update log for rose's resources

( larger resource updates will be logged here )

now listed from newest to oldest !

go back?
20/4/2024 : fixed all of the links in the discord
servers section ! I think a few of the servers I listed
were deleted unfortunately , so I added a new server
link at the very top of the list ^^

18/4/2024 : I made a rentry template , you can
find it in the templates section here if you want
to check it out ! :D

4/1/2024 : I did a few touchups to make some of
the info easier to read , and I've put the archive into a
separate rentry , so that it's easier to look at on the eyes !

31/12/2023 : finally finished putting everything in
the archive today ! ^^

31/12/2023 : I decided to archive less resources mainly
because it was really exhausting , so I've removed everything
in the archive section that I haven't archived yet ^^; however ,
I still managed to archive a lot for you guys ! :D I will be planning
to archive a few more pixel resources , just before the update as
well >:D ( I keep saving so many pixels in my files it's insane LOL )

29/12/2023 : added lots of laces in the lace section , and
added invites to the servers in the discord servers section ,
but the descriptions of the servers are still a work in progress !
I also fully set up the archive , and so far I've successfully
archived ashepixels entirely and almost completely
archived everything on cielpixels too ! ^^

27/12/2023 : finally ensured that every template with
discord links is still usuable with the + symbol addition ! :D
( it's soon gonna be time for me to archive every single site
in the archive section 😭... SEND HELP PLEASE LOL )

25/12/2023 : IT'S ALMOST TOMORROW ! but somehow I
managed to go on a graphic making spree while I'm still trying
to stay awake for 24 hours so...... 😭 WELL I HOPE YOU GUYS
ENJOY LOL...... I added lots of stuff here :D

25/12/2023 : I added new tips , and sections for
lace , overlays , and discord servers ! I also made a new
graphic with frames in the made by me section , and a few
more f2u graphics here , but those function as examples
for the tips I added as well !

25/12/2023 : thanks so much to everyone that uses
this collection of resources I've compiled , it just makes me
really really happy 💗💗💗 when I think about this actually
being helpful to someone , I feel so motivated to try my best
to make it even more useful for you guys ! :') I hope everyone
is having an awesome day, and sleeping well !! :D

25/12/2023 : HEYY MERRY CHRISTMAS !! 💗🎄 I hope
you're doing amazing !! :D I added and went over lots of
things today ( my sleep schedule has never been this
insane LOL ) , I hope you guys enjoy them ! ^^

24/12/2023 : ( thinking of making the archive section
in a separate rentry , so the main resources one loads
faster as well ! ^^ )

24/12/2023 : figured out how to more efficiently archive
for the archive section , so I'll be sure to archive everything I've
listed .. but also sort them in the same way , too !

19/10/2023 : planning to add a link to my personal
symbol stash , once it's organized !

15/09/2023 : also added a made by me section , for
random things I've edited that can hopefully be useful too !

15/09/2023 : added a link to a rentry collection with
lots of super cute rentry templates !

12/09/2023 : listed some apps and websites for
editing in the tips section , not a huge update but
it could be useful for many people so I'm mentioning it
here :D

12/09/2023 : added a go-to section , mainly for
the most basic essentials that are useful for editing graphics !

06/09/2023 : fixed all the rentry and carrd inspo
links , added a large rentry template collection too ^^
added lots of standard rentry graphics + LOTS of
new symbols in bookmarks section

29/08/2023 : added new templates , also
added my retrospring link for questions and a
beginner's guide to rentry a short while ago !

go back?

Pub: 29 Aug 2023 07:52 UTC
Edit: 20 Apr 2024 09:17 UTC
Views: 1379