better in light mode ! . . .victor he ◞ him . . . auDHD, bipolar, dyslexic, please be patient with me ! favs ; webwide, Q, zad, luchino, dana ! me links ; 1 _ 2 _ 3... dni / byi . bold = important BYI I tend to ramble alot about my interests, if it bothers you then just tell me I dont really have a filter + I make NSFW jokes and say slurs I can, dont be my friend if you cant handle it ! I'm usually a sweetheart!! only rude as a joke or if you are, if you have a crush on me expect to get friendzoned... I'm REALLY clingy........... :( DNI basic dni criteria, andrew and naib (you know who u are!), TT/TD on pt, weirdos.... thats it !

Pub: 06 Aug 2023 13:28 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2023 14:13 UTC
Views: 247