marshtomp Water Specialist Team Clover Force

Mug Shot? Is that a drink? How do you order it, I wonder?

Name Origin Pokémon Guild Role Team/Affiliation
Angus Ex-Human (Amnesia) Rufflet N/A N/A
Bubba Ex-Human (Fragmented) Frogadier N/A N/A
Jet Ex-Human (???) Meditite Baker/Cook N/A
Rila Ex-Human (Amnesia) Riolu N/A N/A
Vito Ex-Human (Anamnesis) Pangoro Doctor N/A
Sparks (Example) Ex-Human (Amnesia) Pikachu Cartographer Team Shock
Seer (Example) Native Mismagius Magician Team Wonder
Example Ex-Human Species Adventurer Team Generic

Non-Player Character List

All Characters that have been planned for reoccurring encounters go here. These have not been rolled.

You can choose between these Origins: Native, Outworlder (Voyager/Wanderer)
An example has been provided below to follow.

The other list can be found here: List of Secondary NPCs.

Name Origin Pokémon Occupation Affiliation
Coiling Appetence, Scour Devour Native Ekans Clan Elder Clan Morion
Crystal Like Law Native Glimmora Bishop Ho'oha Priest
Elm Chopper, Fiftyfold Fatherer Native Haxorus Clan Elder Clan Almandine
Enigma Native Dewgong Songstress House Oasis
Ever Lifting Native Reuniclus Bishop Ho'oha Priest
Fluttering Wingbeat Native Woobat Team Mom Wayfarers
Fourth Of H░░ Name Native Meowstic Archivist House Esper
General Razor, Blade Breaker Native Bisharp Clan Elder Clan Hematite
Rose Gold Native Absol Nobility Rantrum Domini
Howl Cloaked in Tundra Native Furfrou Nobility Rantrum Domini
Howling Vale Native Avalugg Nobility House Massif
Lilac Native Delibird Merchant Unaffiliated
Powder Painting Native Chespin Positive Dye Painter Bright Band Gang
Roaring, Burning Darkness Native Roaring Moon Bishop Ho'oha Priest
Roswen Flame Eater Native Walrein Clan Elder Clan Cerussite
Silver, Copper, Coal Native Meowth(s) Unemployed Unaffiliated
Sharp Current Native Inteleon Baroness House Cloudburst
Light (Example) Native Raboot Wannabe-Peacekeeper "Justice"
Shinra (Example) Native Scizor Guild Master Globetrotter's Guild
Example Native Species Outlaw Tutorial Town

Character Banking

As of 6/16/24

Information pertaining to the amounts that each character has (that have money in the storage, anyway) with their banked cash.

Name Account Type Money Total
Clover Force Premium, Team 2950₽
Mohka Premium 598₽
Orner Premium 1178₽

Character Sheet Template

Below is the Template Sheet, which does not have anything in it. Be sure to replace the placeholders when creating your new character.

  • Species Bonus is included in the Stat Column. Trained Stats are added to the Current Bonus Associated column, added directly to the bonus.
    • Be sure to note that the Trained Stat is directly added into the Combat Effect, as depicted in the Sparks example.

Supplementary Links Other templates that might be relevant or useful for your interest: Character Sheet for Nobles

![REPLACE](image url) 


· | ->· ->
---- | ----
**Origin:** ==REPLACE== | **Guild Role/Occupation:** ==REPLACE==
**Species:** ==REPLACE== | **Affiliation:** ==REPLACE==
**Level:** 5 | **Experience to Next Level:** 0/50
**Worn Item:** *N/A* | **Clothing:** *N/A*
**Pokécoin:** 0 | **Glorious Gold:** 0 Bars

Pokémon's Ability | Description
---- | ----

->Rookie Rank<-
->*0/400 points to Normal Rank*<-
->![Rookie Rank](<-

Stat | Points: 1 (+1) | Modifiers | Combat Effect
------ | :----: | :----: | :----: 
Health Points | 0 | Species Bonus; Level 5 (20HP) | 20HP
Attack | 0 | ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs | +0 Physical Damage 
Special Attack | 0 | ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs | +0 Special Damage
Defense | 0 | ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs | +0 Physical Mitigation
Special Defense | 0 | ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs | +0 Special Mitigation
Speed | 0 |  ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs | 4AP

**MOVES (4 slots + Basic Attack)**
Name | Base Power | Action Points | Accuracy | Type | Property | Description
--- | -- | - | - | - | - | ---------
==REPLACE== | 0BP | 0AP | ≥2 | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE==
==REPLACE== | 0BP | 0AP | ≥2 | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE==
==REPLACE== | 0BP | 0AP | ≥2 | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE==
==REPLACE== | 0BP | 0AP | ≥2 | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE== | ==REPLACE==
Basic Attack | 4BP | 4AP | ≥2 | Typeless | Default | Property determined by the User's highest Offensive Stat. Changes Type according to the use of a Type Gem. The simplest Move a Pokémon can use.

**RP MOVES (2 slots)**
Moves that cannot be used in battle, but during RP segments. You may have two of them at a time.
Name of Move | Description
------ | :----: 
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description

!!! note You have a base of 10 IP and each Skill costs a certain amount of it to equip.
    You have 0 points to spend.
    0/10 IP | ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
IQ Skills Active/Inactive | Description of Skill | IP Cost
------ | :----: | ------
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant IQ slot. | N/A
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant IQ slot. | N/A
3. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant IQ slot. | N/A
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description. | N/A
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description. | N/A

!!! note You have skills that can be Trained and applied to situations where they make sense.
    These may help you in segments where combat is unnecessary or just to simply show your prowess.
Attributes | Tier Bonus | Description
------ | :----: | :----: 
Attribute: EXAMPLE  | Tier **ɪɪ** (+2) | A skill to help you.
Attribute: EXAMPLE  |  ᴍᴀx (+3) | A skill to help you.
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE  | Tier **ɪɪ** (+2) | This move is improved.
Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE  |  ᴍᴀx (+3) | This move is mastered.

Training | Completion | Progress (Numerical) | Progress Bar
------ | :----: | :----: | :----:
Training for Attribute: EXAMPLE **ɪ** | Tier **ɪɪ** (+2) | 1/3 | ▮▯▯
Training for Battle Attribute: EXAMPLE **ɪ** | Tier **ɪɪ** (+2) | 1/6 | ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Training for Move: EXAMPLE | *ᴛʀᴀɪɴᴇᴅ* | 1/5 |  ▮▯▯▯▯
Currently Training for Stat: EXAMPLE **ɪ** | Tier **ɪ** (+1 STAT) | 1/9 | ▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
Stat: EXAMPLE **ɪɪɪ** | ᴍᴀx (+3 STAT) | 9/9 | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

**INVENTORY (4 slots)**
!!! note Items your character is carrying with them. 
    Moves or Items can steal from this inventory. Your Worn/Held Item has its own dedicated slots.
Item Name | Description
------ | :----: 
*Worn/Held Item: N/A* | Vacant Worn/Held slot.
*Equipped Item: N/A* | Vacant hand slot.
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.
3. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.
4. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.

**STORAGE (2 slots)**
!!! note Extra slots separate from your normal inventory.
    Items in here cannot be stolen or lost during an adventure. They are kept protected in the base. However, they cannot be drawn from as they are in storage. Inventory should be updated outside an active adventure.
Item Name | Description
------ | :----: 
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.

**RP/QUEST STORAGE ( slots)**
!!! note Inventory dedicated to extra stuff. 
    Things that are important or required for future quests to function. RP items are all the extra things that do not have any function in combat or other bonus granting ability. Normal items can be moved into RP storage, but they *cannot* be returned to being a normal item.
Type | Item Name | Description
------ | ------ | :----: 
Key Item | Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.
RP Item | Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Vacant inventory slot.

**OLD MOVES ( slots)**
These are moves that your character learned already, but elected to replace. Re-learning them is cheaper.
Name of Move | Description
------ | :----: 
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ | Description

Stuff You Might Need to Copy

Below are things you will need for your Character Sheet. In order to save you some time, they have been provided.





Copy and Paste Text

Tier **ɪ**
Tier **ɪɪ**
Tier **ɪɪɪ**
Level Damage Bonus **ɪ**
Level Damage Bonus **ɪɪ**
Level Damage Bonus **ɪɪɪ**
Level Damage Bonus **ɪᴠ**
Level Damage Bonus **ᴠ**
♂ ♀

Badge Ranks

Below are the things you'll need to replace the badges when you increase your badge rank.
Also, no, the Hyper Rank replacing Ace Rank is not a typo. It's really weird that the badge appearance quality has a downgrade before reaching Master Rank.

Rookie Rank 0/400 points to Normal Rank Rookie Rank

->Rookie Rank<-
->*0/400 points to Normal Rank*<-
->![Rookie Rank](<-

Normal Rank 0/1200 points to Bronze Rank Normal Rank

->Normal Rank<-
->*0/1200 points to Bronze Rank*<-
->![Normal Rank](<-

Bronze Rank 0/2000 points to Silver Rank Bronze Rank

->Bronze Rank<-
->*0/2000 points to Silver Rank*<-
->![Bronze Rank](<-

Silver Rank 0/4000 points to Gold Rank Silver Rank

->Silver Rank<-
->*0/4000 points to Gold Rank*<-
->->![Silver Rank](<-

Gold Rank 0/5500 points to Platinum Rank Gold Rank

->Gold Rank<-
->*0/5500 points to Platinum Rank*<-
->![Gold Rank](<-

Platinum Rank 0/7000 points to Diamond Rank Platinum Rank

->Platinum Rank<-
->*0/7000 points to Diamond Rank*<-
->![Platinum Rank](<-

Diamond Rank 0/9000 points to Ace Rank Diamond Rank

->Diamond Rank<-
->*0/9000 points to Ace Rank*<-
->![Diamond Rank](<-

Ace Rank 0/12000 points to Master Rank Ace Rank

->Ace Rank<-
->*0/12000 points to Master Rank*<-
->![Ace Rank](<-

Master Rank 0/25000 points to Grand Master Rank Master Rank

->Master Rank<-
->*0/25000 points to Grand Master Rank*<-
->![Master Rank](<-

Grand Master Rank MAX Rank Achieved! Grand Master Rank

->Grand Master Rank<-
->***MAX** Rank Achieved!*<-
->![Grand Master Rank](<-

Level Table

Below are the levels. Increases in level bonuses have been marked for your convenience. You start with 1 Stat Point you can freely distribute anywhere, separate from your Species' Bonus Stat.
For a rule of thumb:

  • HP increases every 3 levels.
  • Stat Points increase every 4 levels.
  • As you level up, you gain a passive bonus to both offensive and defensive stats.
Level Base HP Stat Points Level Bonus EXP Requirement
Lvl. 5 20 1 +0 50
Lvl. 6 20 1 +0 60
Lvl. 7 20 1 +0 70
Lvl. 8 20 2 +0 80
Lvl. 9 21 2 +0 90
Lvl. 10 21 2 +0 100
Lvl. 11 21 2 +0 110
Lvl. 12 22 3 +0 120
Lvl. 13 22 3 +0 130
Lvl. 14 22 3 +0 140
Lvl. 15 23 3 +0 225
Lvl. 16 23 4 +0 240
Lvl. 17 23 4 +0 255
Lvl. 18 24 4 +0 270
Lvl. 19 24 4 +0 285
Lvl. 20 24 5 +1 400
Lvl. 21 25 5 +1 420
Lvl. 22 25 5 +1 440
Lvl. 23 25 5 +1 460
Lvl. 24 26 6 +1 480
Lvl. 25 26 6 +1 625
Lvl. 26 26 6 +1 650
Lvl. 27 27 6 +1 675
Lvl. 28 27 7 +1 700
Lvl. 29 27 7 +1 725
Lvl. 30 28 7 +1 750
Lvl. 31 28 7 +1 775
Lvl. 32 28 8 +1 800
Lvl. 33 29 8 +1 825
Lvl. 34 29 8 +1 850
Lvl. 35 29 8 +1 875
Lvl. 36 30 9 +1 900
Lvl. 37 30 9 +1 925
Lvl. 38 30 9 +1 950
Lvl. 39 31 9 +2 975
Lvl. 40 31 10 +2 1000
Lvl. 41 31 10 +2 1230
Lvl. 42 32 10 +2 1260
Lvl. 43 32 10 +2 1290
Lvl. 44 32 11 +2 1320
Lvl. 45 33 11 +2 1350
Lvl. 46 33 11 +2 1380
Lvl. 47 33 11 +2 1410
Lvl. 48 34 12 +2 1440
Lvl. 49 34 12 +2 1470
Lvl. 50 34 12 +2 1500
Lvl. 51 35 12 +2 1530
Lvl. 52 35 13 +2 1560
Lvl. 53 35 13 +2 1590
Lvl. 54 36 13 +2 1350
Lvl. 55 36 13 +2 1375
Lvl. 56 36 14 +2 1400
Lvl. 57 37 14 +2 1425
Lvl. 58 37 14 +2 1450
Lvl. 59 37 14 +3 1475
Lvl. 60 38 15 +3 900
Lvl. 61 38 15 +3 915
Lvl. 62 38 15 +3 930
Lvl. 63 39 15 +3 945
Lvl. 64 39 16 +3 960
Lvl. 65 39 16 +3 975
Lvl. 66 40 16 +3 990
Lvl. 67 40 16 +3 1005
Lvl. 68 40 17 +3 1020
Lvl. 69 41 17 +3 1035
Lvl. 70 41 17 +3 840
Lvl. 71 41 17 +3 852
Lvl. 72 42 18 +3 864
Lvl. 73 42 18 +3 876
Lvl. 74 42 18 +3 888
Lvl. 75 43 18 +3 900
Lvl. 76 43 19 +3 912
Lvl. 77 43 19 +3 924
Lvl. 78 44 19 +3 936
Lvl. 79 44 19 +4 948
Lvl. 80 44 20 +4 960
Lvl. 81 45 20 +4 972
Lvl. 82 45 20 +4 984
Lvl. 83 45 20 +4 996
Lvl. 84 46 21 +4 1008
Lvl. 85 46 21 +4 1020
Lvl. 86 46 21 +4 1032
Lvl. 87 47 21 +4 1044
Lvl. 88 47 22 +4 1056
Lvl. 89 47 22 +4 1068
Lvl. 90 48 22 +4 2700
Lvl. 91 48 22 +4 2730
Lvl. 92 48 23 +4 2760
Lvl. 93 49 23 +4 2790
Lvl. 94 49 23 +4 2820
Lvl. 95 49 23 +4 2850
Lvl. 96 50 24 +4 2880
Lvl. 97 50 24 +4 2910
Lvl. 98 50 24 +4 2940
Lvl. 99 50 24 +4 2970
Lvl. 100 50 25 +5 3000
Pub: 20 Jan 2023 12:41 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2024 16:56 UTC
Views: 6107