This will become a megathread of weather resources
- If you're looking for weather resources, you've come to the right place.
Bookmark this URL
- This information will be frequently updated.
- Be cautious when clicking links. There's always a slim chance a website is no longer in existence.
- If at any time a link goes down, let me know immediately so I can update the thread accordingly.
Everything is a work in progress
⛈️ Severe Weather Resources
- US Severe Weather Resources
🌀Tropical Weather Resources
- US Based Tropical resources
🔥 Fire Resources
- US/Canada Fire resources
😶🌫️ Air Quality Resources
- US/Canada Air Quality resources
🦣 Mastodon Resources
- Recommended weather/climate accounts, bots & hashtags to follow on Mastodon.
To be worked on:
- ❄️ Winter
- 📖 Learning Resources
- 🛰️📊 Weather Modeling Sites
- ⚙️ Weather Software, apps & tools
- 🤓 Enthusiast Websites
Still unsure what format to have all of this in. That will be determined in time.