all of my rentry urls in one place!!! my discord is chipjrwi. don't be afraid to just dm and ask for a url i give them away for free 99% of the time.

bolded = important, trade me something :3
highlighted = in use / no trades

wishlist : qotsa debaser jrwi thesmashingpumpkins lancer songsforthedeaf oingoboingo ++ any jrwi urls, any qotsa urls, any pixies urls

chip, rumijrwi, albatrio, gilljrwi, chipjrwi, destinysblade, jrwiapotheosis, jrwipd, rolandeep, jrwibitb, markwinters,
bloodinthebayou, shilojrwi, jrwishilo, sodajrwi, jrwisoda, jrwitheo, shilobathroy, emizeltucker, princeshilobathroy

dimension 20
dimension20, codywalsh, andhera, gorgug, dellosodelarue, wuvvy, riva, bigbarrysyx, hunchcurio, danielfucks, thefix, imeldapulse, conradschintz, anastasiatension

normaloak, scarymarlowe, pussywagon, dndaddies, hermie, scamlikely

critical role
critrole, greymoore

not another dnd podcast
beverlytoegoldIV, moonshinecybin

twotrucks, evendeeper, whitelight, driveaway, knifeparty, offspring, buttholesurfers, barenakedladies, makethegrade, theeverlastinggaze, robcantor

object shows

youtubers + smps
smajor, pissly, orionsound, afterlifesmp, milomumbles, dragonbros, hermitdares, goblands, deckedout, hcs9, olirulz_747

stedward, sbtm, nblnb, d6, tabletoprpg, cerebroslug, samesexmarriage, brennan, pickles, skwisgaar

previous owner of scu, balloonii, thepoweroftwo, and many jrwi urls. goodbye my sweeties

Pub: 28 Feb 2022 21:56 UTC
Edit: 26 Dec 2023 01:15 UTC
Views: 2209