sal's rentry url holder

hiiii i'm sal (he/him) and this is my url holder directory. i took these urls because i might use them in the future or am using them for graphics.

NOTES: I AM IN THE PROCESS OF GETTING RID OF SOME OF MY OLD URLS!! please ask me!!!!!!!!!! and i don't ask for money for urls i am not a freak!! though anything bolded are urls that i would rather not give away. anything linked is something currently decorated/in use. highlighted are my personal favorites. italic are some that i'd rather have a trade for rather than give away, but feel free to ask anyways. url wishlist is below, please let me know if you own these and if they are up for trade/grabs. contact me through discord (saliosis). please let me know if you have questions or concerns!!

WORDGIRL ✩⋆˙ beckybotsford, wordsgirl, wordgirlhub (you are here!), chicasupersabia, wordupitswordgirl, toddscoopsming, tobeymccallister, theodoremccallisterthethird, chucktheevilsandwichmakingguy, rosefranklin, kidmath, captainhuggyface, msquestion, beauhandsome, invisibill, WOORDUP, thedailyrag, byjoveyouvewreckedmyrobot, haveyouseentheremote, tobecky, soup2nuts, theamazingcolossaladventuresofwordgirl, planetlexicon, wordgirlreboot

MONSTER HIGH ✩⋆˙ cleuce, freakyjustgotfabulous, toraliar, moanicadkay, amanitanightshade, cleodenial, scarysweetbirthday

LAZYTOWN ✩⋆˙ stingyspoilero, pixelhyperbyte, stephaniesplits, pieceofcaketobakeaprettycake

THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE ✩⋆˙ thegreatmousedetective, basilofbakerstreet, elementarymydeardawson

YURI!!! ON ICE ✩⋆˙ yuriplisetsky, yurisagape,, georgipopovich, popovich, supergeorgi milababicheva, yuriosboyfriend (my old user!!), welcometothemadness lol

A3! ✩⋆˙ irlyukirurikawa, MAWASE STREAM REAL LUCK, nanaover

MUSIC ✩⋆˙ circadianclock, brightsideredux, goodmorningtuscon, stickingittomyself, nowiamanarsonist, thestache, todaywithyourwife, jesuisrickspringfield, nobodylovesyoulikeme, codemonkeylikeu, artificialheart, bitterruin, wavesbybitterruin, chronologybybitterruin, leatherforhell, a-brand-new-me

PERSONAL BRANDING ✩⋆˙ saliosis (MAIN RENTRY!!) , salioso, salsona, thepisforpiss, museverse, museversed, redsquad, violetsiblings, hugofinnwyle, indigolucero, copperperce, indifire, valentugo, goobmfie, arloandamali

MISC ✩⋆˙ gooby2009 (:skull:), goobyshop (THIS IS A JOKE), scarletsetsky, saleasyread, shirtlessabyo, shezows, dancebreak, arthurchristmas, pinoying, pattonoswalticeburg, filipinonicaraguan, untouchaballs

URLS HOLDING FOR FRIENDS ✩⋆˙ baelfire, amorefamily, amoresiblings, stitchtasticxx

WISHLIST ✩⋆˙ cleodenile, draculaura, yukirurikawa, gooby, codemonkey....... please give me them, i am just a guy!!!


scroll back up for the rules if you forgor idk

Pub: 14 Jul 2023 16:51 UTC
Edit: 23 Jan 2025 02:48 UTC
Views: 1352