rip pixelbank... to see what they all actually look like, check out my pinterest
i will fix all of this someday... sorry!
fyi, i find it MUCH easier to make templates that have my information and to just let others fuck around with it as much as they want :P i'm still finding a more consistent style of how to format these though (information wise mainly) so it'll change depending on how new they are!
chommy colourful sweets themed wide
twoheadedcaIf pastel yellow c!tommy cow themed thin
jingling light blue & white regal (?) themed thin
cfunny blue starry music themed wide
angelsuplex 'Seraphim on the Ring' themed medium
alienspine dark purple space themed medium
bonnies-bakery pink bonnie's bakery themed medium
pIeats light pink regal (?) cute themed thin
whorI brown & red simple chocolate themed thin
simplest simple no gifs medium
treat all of these like the ship of theseus. i give a simple start, and start fucking around! idc what you change or how much you change it, including how you credit me, lol. if you feel like there's no need to credit me, then don't! credit isn't even needed, but it's appreciated. i don't mind either way
fyi, these are all also made to work and look good on both phone and desktop in turn lol. that's why they're all rather boxey and small! mess with the length of them as much as you wish though lmao
grime-huge resources res butter lists of websites
mikejima caterpie tomomi wilardo watermelon three vamptism-horror & blood warning autism pix gifs epic barok y2k-eyestrain warning gardenia lucypix bonnibel's graphic biscuit literature terror twst namie pixel sugaa favicon masterpost supplies rsrcs xyz pixei kawaii-pixelprincess blinkies cafe ashegifs silliness pagedeco
nuevebesitos frames & tutorials
pixelprincess & ohpixels for buttons!
pixelflags mini pride flags
and postimages! (great for image & gif hosting!
also HOT TIP, it's best to not hotlink images from these respective websites due to the possibility of them going down
and DO NOT USE DISCORD!! discord won't support image hosting soon
anything to ask or say? send me an ask here or ask me here!
(btw i'm aware that these are probably not the prettiest! seeing as how they're all tailored towards myself. this is all just an excuse to decorate more rentrys)