` ` If you truly loved me, you wouldn't have fallen for someone else so easily. ` `

You locked me in that black room. You made me witness us killing eachother again.

DO NOT INTERACT. Basic dni criteria. YTTD fandom (I have bad memories related im sorry.) Countryhumans, MHA, Genshin and toxic fandoms in general. Disrespecting ships that arent proships. Faking mental illnesses. Stop it. If you're just not nice in general. Dont ever come close. Mentioning about abuse or any kind of traumas without consent and warnings... and all for a sudden.

` ` Please hurry leave me i cant breathe. Please dont say you love me. ` ` SPECIFICS. Coffee/Kohi/Lilith ;; WE HATE YOU COFFEE. SHAWN HATED YOU EVER SINCE YOU DROPPED US. No you never deserve forgiveness cause you'd never TRY to realize what you've done. I hate you. You're an abusive and manipulative shit.
Sot/Shoto ;; Die. I have no words. You were so harsh on us for what??? all for attention?? Ykw i have no words just go and never come back.

Eclarris ;; Insert the same paragraph i wrote about Mari here. I regret giving you so much chances and i never realized you could never change. You can hate me as much as you can but you cant fucking hide the truth.
Atlus/Alef ;; I regret having you as my friend. Forever. Thats all what i can say.

Go back in time

Pub: 24 Jul 2023 11:35 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2023 04:40 UTC
Views: 238