zoku's Art Style Repo for illustrious
The art style might not always be consistent between prompts, so treat the images as a reference rather than the final style!
Click on the images to visit the artist's Danbooru page.
Press Ctrl+F (or 'Find in Page' on mobile) and search for 'scenery' to find landscape artists.
prompt used:
1girl, solo, upper body, straight-on, small breasts, :d, waving, red hair, long hair, bangs, green eyes, turtleneck sweater, light blue sweater, sweater tucked in, black skirt, pencil skirt, white bag, standing, outdoors, city, scenery
control image:

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high impact styles
0 - C
122pxsheol |
60mai |
96yottea |
abandon ranka |
aduti momoyama |
advarcher |
aelion draws |
afrobull |
agahari |
agoto |
ainy |
akano murasaki |
akino sora |
akita hika |
akiyama cz4a |
akiyama enma |
alecto 0 |
aleriia v |
alu.m \(alpcmas\) - scenery artist |
alzi xiaomi |
ame usari |
aogisa |
aoin |
appleblossomtea |
aragiken |
araneesama |
archlich |
ardenlolo |
arsh \(thestarwish\) |
ask \(askzy\) |
asteroid ill - scenery artist |
au \(d elete\) |
avogado6 |
awarinko |
bai qi-qsr |
baifeidaiwang |
bartolomeobari |
bayeuxman |
belko |
betabeet |
bigrbear |
binggong asylum |
blackbox \(blackbox9158\) |
blade \(galaxist\) |
blew andwhite |
bluefield |
bumgae |
buri \(retty9349\) |
buzzlyears |
carbohydrate \(asta4282\) |
cesar art456 |
cessa |
chalseu |
chan8016 |
chariko |
cherry-gig |
chihuri |
chixiao |
choco \(chocovix112\) |
chongzhen 085 |
cocoballking |
cogecha |
creamyghost |
cslucaris |
cuboon |
cutesexyrobutts |
D - G
daniel deng |
daydarion |
deogho \(liujinzy9854\) |
dino \(dinoartforame\) |
dishwasher1910 |
distr |
duke \(inu daimyou\) |
egawa akira |
egawa satsuki |
ehart |
ekm |
ena \(enaa97\) |
enkyo yuuichirou |
enma \(enmanuelart\) |
enosan |
eriimyon |
etsunami kumita |
fajyobore |
feel \(nasitaki\) - scenery artist |
fkey |
flippy \(cripine111\) |
folait |
foxyreine |
fractalmagnolia |
freng |
fugtrup |
fujioka yatsufusa |
full burrrrrrst |
fumio \(rsqkr\) |
fune \(fune93ojj\) |
furahata gen |
fuwafuwatoufu |
gameso |
genek |
gomashio ponz |
gorgeous mushroom |
greatmosu |
gsusart |
gtunver |
guumin |
guweiz |
gyeol124 |
gyoju \(only arme nim\) |
H - K
hara kenshi |
harukira |
hasewo |
hews |
hey taisyou |
hiememiko |
hiroki ree |
hogara |
holy meh |
homare \(fool's art\) |
hong doo |
hongcasso |
honoji |
honzawa yuuichirou |
hoshi san 3 |
hu dako |
huangdanlan |
huanxiang heitu |
hungry clicker |
hyohls2 \(hamao3o\) |
ibsukionsen - scenery artist |
Ilya kuvshinov |
imigimuru |
inaeda kei |
inoitoh |
iparupua |
ishikei |
ivy \(sena0119\) |
iwasaki masakazu |
ixy |
j adsen |
j.k. |
jacknife |
jee-hyung lee |
jess \(p2eocene\) |
jima |
jiro \(ninetysix\) |
john kafka |
jovejun |
jung wonjo |
junpaku karen |
k83 4 |
kaamin \(mariarose753\) |
kabuyama kaigi |
kafun |
kagematsuri |
kagoya1219 |
kaguya \(srx61800\) |
kairunoburogu |
kamu \(kamuuei\) |
kaoming |
kaoru \(alicemakoto\) |
kaoruru \(sakuno2911\) |
karosu maker |
kashu \(hizake\) |
keenbiscuit |
kenshin187 |
kevn |
kgt \(pixiv12957613\) |
khyle. |
kibadori rue |
kiliko-san |
kim hyung tae |
kinohara kossuta |
kishida mel |
kittew |
kkuem |
koflif |
koh \(minagi kou\) |
kokolokokomika |
kokomi \(aniesuakkaman\) |
kokukyukeo |
komena \(shinyday312\) |
konishi \(koconatu\) |
konka |
konno takashi |
koshika rina |
koto inari |
koyorin |
kuroduki \(pieat\) |
kuroha \(rockluo213\) |
kurumi \(recycllamo\) |
kyuuba melo |
kyuuso inukami |
L - N
limart |
lindaroze |
loen |
maenoo |
maiqo |
makimura shunsuke |
makoron117117 - scenery artist |
mamaloni |
mateus upd |
matsuko \(mrimri3\) |
melon22 |
meltyrice |
merunyaa |
mibry \(phrysm\) |
micchan \(micchanmeido\) |
miho \(mymiho\) |
mika pikazo |
mikan \(manmarumikan\) |
mikurou \(nayuta\) |
milkpanda |
mirage \(rairudiseu\) |
misaka 12003-gou |
misaki \(mskmmti\) |
missandydandy |
misyune |
mizuumi \(bb\) |
mk \(mod0\) |
mks - scenery artist |
mocha \(cotton\) - scenery artist |
modare |
mogumo |
momisan |
momoko \(momopoco\) |
momozu komamochi |
mon \(monmon2133\) |
monori rogue |
moshimoshibe |
mouyi |
mx2j |
nadegata |
nagainosfw |
nakamura takeshi |
nakano maru |
nanaichi |
nano \(blueoekaki\) |
naokomama |
natsume koji |
nekoshoko |
ngop |
noba |
nokkusuart |
nokoru sora |
notgustiarp |
nyantcha |
O - S
ormille |
oroborus |
otintin |
paintrfiend |
pako \(pakosun\) |
par0llel |
parkgee |
parororo |
picter |
pinepin |
piromizu |
polyle |
pomodorosa |
pottsness |
prywinko |
pupi \(rain prophet\) |
puuzaki puuna |
pyz \(cath x tech\) |
qiandaiyiyu |
quasarcake |
rafchu |
rageman709 |
rakeemspoon |
randomboobguy |
rapa rachi |
rariatto \(ganguri\) |
ratatatat74 |
ratsuku kinoko |
reagan long |
recklessdraw |
redjuice |
redrabbit44 |
redrop |
redum4 |
rei \(sanbonzakura\) |
rejean dubois |
rella |
remsrar |
reoen |
reulem |
revenantart |
ringeko-chan |
ringobatake |
ririko \(fhnngririko\) |
riz |
rnna |
roke \(taikodon\) |
rolua |
rororo |
rr \(suisse200\) |
rumie |
sadakage |
sakimori \(hououbds\) - scenery artist |
samip |
sangsoo jeong |
sasucchi95 |
scavia10 |
semi \(p-poco\) |
shexyo |
sheya tin |
shirabi |
shishi juuroku |
silence girl |
simz |
sin \(sintrybest\) |
sin node |
sky above me |
snegovski |
snugglepuff28 |
soc nau |
speedl00ver |
sunakumo |
suoiresnu |
suujiniku |
T - Z
talgi |
tanemura arina |
tem 1231 |
tetto \(onnoveltet\) |
themaestronoob |
throtem |
timbougami |
tona bnkz |
tonan \(l0l0l0l0l0l\) |
toosaka asagi |
torino aqua |
touyama soboro |
touyarokii |
touzai \(poppin phl95\) |
tuzhate |
twistedscarlett60 |
umigraphics |
unfairr |
uns \(sdsxsoverlord\) |
uqi32 |
ushimittsu |
vlfdus |
wacca005 |
wangxiii |
wani \(perfect han\) |
wanke |
wjs07 |
wlop |
wushier |
xia \(ryugo\) |
xter |
yamaha tsui |
yamanokami eaka |
yamase |
yd \(orange maru\) |
yewang19 |
yomu \(sgt epper\) |
yonesdraws |
yoneyama mai |
yst |
yu-ves |
yugen99 |
yui930 |
yukie \(kusaka shi\) |
yuran |
yuu \(higashi no penguin\) |
yuumei |
yuxing yuhang |
yzr \(yzr99\) |
z3zz4 |
zasshu |
zeon \(zzeeonn\) |
zerocat |
zhumojian |
zukky |
zygocactus |
moderate impact styles
0 - C
7nite |
absent |
ai shou |
aida \(chinhung0612\) |
akechi \(826988799\) |
Angon623 |
anna anon |
ano \(gccx8784\) |
aruk |
axleaki - scenery artist |
axopwx7126 |
azz0422 |
bigmt kid |
bonley |
brat \(brabrabrat00\) |
chuck \(harfmoondark\) |
D - G
d.k |
dh-zone |
duckchuni |
exiadoon |
fluffyebi01 |
francisco fonseca - scenery artist |
freeze-ex |
fuyumurasaki |
green \(greeniris\) |
gugu gugu |
H - K
hanozuku |
hat babo |
heikokuru1224 |
hhh \(wave\) |
hideyoshi ruwwe - scenery artist |
hiiragi akio |
hoshi \(liujingxing333\) |
hua ming wink |
huzurina suruba |
ibsukionsen |
imoko \(imonatsuki\) |
itokon300 |
itsudzumi |
jia redian ruzi ruzi |
jiege |
jiz \(pffbq\) |
jk arts |
k52 |
kaiso \(kaisooekaki\) |
kalak 39 |
kamiya yuu |
kannoaki |
kazenemuri |
keeko \(kk 0012\) |
kiekoio |
kinagi \(3307377\) |
kiyohara hiro |
kono \(xerondan321\) |
kurikabacha |
L - N
lengchan \(fu626878068\) |
ling \(chaaaaanhikari\) |
lium |
manno \(kanpi2100\) |
mento |
Miix777 |
mimiyama kiichi |
miso katsu |
mkt \(buizu-miki\) |
mnce o |
mochimiya \(coyo\) |
moth1 |
myam \(123ab456c\) |
naruse chika |
ndsoda |
neko no kedama |
nhanazawa suou |
nikubou maranoshin |
nishimi shin |
niukou kouzi |
nokaa aru |
nyoomcat |
O - S
octahooves |
oden \(odenzzi\) |
ogata \(ogt illust\) |
okayashi |
p \(pm_611a\) |
pipipipipipipi |
piratescat01 |
pixiescout |
rafaelaaa |
rami rz |
rasetsu001 |
rekka |
renevatia |
rod \(rod4817\) |
rokuzukeita |
ryan reos |
satsuki kei |
shiej007 |
shishima eichi |
shuangbatian |
sierra117renner |
skade |
sklt \(swyt8223\) |
skyrick9413 - scenery artist |
snowcake47 |
soldat \(dndosld73832\) |
sukly |
sylph kim |
T - Z
takarai shunsuke |
tiri man |
toho10min |
toriyarou |
tsukky |
tuda6 |
uchisaki himari |
ullr |
umi endu |
vidoakdame |
watanabe masato - scenery artist |
wuren daoshang dekezong |
xi xeong |
xilmo |
yan kodiac |
yanghua gaizi |
yoellim5 |
yogurt pt |
yoshioka suke |
youlizi-yuri |
yu zhezhe |
yuki \(asayuki101\) |
yuki flourish |
yuu \(plasm\) |
yuushiba |
zhili xingzou |
zhongerweiyuan |
zinfian |
zm-panda- |
zoo \(oukakumaku\) |
low impact styles
0 - C
0nineo9 |
akito1218 |
akni |
alariko - scenery artist |
amane \(7783\) |
aoiabyss |
az79709363 |
babywipes |
bangoul |
bouzu \(bonze\) |
chimmyming |
choko egg |
cohi27151463 |
curry bowl |
D - G
dao \(daao bf\) |
devilzong |
doo58455 |
drive shot |
eda |
eromkk |
fangpeii - scenery artist |
fua1heyvot4ifsr |
gom jabbar - scenery artist |
H - K
hakuramen |
haotmeal |
hoki11 |
husagin |
invaderdarling |
ishida sui |
jiaopiupiu |
kupikuuu |
kutori pan'ya |
L - N
lasengle |
linceyang |
logi bunbukucha |
lokyohayo |
makaron611 |
maruta maruta |
midori \(midori13579\) |
mimoth - scenery artist |
mohaka \(m 0haka\) |
moku \(muooku\) |
momomo12 |
muonrei00 |
nagamerin |
naohiro ito - scenery artist |
nayt layt |
nijihayashi |
O - S
o natsuo88 |
okrdisk2000 |
oyakorodesu |
panmijin99 |
panza |
pe51illust |
ramuri |
reluvy |
ringo no usagi \(artist\) |
ruisuke |
ryugisa |
s7nsles |
sapphi \(sky dreamsky\) |
sei 8220 |
seijousai |
shibakaka - scenery artist |
shinabita nasubi |
shurock - scenery artist |
sorata123 |
sorozukin |
sylux |
T - Z
toomishou |
toscana20460423 |
um 111 |
uu0000322 |
vivid507 |
vt104k |
vxdrq |
xipa |
yoshi \(houndbell\) |
yui930 |
ziyunshanding |
zy \(dondokodo-mu\) |
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